Search (Powerpoint) Flashcards
What are AI search Algorithms useful for?
Search Algorithms help machines to navigate through complex search spaces to find optimal solutions to a wide range of problems.
- Problem-solving
- Route planning
- Efficiency
- Automation
- Decision-making
- Innovation
Vad är en “Fringe”?
En lista av noder som väntas på att bli checked
- inom tree search
Vad är att “expandera en nod”?
Att generera alla dess barn
Vad krävs för att kunna bygga ett system för att lösa ett specifikt problem?
- Define the problem
- Needs precise specifications of INITAL SOLUTION & FINAL SOLUTION
- Analyze the problem
- Select important features
- Isolate and represent
- convert the features into knowledge representation
- Problem solving techniques
- Choose technique and apply
What is a search space? and a search tree?
The search space is all the possible conditions and solutions. A search tree is a tree representaiton of search space, showing possible solutions from initial state
What is the basic idea of tree search algorithms?
A simulated exploration of state space by generating successors of already explored states
What is a Search Strategy?
A strategy to contain the search, it is defined by picking the order of node expansion.
Strategies are evaluated along the following dimensions
Time complexity
Space complexity
What are uninformed search strategies?
They use only the information available in the problem definition
- Breadth-first search
- Uniform-cost search
- Depth-first
How does Breadth-Frist Search work?
Expand the shallowest unexpanded node
The fringe is a FIFO queue, new successors go at the end
What are the properties of Breadth-First Search?
Complete? Yes if the tree is finite
Space? Keeps every node in memory
Optimal? Yes if the cost =1 per step
How does a Depth-First Search Work?
Expand the deepest unexpanded node
The Fringe is a LIFO queue, the successors are put at front
What are the properties of depth-first search
Complete? No: Fails in infinite-depth spaces, or spacies with loops
Optimal? No, or at least not guaranteed
When is Breadth-First or Depth-First best suited?
BFS is best suited for finding the shortest path or all possible solutions.
DSF is better for problems where any solution is acceptable or where the solution is likely to be found closer to the starting point.
How does Uniform-Cost Search Work?
Chooses the option with the lowest Cost.
- Priority Queue
What is informed search?
Informed search uses additional information such as heuristic functions.
What are Heuristic Functions?
Heuristic Functions is a function estimating the cost of reaching a goal state from a given state
What is the A* Algorithm?
The A* Algorithm uses Heuristic functions to estimate the promise of a child with. an Evaluation function
What is the A* evalution function?
f(n) = g(n) + h(n)
f(n) = cost(start, n) + straight-line-distance(n, goal)
- The estimated cost for the rest
g(n) = Cost so far to reach n
h(h) = estimated cost from n to goal
f(n) = estimated total cost of path through n to goal
What are the properties of A* algorithm?
A* always find the shortest path
- Type of Best-First-Search Algorithm
Combines the advantages of Breadth First and Depth first
A* is more efficient than breadth-first
A* GUARANTEES TO FIND THE SHORTEST PATH between the start node and the goal node
What are Local search Algorithms?
In many optimization problems, the path to the goal is irrelevant; the goal state itself is the solution
Hill-climbing search