E1 Flashcards
The Green Bridge
Mile end road East FAL Grove rd FAR Burdett rd West FAL Harford st
Harford st west
Anchor Retail Park
Mile end rd Area: Beaumont square Arrival details: North from Mile End Road Departure details: LorR Mile End Rd or F Stepney Green
London Independent Hospital
Beaumont Square on West Two Way Arrival Details: Via White Horse Lane or Beaumont Grove.
Ocean Estate
Ernest Street on North Two Way Area: Beaumont square Arrival Details: Between White Horse Lane and Harford street.
Rectory square
White Horse Lane Two Way Area: Beaumont square Arrival Details: West from White Horse Lane. Departure details: LorR White Horse Lane
Rosalind Green Hall
Sepney Green Two Way Area: Beaumont square Arrival Details: Left only from Mile End Rd into Hayfield Passage F Stepney Green SDOL Departure details: North L or R Stepney Green South FAL White Horse Lane FAR Stepney High st
Stepney Green Station
Mile End Rd Two Way Area: Beaumont Square Arrival Details: SDOL ONLY South into White Horse Lane, R Eastbury Terrace, F Beaumont Square, R Maria Terrace, L Beaumont Grove R Mile End Rd SDOL Departure details: FAL Globe Rd FAR White Horse Lane
Trafalgar Gardens
White Horse Lane on East
Cable st Inn Hotel
Cable st
One Way
Area: Shadwell Station
Arrival Details: South on cable st
Departure Details: LorR Cannon st road
Notes: Enter by King David Lane or Sutton st
Chancery House
Lowood st
Two Way
Area: Shadwell Station
Arrival Details: Cable st, South into Bewley st, L Lowood st SDOR
Departure Details: LOL Lowood st, R Bewley st, L Cable st
Notes: Enter/Exit same
Dockside Hotel
Sutton st
Two Way
Area: Shadwell Station
Arrival Details: East on Sutton st
Departure Details: North LorR Commercial road
South R Cable st
Notes: Enter/Exit same
Shadwell DLR Station
Watney st
Two Way
Area: Shadwell Station
Arrival Details: East on Watney st
Departure Details: North R Tarling st, L Sutton st
South r Cable st
West ONE WAY CHAPMAN ST to Cannon st road
Notes: Enter/Exit same
Shadwell Fire station
Cable st
One Way
Area: Shadwell Station
Arrival Details: South on Cable st
Departure Details: LorR Cannon st road
Notes: Enter by Sutton st or King David lane
St. Georges Pool
The Highway
Two Way
Area: Shadwell Station
Arrival Details: North on The Highway - King David Lane, L Cable st, L Cannon st road, L The Highway SDOL
Departure Details: East FAL King David lane
FAR F Limehouse Link
West FAL F East Smithfield
FAR Cannon st road
Watney Market
Tarling st
Two Way
Area: Shadwell Station
Arrival Details: North on Tarling st
Departure Details: East LorR Sutton st
West L Watney st, R Chapman st or Cable st
Notes: Enter/Exit same