Science 3.3 Flashcards
A fossil in which an impression of an organism
mold fossil
A fossil in which the hard parts of an organism is a?
A petrified fossil
A fossil in which a mold fossil is filled with minerals
cast fossil
A fossil made by an imprint left behind by an organism
trace fossil
a fossil in which the actual bone and/or tissue of an organism is preserved
true form fossil
extinct marine insects that were plentiful during the early Paleozoic Era
the sudden increase in the diversity of life at the beginning of the Paleozoic Era
Cambrian Explosion
The process in which one substance changes into another substance.
radioactive decay
the idea that older rocks are typically found deeper in the Earth than younger fossils
principle of superposition
the time it takes for half of one element to transform into another element
an element that decays into another element
parent element
an element that is formed when another element decays
daughter element
a visual record of Earth’s history
geologic time scale
a collection of dust and gas that can form planets and stars
small land masses that appeared during the Archeon Eon
Which were the first vertebrates?
The Mesozoic Era is known as the age of the ____________________.
How old do most scientists think the Earth is?
4.6 billion years
Which animal is responsible for the Oxygen Catastrophy?
Carbon 14 decays into which element?