SE22 Flashcards
Aquarius Golf Club
Marmora road Two Way Area: Forest Hill Road Arrival Details: Forest Hill road North into Marmora road Aquarius Golf Club Facing Departure details: L/by F Marmora road LorR Forest Hill road or R Homestall road to LorR Peckham Rye Notes: Enter/Exit same
Camberwell Old Cemetery
Forest Hill road Two Way Area: Forest Hill Road Arrival Details: South West on Forest Hill road Departure details: N.West FAL Dunstans road FAR Colyton road to L Homestall road S.East FAL Brenchley Gardens FAR Wood Vale Notes: Enter/Exit same
Harris Girls Sports Academy
Homestall road Two Way Area: Forest Hill Road Arrival Details: East on Homestall road Departure details: North LorR Peckham Rye South FAR Colyton road L Forest Hill road F Dunstans road R Peckham Rye OR R Marmora road to L Forest Hill road Notes: Enter/Exit same
Herne Tavern
Forest Hill road One Way Area: Forest Hill Road Arrival Details: Peckham Rye R into ONE WAY Forest Hill road SDOL Departure details: LOL Forest Hill road, LorR St.Aidans road L to LorR Dundehill road R to LorR Peckham Rye
Peckham Rye Park
Peckham Rye Two Way Area: Forest Hill Road Arrival Details: East on Peckham Rye Departure details: North FAL Barry road FAR Peckham Rye comply - NO R East Dulwich Road South FAL Colyton road FAR St.Aidans road Notes: Enter/Exit same
Piermont Green
Peckham Rye Two Way Area: Forest Hill Road Arrival Details: South West on Peckham Rye Departure details: L/by LorR Peckham Rye North FAL Barry road South FAL Colyton road FAR St.Aidans road Notes: Enter/Exit same
Actress PH
Crystal Palace road Two Way Area: Barry road Arrival Details: Crystal Palace road on West Departure details: North FAL Crawthew grove, R Spurling road to Goose Green roundabout FAR F Adys road R Oglanders road South FAL Upland road FAR North Cross road Notes: Enter/Exit same
Dulwich Library
Lordship Lane
Two Way
Area: Barry road
Arrival Details: West on Lordship Lane
Departure details: North FAL Eynella road FAR Barry road South FAL Upland road FAR Dulwich Common
Notes: Enter/Exit same
East Dulwich Police Station - closed
Lordship Lane Two Way Area: Barry road Arrival Details: East on Lordship Lane Departure details: North FAL Blackwater st FAR Whateley road South FAL Whateley road FAR Townley road Notes: Enter/Exit same
Halliwell court
Barry road Two Way Area: Barry road Arrival Details: West on Barry road Departure details: North FAL/R Upland road South FAL/R Underhill road Notes: Enter/Exit same
Rye Hotel PH
Peckham Rye Two Way Area: Barry road Arrival Details: East on Peckham Rye Departure details: North L ONLY Peckham Rye South FAL Nunhead Lane FAR East Dulwich road Notes: Enter/Exit same
St.Thomas More Hall - Closed
Lordship Lane Two Way Area: Barry road Arrival Details: West on Lordship Lane Departure details: North FAL East Dulwich Grove FAR East Dulwich road South FAL Whateley road FAR Blackwater st Notes: Enter/Exit same
The Gardens
Peckham Rye Two Way Area: Barry road Arrival Details: West on Peckham Rye Departure details: North FAL East Dulwich road FAR NO RIGHT East Dulwich road - R Peckham Rye South FAL Colyton road FAR Barry road Notes: Enter/Exit same
Townley Clinic
Townley road Two Way Area: Barry road Arrival Details: North on Townley road Departure details: East FAL/R Lordship lane West L/R East Dulwich Grove Notes: Enter/Exit same
Cherry Tree PH
Grove Vale