N16 Flashcards
Aziziye Turkish Mosque
Stoke Newington road
Two Way
Area: Manse road
Arrival Details: West on Stoke Newington road
Departure details: North FAL Walford road
FAR F Stoke Newington High st
South FAL Farleigh road to LorR Amhurst road
FAR Barrats Grove
Notes: Enter/Exit same
Rochester Castle PH
Stoke Newington High st
Area: Manse road
Arrival Details: West on Stoke Newington High st
Departure details: FAL Stoke Newington Church st
FAR Northwold road
Notes: One Way North
Rectory road Station
Evering road
Two Way
Area: Manse road
Arrival Details: North on Evering road
Departure details: East FAL Jenner road
FAR Maury road
West L Only Rectory road
Stoke Newington Police Station
Stoke Newington High st
One Way
Area: Manse road
Arrival Details: West on Stoke Newington High st
Departure details: FAL Victorian Grove
FAR Tyssen road
Notes: One Way North
Tate House
Manse road
One Way
Area: Manse road
Arrival Details: North on Manse road
Departure details: FAL F Evering road to L Stoke Newington road
FAR Evering road
Notes: ONE WAY West
Victorian Grove
Stoke Newington High st
Two Way
Area: Manse road
Arrival Details: West from Stoke Newington High st
Departure details: R Beatty road, L Gunstor road, R Walford road to LorR Nevill road
Notes: North One Way Stoke Newington High st
Walford road Synagogue
Walford road
One Way
Area: Manse road
Arrival Details: South on Walford road
Departure details: East LorR Stoke Newington road or L Gunsor road, R Beatty road, L+R Victorian Grove, L Stoke Newington High st
West LorR Nevill road
Notes: Enter/Exit same
Yucatan Bar
Stoke Newington road
Two Way
Area: Manse road
Arrival Details: West on Stoke Newington road
Departure details: North FAL Beatty road
FAR Amhurst road
South FAL Arcola st
FAR Walford road
Notes: Enter/Exit same
Cinnamon Lounge
Newington Green
One Way
Area: Albion road
Arrival Details: East on Newington Green
Departure Details: FAL Mildmay road or Mildmay Park
Clissold Leisure Centre
Clissold road
Two Way
Area: Albion road
Arrival Details: West on Clissold road
Departure Details: North LorR Newington Church st
South LorR Albion road
Notes: Enter/Exit same
Dissenting Academy PH
Mildmay Park
Two Way
Area: Albion Road
Arrival Details: Newington Green, L/By Mildmay Park SDOL Only
Departure details: LOL Mildmay Park
FAL Mildmay Grove South
FAR Mildmay Grove North
Gate Bar and Brasserie
Newington Green
Two Way
Area: Albion Road
Arrival Details: Newington Green L/By Green Lanes, turnaround SDOL Newington Green
Departure details: FAL Albion road
FAR comply Newington Green
Notes: Enter/Exit same
Milton Garden Estate
Milton Grove
One Way
Area: Albion Road
Arrival Details: Albion road, East into Howard road, L Milton Grove SDOL
Departure details: LOL Milton Grove, L Albion Grove LorR Albion road
Notes: One Way North
Nevill road
Barbauld road
Two Way
Area: Albion Road
Arrival Details: Albion road, East into Barbauld road, LorR Nevill road
Departure details: West Barbauld road to LorR Albion road
East Walford road
Notes: Enter/Exit same
Red Square (Flats)
Piano Lane
Two Way
Area: Albion Road
Arrival Details: North of Carysfort road Facing
Departure details: L/By Piano Lane, LorR Carysfort road
East to LorR Albion road
West R Clissold Crescent to LorR Stoke Newington Church st
Notes: Enter/Exit same