Search And Kill Stores Flashcards
Anytime the bomb bay doors are open and hydraulic power is required, what must be done?
A safety observer must be posted to ensure the area remains clear.
What position must the bomb bay switch be in before operating the bomb bay doors?
Must be placed to match door position.
Prior to walking under sonobuoy tubes, what three things should you check on a P-3C?
- Sonobuoy safety door open
- Roller switch is fully extended
- “SONO DISABLED” light illuminated in flight station.
What are search stores and what are they usually?
Deplorable stores that are used in searching for and localizing submarine targets.
What are the categories of sonobuoys and how do they differ?
Active - transmit sounds and return echo off of submarines
Passive - essentially underwater microphones (hydrophones)
special purpose - measure ocean temperature (bathythermograph)
How do sonobuoys work?
They receive sounds in the ocean and transmit them to the aircraft.
The on-board processor converts and displays the sound energy at the acoustic operator’s station.
How are sonobuoys launched from a P-3C?
Out of the three pressurized chutes or the free fall chute.
How many sonobuoy launch tubes (SLTs) are there on the P-3C.
48 tubes visible in the bottom of the fuselage near the aft end of the aircraft.
What does PSLT stand for?
Pressurized sonobuoy launch tube.
What eliminates possible damage to the aft under-section of the aircraft fuselage when using the sonobuoy free fall chute?
A protective sleeve is inserted prior to usage.
What is a SUS and its purpose?
Signal underwater sound.
It is a sea water activated signaling device used to communicate with a submerged submarine during exercises.
What are pyrotechnics made of and what are they used for?
They are fireworks adapted for military use.
To produce bright lights or smoke for signaling.
What does MLM stand for and what do they do?
Marine location markers.
Dropped to mark places on ocean surface with smoke. (For submarines or survivors)
What kind of system does the P-8A use to launch weapons and sonobuoys?
A pneumatics launch system.
How many subsystems are in the PLS?
Wing/fuselage pylons
Weapons bay racks
Sonobuoy launcher system
What do kill stores consist of?
Torpedoes, mines, bombs, rockets, and guided missiles.
What is the purpose of a pylon?
To suspend launchers or bomb racks from wings, fuselage or bomb bay.
What is the function of bomb racks?
Carry, arm, and release stores.
How are missile launchers attached to aircraft?
They are suspended from pylons.
What is an AGM?
An Air to Ground Missile used against surface and ground targets.
What is an ATM?
Air-Launched Training Missiles with non-exploding warheads.
What is a CATM?
Captive Air Training Missiles. For aerial target acquisition practice.
They are not launched.
What are DATMs?
Dummy Air Training missiles.
Used to train ground personnel in missile assembly/disassembly, uploading/downloading, and handling procedures.
What are dispensers which contain a number of bomblets for use against armored vehicles, personnel and small craft?
Cluster bombs.
What are full-scale, non-exploding bombs?
Practice bombs.
What are the bomb of choice for Naval Aviation?
Low drag general purpose (LDGP) bombs.
What is the primary objective of mining operations?
Defend and control vital straights, port approaches, convoy anchorages, and seaward coastal barriers.
What are the primary weapon used in antisubmarine warfare?