Scientific transformation and the beginnings of osteopathic medicine Flashcards
Rudolf Virchow
First to conceive the cell as the center of pathological functions.
Die Cellularpatholgie
Written by Rudolf Virchow. Ended the idea of humoral physiology.
Ignaz Semmelweiss
Marter of clinical bacteriology. Talked about childbed fever (puerperal sepsis) and how is was carried from pt to pt by the OB, and counseled washing hands. First to recognize this.
Allegemeinen Krankenhaus
Hospital in Vienna in Hungary where Ignaz Semmelweiss worked. Had two OB wards, one by midwives, another by physicians.
Joseph Lister
First surgeon to prevent post surgical fever. He followed Pasteur’s idea (knew his research) on infectious processes, by emitting a mist of phenol into the surgical room (1st antiseptic surgery). Also packed wounds with phenol. Lead to the ‘century of surgery”
Louis Pasteur
Espoused the Germ theory of disease, and proved microorganisms responsible for disease (meat in an airtight jar). Also proved rabies and anthrax.
Robert Koch
Family doctor (not researcher). Made bacteriology a real science - discovered mycobacterium TB, and vibrio cholerae. His methods “Koch’s postulates” led to the identification of MANY organisms.
Myobacterium TB
Discovered by Koch
Vibrio cholerae
discovered by Koch
Crawford Long
Was a Dr that did first public anesthesia, but did not publicize it.
Horace Wells
Dentist-first to use nitrous oxide anesthesia. (failed while trying to do demonstration).
William Morton
Dr. who thought he did first ether anesthesia, but was actually preceded by Crawford Long. Tried to patent ether, but nope.
James Simpson
Developed chloroform anesthesia for labor
Theodor Billroth
Refined Listerian antisepsis. Developed new abdominal surgeries, and many other surgical techniques. Checked fevers of patient (like Boerhaave)
William Halsted
Student of Billroth, that used lister’s antisepsis, and firs to use rubber gloves (accident). Also developed radical mastectomy.
Karl Roentgen
Discovered x-rays. Used it medically for the first time a few months later.
Marie and Pierre Curie
Discovered polonium and radium. She later discovered radium, which began to be used in CA treatment 6 years later.
Johannes Muller
First to advocate the separation of anatomy and physiology. Wrote Handbuch der physiologie des Menschen. Most important contribution were the students he inspired.
Willem Einthoven
Refined the use of an ECG, but did not invent it. Made a string galvonometer to study heart. Showed some pathological rhythms. (HUGE machine however, and not incorporated into medicine until 1920s)
A.T. Still’s birthday
1828, born in VA
Abram Still
Father of A.T. Still. Practiced a form of medicine from Methodist history, since he was often the only educated person
Sons of thunder
Methodists of the sort that A.T. still’s father was. VERY strict Christians that advocated no EtOH, clean living, etc. STRICT abolitionist.
Heroic medicine
Purging bowels, bleeding etc. Based on Galen’s ideas.
School of healing that evolved from Thomsonian herbalists. Emerged in the 1800s as an alternative to MD medicine.
Treating like with like in very small doses, (Paracelsus). Bigger in the 1800s as an alternative to MD medicine, led by Sam Hahnemann.
Emerged in the 1800s as an alternative to MD medicine. Ancient skill passed through Taylor family in England. They manipulated joints, corrected fratures, dislocations, and painful joints.
Led by Saml. Thomson. Campaigned against state licensing, and responsible for repeal or blunting of state licensing laws. Later became eclectics, who preached that you should only use botanicals to cure.
Sylvester Graham
Founded Graham’s laws. Live by nature; take no medicine, exercise, fresh air, regular bathing etc.
-Very similar to hippocratic, and lived very close to Still.
Used cold water baths for treatment
Started by Franz Mesmer, who was a con artist. Told them he could heal through magnets.
- Total fraud.
- Followers changed to hypnosis to get rid of the image.
- Still knew these concepts well.
Became part of A.T. Still’s thought. Involves communicating with the dead, and learning more about the universe.
Andrew Jackson Davis
Leader of the spiritualists who wrote the “great Harmonia” healing with the hands, and free flow of the spirit fluid, and harmony of the body.
- Devised by Franz Joseph Gall.
- Found bumps on the skull, and associated them with character analysis.
June 1874
A.T. Still wrote “I flung to the breeze the banner of osteopathy”.
Changes in surgery in the later 1800s
New found antisepsis technique, and anesthesia allowed for more than just ortho surgeries.
James Still
AT Still’s brother who went to med school. Wrote to the other Still brother Edward when AT went back to Missouri from Kansas (where James was), to tell him AT was crazy.
-Father to summerfield Still, founder of DMU.
Franz Gall
Developed phrenology. His ideas were incorporated into neurologist, but all crap.
An ancient, generally disreputable non-drs. who treated joint/bone issues.
-Passed down through Taylor family in England.
Herbert Spencer
British philosopher who coined the term Evolution, and wrote a book on it.
- Still possibly influenced by his ideas, which were:
- Cause and effect in disease.
- structure and function are interrelated
- holistic working of the organisms.
Influences on Still’s thinking
Bonesetters, mesmerism, possibly by Herbert Spencer’s evolutionary ideas, graham idea on no medicine, spiritualism.
Victor Broussais
Originator of physiologic medicine in France around the same time as still
Jean Charcot
Neurologist in France that demonstrated what happened when nerves were compressed.