SDH Flashcards
what is the world categorization of “poor” in society
income of $2.50/day or <100php
What is the categorization of “matinding kahirapan”?
income $1/day
Approximately how many are hungry in the world today?
Which of the following statements are true
a. richest 10% of population- 54% of global income
poorest 40% of population- 5% of global income
b.richest 40% of population- 54% of global income
poorest 10% of population- 5% of global income
c.richest 54% of population- 40% of global income
poorest 10% of population- 5% of global income
What is the single most pressing problem in health?
ACCESS to medical care
According to Pres. Aquino, how much of the Filipinos die without medical attention?
6 out of 10
What are the indicators of growth in PNOY’s regime?
6.6% growth in 2012, bigger than the target,
better than expected, Continuous credit rating upgrade, Sustained record high in the stock market
exchange, “Rising tiger” according to the World Bank
Which of the following statements are TRUE about the Philippine situation?
a. the poor is decreasing in number
b. the hungry is decreasing in number
c. the economy has created enough jobs
d. wages are not enough to sustain life
For a family of 6, what is the family living wage according to the National Wages and Productivity Commission?
1017, only includes basic needs; excludes education
Which of the following satements are TRUE?
a. Prices of basic goods are rising as wages rise
b. Pregnancy and childbirth are not anymore dangerous for most women
c.. “Inequalities are particularly high for maternal and
neonatal care.”
The social origins of illness demand
social solutions
“For if _________ is really to accomplish its great task,
it must intervene in _________ and ______ life. It must
point out the hindrances that impede the normal
social functioning of vital processes, and effect their
_______.” – Dr. Rudolf Virchow (1821-1902)
“For if medicine is really to accomplish its great task,
it must intervene in political and social life. It must
point out the hindrances that impede the normal
social functioning of vital processes, and effect their
removal.” – Dr. Rudolf Virchow (1821-1902)
Who said this?
“Health inequity really is a matter of life and death”
Margaret Chan,
Most powerful root causes of disease,health inequalities and social conditions in which people live and work referred to as
Social Determinants of Health
who said this?
“(The) toxic combination of bad policies,
economics, and politics is in large measure
responsible for the fact that a majority of people
in the world do not enjoy the good health that is
biologically possible. Social injustice is killing
people on a grand scale.”
Michael Marmot
What are the recommendations of Commission on Social Determinants of Health?
Publicly funded health care system
Build quality health-care services with
universal coverage, focusing on Primary Health Care
Shift from curative to preventive
Build and strengthen the health
Address congestion of specialists in metro manila
make the Social Determinants of Health, a standard and compulsory part of training of medical and health professionals
What are the more pressing issues since CSDH report?
o Inequities continue to grow
o Global financial crisis -> decline in social protection
o Global warming and other environment threats
o WHO under severe financial pressure
o SDH is NOT enshrined in core WHO business
o Global trade regime continue to be unfair
o Popular protests that need recognition as they
are riven by legitimate concerns about injustices
Why is the 2011 Rio declaration considered as the death bed of CSDH?
Role of private sector, and privatization of health
services is not condemned
Silent on how activities of TNCs will be governed
No call for universal social protection
No endorsement of people’s movement for health
No clout as a binding document
What was the final report (value base) of CSDH?
o Need for more health equity because “it is right
and just”
o Human rights and social justice
o Quality and distribution of health as a basis of
the success of a society
o Empowerment is central
True about CSDH Except
a.Broad global forces of neo-liberalism presented as a
threat to health
b. Detrimental impact of transnational corporations on health is recognized and corporate accountability called for
c. Behavior was mentioned and considered as a very important factor
d. Climate change as a major social determinant of health
e. Political, material and social empowerment seen
as crucial to health
C; Behavior is hardly mentioned- acceptance that
health behavior is largely formed by other
Enumerate the 6 Pillars/Building Blocks of Health
Service Delivery Policy, Standards, Regulation Governance for health Health financing Health human resource Health information
Enumerate the 3 Pillars of Pangkalusugan Pangkalahatan
- Achieving MDG
- Financial Risk Protection
- Health Facilities Enhancement
How is the government trying to achieve financial risk protection?
PhilHealth coverage to reduce risk of putting people in debt
How is the government trying to achieve health facilities enhancement?
Through private public partnership
What are the targets of University Health Care?
- Better Health Outcomes
- Responsive Health System
- Equitable Health Financing
Philhealth makes the government a health service
_________ and no longer as provider
What is the most significant health problem?
What are the characteristics of a desirable medical setting?
Health is the responsibility of the individual,
family, and community (Burden of health is
End Point: Community Development
The community recognizes its obligation to its
members: __________ duty over ________
The community recognizes its obligation to its
members: collective duty over individual
Burden of health care is diminished because it is
Burden of health care is diminished because it is
Where should health care begin?
in the community
The ff statements are TRUE except
a. Health is a right
b. Community development involves problem solving
c. community development is one end point of community medicine
d. The primary role of the physician is to treat the illness
D; maintain health
Steps in building a community-based health program: (ESAPIME)
(1) Establishing rapport
(2) Social Investigation
(3) Analysis with the community
(4) Planning
(5) Implementations
(6) Monitoring
(7) Evaluation
Integration vs. Immersion
integration - Short, brief period of having an
interaction with the community that will give you a snapshot of community life.
Immersion - long, deep interaction with the community. You look at the interaction and dynamics of the people, which drive them to
relate with each other
Community-based vs. Community Oriented
Community oriented wala ka dun sa place
o The funding agencies make the
projects and decisions for the
Community based you are in the place itself
o The community itself makes its own
projects (e.g. a community would
suggest establishing potable water
instead of a malaria reduction program
offered by an NGO)
Med missions and UPCM’s mission vision is an example of community-based or orientation?
Community orientation
Community Diagnosis vs. COPAR
Community diagnosis
- community research; analysis of situation
- prerequisite for any development program in any community
- research collaboration.
- Representatives participate in the research
process as actual partner
- combination of education, research, and action
The ff statements are true about COPAR except
a. Requires value system and commitment
b. based on principles of collective action and comprehensive development
c. Individuals are objects of research
d. You don’t stop at getting the data. You must bring it back to the community
What are examples of COPAR methodologies?
o Walk-through with community mapping o Community consultations/barangay assemblies o Focus or small group discussions o Workshops o Problem tree or SWOT analysis
The ff statements are true about planning EXCEPT
a. it should be multi-stakeholder
b. It should be objectives/results oriented
c. It is important for people to establish ownership of plans
d. Planning should be for appropriate and relevant interventions
B; it should be process oriented. the process is as important as the result
Differentiate monitoring from evaluation
Monitoring- You want to see if the implementation is as planned
Evaluation - List what you did right, wrong, what you should avoid, etc