science assessment practical term 3 Flashcards
Indépendant variable
is a deliberately changed variable in the experiment
which axis does the independant variable lie on
x axis (horizontal)
dependant variable
is the variable being measured and are often changed by the independant variable
which axis does the dependant variable lie on
y axis (vertical)
controlled variable
variables that are constant throughout the experiment
how can you tell what the most significant controlled variable is
the controlled variable that effects the dependant variable the most
what is accuracy?
how close the results are to it’s true value
what is the reliability of a experiment?
it is if when the experiment is repeated many times the results are constantly similar with no outliers
what is the validity of a experiment?
if it is a fair text and there is no errors within the variable
fair test
a fair test is determined if all the controlled variables stay constant throughout the experiment and if only the independant variable is changed. also if the dependant variable is measured correctly with no bias.
what are relationships in an experiment.
for answering questions describing relationships. use comparison wording for the independant variable and dependant variable
what are trends and patterns in an experiment.
trends and patterns can be found from graphs
things that all graphs must have
- must be done with pencil and ruler
- scale that is approximate and with evenly spaced increment
- label the axes variables (unit)
- write the title of the graph on top
hypothesis sample
if IV then DV
what is an aim
the statement of the experiment’s purpose
what is a risk assessment
table of identified risk, which identified the assessed risks and how to control them.
aim sample
to VERB the effect of IV on DV
risk assessment examples
include: appropriate safety precautions based on severity and likelihood of injury. common ones are tying up hair, wearing safety googles etc
the procedure of the experiment in steps in a chronological order
things methods must have
- must be numbered steps
- in past tense
- start with verb
- the method must be repeatable
- mentions iv,dv and cv
summary of the aim and results of the experiment
things conclusion must have
- state whether or not the results supported or refuted your hypothesis
- use timeless present
- no personal pronouns use general terms
testable question samples
- how does IV affect DV
- what happens to DV if IV
discrete data
stand alone data e.g colour and location
Continuous data
data that has continuous values e.g time,length, mass
how to scale axes
- find the range for the variable
- range = largest - smallest value - divide the range by the number of intervals
- after dividing you many need to round up - use the rounded number to mark off the intervals along the axis
- the interval must be the same amount each time