SE15 Flashcards
Action for Blind
Sandgate St Two Way Area: Rolls Road Arrival Details: North Old Kent Rd into Sandgate St, SDOL. Departure Details: LOL Sandgate st, F Ruby st Notes: RR Hyndman St. Or LL Murdock st Both ONTO OLD KENT ROAD
Galatea Square
Scylla road Two Way Area: Nunhead Station Arrival Details: Nunhead Lane, North into Old James st, R Scylla road, L into Galatea square Departure Details: R into Scylla road (westbound) FAL Old James st, L/R Nunhead Lane or L/R Peckham Rye Notes: Enter/Exit same
Honiton Gardens Estate
Gibbon road Two Way Area: Nunhead Station Arrival Details: East on Gibbon road Departure Details: North LorR Evelina road South FAL Oakdale st FAR Kimberley Avenue Notes: Enter/Exit same
Nunhead Cemetery
Linden Grove Two Way Area: Nunhead Station Arrival Details: S/East on Linden Grove Departure Details: N/East LorR Oakdale st S/West LorR Nunhead Lane or F Consort road Notes: Enter/Exit same
Nunhead Green Community Centre
Nunhead Lane Two Way Area: Nunhead Station Arrival Details: South on Nunhead Lane Departure Details: East F Nunhead Green West FAL Linden Grove FAR Consort road Notes: Enter/Exit same
Nunhead Library
Gordon road Two Way Area: Nunhead Station Arrival Details: West on Gordon road Departure Details: North LorR Brayards road (L ONE WAY ONLY) R LorR Hollydale road South LorR Nunhead Green (L ONE WAY ONLY L Kirkwood road) Notes: Enter/Exit same
Old Nuns Head PH
Nunhead Green Two Way Area: Nunhead Station Arrival Details: North on Nunhead Green Departure Details: North FAL Gordon road South LorR Nunhead Lane Notes: Enter/Exit same
St.Marys road
Between St.Queens road and Evelina road Two Way Area: Nunhead Station North LorR St.Queens road South LorR Evelina road Notes: Enter/Exit same - Rights okay from Main roads
Lister Primary Care Centre
Peckham road
East FAR Lyndhurst Way
Samuel Jones Apartments
Diamond st
South City Court
Peckham Grove
Trinity College Centre
Newent close
L/By Coleman road to L/R Southampton Way
Astbury Business Park
Astbury road
Asylum road
North L/R Old Kent road
South L/R Queen’s road
No Right into from Queens road!
Childrens Society London Office
Queen’s road
East FAL Montpelier road
FAR St. Mary’s road