Aircrew Survival Equipment Flashcards
What provides crew environment control and electronic equipment cooling both in flight and on the ground?
Environmental/pressurization system.
Why is evacuation or oxygen recommended until ventilation is established with Halon?
It may produce decomposition by-products characterized by a sharp odor that may be harmful.
What is used to keep the cabin pressurized to an equivalent altitude of 10,000 feet?
Pressure controller in the flight station
Engine driven compressors (EDCs) on engines 2 and 3
Air cycle cooling system (ACCS)
How many parachutes are located throughout the P-3C’s cabin and what kind are they?
thin pack parachute assembly.
How many parachutes are located throughout the P-8A’s cabin and what kind are they?
Thin pack parachute assembly.
What equipment is the P-3C equipped with for use during emergency situations?
Life vests Life rafts (3) Fire axe (1) Fixed oxygen (3) Portable oxygen (7) First aid kit (2) Fire extinguisher (3) Anti-exposure suits Emergency destruct kit (1) SAR Kit (1) Emergency exit lights (4) EEBD (emergency escape breathing device) VRU (victim rescue unit)
What equipment is the P-8A equipped with for use during emergency situations?
Life vests 12 man life raft (2) Crash axe (1) Fixed oxygen (19) Portable oxygen (5) Mini oxygen (1) First aid kit (2) Fire extinguisher (6) Survival suits (21) Emergency destruct kit (1)
How many and what type of portable fire bottles are inside the P-3C and where are they?
Three (either halon or CO2)
By the NAV/COM Station, aft of sonobuoy racks and fastened to J2 electronics rack in the aft cabin.
What fire extinguishing devices are incorporated in the engines of a P-3C?
A high rate discharge (HRD) fire bottle and an explosive cartridge actuated device (CAD).
What is the fire suppression method for a P-3C’s APU?
One HRD bottle that is automatically discharged in the event of an APU fire.
How many and what type of portable fire bottles are inside the P-8A and where are they used?
Six fire bottles.
FE-36 (Hydro fluorocarbon) extinguishing agent is used in pressurized areas.
Monnex (Potassium bicarbonate dry powder pressurized with nitrogen) is used in unpressurized ares.
What does each engine fire extinguisher system on the P-8A consist of?
Two engine fire extinguisher bottles
Two engine fire switches
And an EXT TEST switch
What does the APU’s fire suppressing system on the P-8A consist of?
One HRD bottle that is automatically discharged in the event of an APU fire.
What detects incendiary ballistic threats and fires and commands fire suppressors in appropriate bays?
12 fire protection control units within the fuselage.
Where is cargo loaded and what is provided to secure the load? (P-3C)
In a designated area aft of the sonobuoy storage rack.
A cargo net.
What is included in a life preserver assembly?
A survival pouch including: A signaling whistle, sea dye marker, and a chemical light.
CO2 cylinders actuated by pulling beaded handles at waist.