Scores for Conditions Flashcards
What score is Used to diagnose DVT/PE?
Wells Score:
> 4 = PE Likely
<4 = D-Dimer test
2> = DVT likely
<2 = D-Dimer Test
What score is used to calculate the probability of a cardiac event in the next 10 years in a patient with no cardiac History?
What score is used to calculate stroke risk after an AF diagnosis
Congestive HF
Age >75 (+2)
Stroke/TIA previously (+2)
Vascular Disease
Age 65-74
Sc (sex category) - Female
Score 1 = moderate risk consider Aspirin
Score 2 or more = high risk - give warfarin
What score is used to assess bleeding risk in patients with AF on anticoagulation?
Used to monitor patients but NOT stop the anticoagulation
What score is used to assess the severity of Heart Failure
NYHA 1-4
1: ASx
2: Sx w/moderate exertion
3: Sx w/mild exertion
4: Sx at rest
What score is used to assess PVD?
Fenton classification 1-4
1: ASx
2: Intermittent Claudication
3: Critical Limb Ischaemia
4: Acute gangrene/acute limb ischaemia
What are the values for Hypertension?
Normal BP = 120/80 - <90/<60
Stage 1:
Clinical = 140/90
AMBP = 135/85
Stage 2:
Clinical = 160/100
AMBP = 150/95
Stage 3:
Clinical = 180/110
Htn Crisis - treat with Phentolamine
What scoring system is used to assess Stage of Lymphoma?
Ann Arbour Staging: 1-4 A/B
1: 1 Lymph Node effected
2: >2 Lymph nodes effected on same side of diaphragm
3: Lymph nodes affected on both sides of the diaphragm
4: Extra organ involvement (out of lymph nodes)
A - no B symptoms
B - Has B Symptoms ((Fever, Night sweats, Weight Loss)
What score is used to assess Ulcerative Colitis Severity?
Truelove and Witts
Mild - <4 stools daily, No fever, Little-no blood and not anaemic
Moderate - 4-6 Stools daily, no fever, some blood and not anaemic
Severe >6 stools daily, fever, visible blood and anaemic
What score is used to assess initial Upper GI bleed?
Glasgow Blatchford score
What score is used to assess severity of Upper GI bleed?
Rockall Score
Recent Haemorrhage
What is the APACHE II score used for?
Assessing the severity of Upper GI bleeds in ICU patients
Eg. acute pancreatitis
What score is used to assess cancers?
What cancers are the alternatives?
Tumour: 1-4,
Nodes: 0, 1, 2
Metastases: 0, 1, X
Prostate = Gleason score 1-4
Lymphoma = Ann Arbour 1-4 A/B
What score is used to assess Hepatic Encephalopathy?
West Haven Criteria 1-4
1: Lack of awareness/reduced attention span
2: Lethargy, Disorientation, Asterixis
3: Unresponsive and incoherent
4: Coma
What score is used to assess breathlessness?
MCR Dyspnoea Scale (used in HF and RESP conditions)
1: Breathless on strenuous exercise
2: Breathless on incline
3: Breathless when walking flat
4: Breathless after 100m/few mins
5: Breathless to do ADLs
What score is used to assess stage of AKI?
- Rise of creatine of 26mg in 48hrs
- Rise of creatine of 1.5x baseline over 7 days
- Urine output <0.5ml/kg/hr for 6 hours
Injury: 2-3x Baseline Cr OR <0.5ml/kg/hr for 12 hours
Failure: 3-4x Baseline Cr OR 0.3ml/kg/hr for 24 hours or Anuria for 12 hrs
Loss: Anuria for 4+ weeks
End of Function: for 3+ months
What score is used to assess stage of CKD?
1 = eGFR >90 w/renal signs
2 = eGFR 60-89 w/renal signs
3a = eGFR 45-59
3b = eGFR 30-44
4 = eGFR 15-29
5 = eGFR <15 (dialysis)
What score is used to assess severity of pneumonia?
Urea >7mmol/l
Respiratory Rate >30/min
BP <90 Sys or <60V Dia
65 years old
0-1: Amoxicillin for 5 days at home
2: Amoxicillin + Clarithromycin for 7-10 days in hospital
> 3 IV Co-amoxiclav + clarithromycin for 7-10 days in ICU
What score is used to assess consciousness?
Glasgow Coma Scale (GCS):
Normal = 15/15
Comatose = <8
Unresponsive = <3
Eyes Opening - n/4
Verbal responsiveness - n/5
Motor Function - n/6
What score is used to assess Stool?
Bristol Stool Chart 1-7
5-7 = Very loose/ Abnormal
What score is used to assess Alcohol Dependency?
CAGE - n/4
Cut Down
2 or more = addiction
What is the Fontaine Score for?
Used to Assess PVD:
1. Asymptomatic
2. Intermittent claudication
3. Chronic Limb Ischaemia
4. Ulcerated/Gangrene ischaemia
What is the PHQ9 test/score for
To help the diagnosis of depression
What is the Beighton Score for?
To diagnose Ehlers Danlos
What is the Ghent Criteria for?
To Diagnose Marfans:
What is the Jones Score for?
Rheumatic Fever: 2 Major / 1 Major + 2 minor
Joint Arthritis
Organ inflammation - carditis
Nodules (subcut skin nodules)
Erythema Nodosum
Sydenham’s Chorea
ECG changes - PR prolongation
Arthralgia w/o arthritis
Raised inflammatory markers (ESR/CRP)