E16 Flashcards
Ashmead Business Centre
Cody road Two Way Area: West Ham Station Arrival Details: West into Stephenson st from Manor road, R Cody rd, R into ABC Departure details: L/by Cody road, LorR Stephenson st Notes: enter from East India Dock Road, One way Bidder st back into stephenson st
Canning Town Station
Silverton Way
Two Way
Area: Morning Lane
Arrival Details: West on Silverton Way
Departure Details: North Comply Canning Town Junction
South FAL Caxton st North, L Victoria Dock road
FAR F Silvertown Viaduct
Notes: Enter/Exit same
Excel Exhibition Centre
Western gateway
Two Way
Area: Morning Lane
Arrival Details: Silvertown Viaduct, East into Tidal Basin road, R Western Gateway, Excel Exhibition Centre facing
Departure Details: L/By F Western Gateway, either comply Roundabout L/By Lower Lea Crossing or
L Tidal Basin Road LorR Silvertown Viaduct
Notes: Enter/Exit same
Holiday Inn Express, Royal Docks
Silvertown Way
Two Way
Area: Morning Lane
Arrival Details: East on Silvertown Way
Departure Details: LOL ONLY. T/A - L Shirley street, R Turner st, R St. Luke’s Square, R Jude st, L Shirley st
South FAL Shirley street
F Silvertown Viaduct
Notes: T/A
London City Airport
Hartmann road
Two Way
Area: Morning Lane
Arrival Details: Silertown way -viaduct - way, f North Woolwich road comply roundabout L/By Connaught Bridge, Comply Roundabouts L/By Connaught road, L Hartmann road SDOL
Departure Details: LOR Hartmann road, R Connaught road,Comply roundabouts, L/By Connaught Bridge South, Comply roundabout, L/by North Woolwich road, F Silvertown Way
Notes: Enter/Exit same
Pepenero Restaurant
Silvertown Way
Two Way
Area: Morning Lane
Arrival Details: East on Silvertown Way
Departure Details: North Comply Canning Town junction
South F Silvertown Viaduct
Notes: Enter/Exit same
Rathbone Market
Barking road
Two Way
Area: Morning Lane
Arrival Details: South on Barking road
Departure Details: East comply Canning Town Junction
Notes: Enter/Exit same
Royal Victoria DLR Station
Victoria Dock road
Two Way
Area: Morning Lane
Arrival Details: Silvertown Way, L George st, R Caxton st North, L Victoria Dock road SDOR
Departure Details: LOR Victoria Dock road, R Tarling road, L Jude st, R Shirley st, L Ruscoe road, L Hallsville road, LorR Silvertown Way
Notes: ONE WAY SOUTH Caxton st North
Sphere Building
Hallsville road
Two Way
Area: Morning Lane
Arrival Details: South on Hallsville road
Departure Details: LOL Hallsville road, LorR Silvertown Way
Notes: Enter/Exit same
Canning Town Library
Barking road
Two Way
Area: Star Lane
Arrival Details: North on Barking road
Departure Details: East FAL Ordnance road
FAR Beckton road
West Comply Canning Town Junction
Notes: Enter/Exit same
Celia Hammon Animal Trust
Barking road
Two Way
Area: Star Lane
Arrival Details: North on Barking road
Departure Details: East FAL Hemitt road
FAR Beckton road
West FAL Comply Canning Town Junction
FAr Ordnance road
Notes: Enter/Exit same
Central East Taxi Inspection
North Crescent
Two Way
Area: Star Lane
Arrival Details: Barking road slip, L Stephenson st, L Bidder st, L Stephenson st, L Cody road, F + R North Crescent SDOR
Departure Details: LOL + L North Crescent, F Cody road, LorR Stephenson st
Eastlea Community College
Hilda road
Two Way
Area: Star Lane
Arrival Details: Star Lane, North into Hilda road Facing Eastlea Community College
Departure Details: L/by F Hilda road, LorR Star Lane
Notes: Enter/Exit same
Europa Trading Park
Cody road
Two Way
Area: Star Lane
Arrival Details: Stephenson st, L Bidder st, L Stepehnson st , L Cody road SDOL
Departure Details: LOR Cody road, LorR Stephenson st to (South) L Barking road slip to Canning Town Junction
(North) LorR Manor road
Ordnance road
Barking road
Two Way
Area: Star Lane
North LorR Star Lane
South LorR Barking road