Screening In Children Flashcards
Over 60% of the states test for what other metabolic disorders?
1- galactosemia
2- hemoglobinopathies
All states currently agree on screening for what two newborn metabolic screens?
1- congenital hypothyroidism
2- PKU
For newborn screening when should testing be performed?
Before discharge and never later than 7 days. If done less than 24 hours then do not wait longer than 1-2 weeks or PKU damage can occur.
When should you refer a 5-6 year old based on what visual abnormality?
A child who cannot read the majority of the 20/30 line.
Is there any abnormality in visual testing that should make you refer at any age?
Any child at any age who has a difference of > 1 line in acuity between left and right eye
When should screening of hearing occur?
100% by age 3 months.
When doing a hearing evaluation what is the loss that is important?
Hearing loss of 35 db or greater in the 500 Hz to 4000 Hz range.
In what situations should hearing be testing?
Bacterial meningitis, neonatal infection (cmv, HSV, rubella, toxo, syphilis), pro toxic drugs (gent), mumps/measles.
When should routine blood pressure screening occur?
Starting at 3 years of age.
How is blood pressure determined for high normal and hypertension?
3 separate readings over a period of days to weeks.
Is universal screening for dyslipidemia recommended?
When is the recommendation for screening a child for dyslipidemia?
1- a positive history of family dyslipidemia.
2- premature CVD in father < 55 yr and < 65 yr in mother.
What are other criteria for dyslipidemia screening?
1- family history not known 2- CVD risk factors of a- overweight bmi > 85% b- obesity > 95% c- cigarette smoking d- diabetes
What is the recommendation for lead screening?
1- region specific screening
2- if regional prevalence of lead is unknown
What ages should be screened for lead?
6-72 months
What are known risk factors for lead?
1-lives or visits a house built before 1950 or remodeling of a house built before 1978
2-child plays with someone with high levels
3- family has rituals remedies with lead
4-parent exposed due to occupation
5- environment known to be high
At what age should risk factors of lead toxicity be assessed?
6 months
What type of blood test should be obtained for possible lead poisoning be done?
Venous blood