science Flashcards
- May be located: On the endoplasmic reticulum, or Free in the cytoplasm, either singly or in groups called polyribosomes
- Ribosome
- A giant cloud of dust and gas in space
what are the 4 subsystem of the earth
atmosphere, geosphere, hydrosphere, biosphere
- It proposes that a solar system forms from a rotating cloud of gas and dust, or a “nebula,”
Nebular Hypothesis – Immanuel Kant
- Membranous sacs that are larger than vesicles
- Plants cells typically have a central vacuole up to 90% volume of some cells
- Store materials that occur in excess such as water, nutrients, pigments, and waste products
- Development of turgor pressure
- Vacuole
- Elements heavier than iron, such as gold, platinum, and uranium, are often produced in _________- and then distributed into space
supernova explosions
- Where most meteors burn
c. Mesosphere
also called carbon fixing reaction
Dark reaction
energy from the flow of water
- Water or hydroelectric
- An object crashed into Earth not long after the young planet was created.
- Gravity bound the ejected particles together, creating a moon
Giant Impact Theory
ex of Nonrenewable resources
Coal, oil, natural gas, petroleum, sand, stone and gravel, minerals, fossil fuels,
- Mineral resources are mined from the
it takes the product of the first stage and convert them into reactants.
- link rxn / link reaction
- It is an organelle
- Studded with ribosomes on cytoplasmic side
- Modifies protein Adds sugar to protein resulting to glycoproteins
Endoplasmic Reticulum (rough)
_________of cell controls movement in and out of the cell
- Outer membrane
- Inner most layer
- the hottest layer with 4,700 degrees Celsius
- Core
- “life zone” of the Earth; all living organisms (including humans), and all organic matter that has not yet decomposed
- Biosphere
Where High-energy X-rays and UV radiation from the Sun are absorbed - hundreds to thousands of degrees temp.
d. Thermosphere
- Create food and oxygen gas
- Chloroplast
- Resources that exist in a fixed amount
- Are renewed very slowly or not at all
Nonrenewable resources
- It is an organelle
- Captures light energy
- Site of Photosynthesis
- Synthesizes carbohydrates from CO2 & H2O
- Contains chlorophyll, a photosynthetic pigment
- Forms disc-like thylakoids, which are stacked to form grana
- Chloroplast
- comprises the solid Earth and includes both Earth’s surface and interior
- Geosphere
- Contains organelles surrounded by membrane
- Eukaryotic cells
biotic factors, abiotic facotrs
living organisms (biotic factors) and nonliving things (abiotic factors)
ex. of Renewable resources
Solar energy, wind energy, geothermal energy, water, air, soil, cultivated plants, biomass, animals
2 types of cellular respiration
Aerobic respiration, Anaerobic respiration
contains organelles
- Cytoplasm
- Is an organelle
- Separated from cytoplasm by nuclear envelope
- Consists of double layer of membrane
- Nucleus
- consists of all of the contents outside of the nucleus and enclosed within the cell membrane of a cell. It is clear in color and has a gel-like appearance
- Cytoplasm
- Site of protein synthesis
- Make proteins
- Ribosome
- The command center of the cell
- Nucleus
are all the land, water, energy resources and minerals existing naturally in a place that can be used by people
- Natural resources
- The lowest layer of our atmosphere
a. Troposphere
- Coal, petroleum and natural gas are_______
atmosphere five layers
troposphere, stratosphere,mesosphere, thermosphere, exosphere
contains DNA: DNA house
- Nucleus
- lakes and rivers, streams, and creeks
- surface water
the basic unit of life. The building blocks for all living organism
- Cell
do not require solar energy or with the absence of solar energy
Dark reaction
- Also called the “suicidal bag”
- the digestive system of the cell
- contains an 50 digestive enzymes capable of breaking down all types of biological polymers such as proteins , nucleic acids, carbohydrates, and lipids
- Digests dead organelles
- Lysosome
- outermost layer of the Earth
- 5 to 70 kilometers thick
- rock and soil
- Oceanic crust
- Continental crust
- Crust
- Have more/complex structure
- Have more organelles so it can function and reproduce itself
- Plant cell
a Belgian priest, is considered as the first proponent of the big bang theory
Georges Lemaitre,
energy from earth’s heat
- Geothermal
- required oxygen and glucose as the reactants
- releases a huge amount of energy
- krebs cycle and electron transport chain
Aerobic respiration
_____________- living organisms (biotic factors) and nonliving things (abiotic factors) from which they derive energy and nutrients
- global ecosystem
- Does not have nucleus but has DNA
Prokaryotic cells
- Known as Theia, the Mars-size body collided with Earth, throwing vaporized chunks of the young planet’s crust into space
Giant Impact Theory
- Plasma cell membrane
- Endoplasmic reticulum
- Mitochondria
- Lysosomes
- Nucleus
- Ribosomes
- Golgi
- Animal cell
energy from burning organic or living matter
- Biomass
shape giving part of the cell
Cell wall
- Single cell – can function on its own
Prokaryotic cells
- It is an organelle
- No ribosomes
- synthesis/creation of lipids (synthesize lipids)
- Endoplasmic Reticulum (smooth)
- The biosphere is structured into a hierarchy known as the ______ (all life is dependant on the first tier – the primary producers capable of photosynthesis).
food chain
- keep toxic substance out of the cell
- a double layer of lipids and proteins that surrounds a cell and separates the cytoplasm from its surrounding environment.
- It is selectively permeable, which means that it only lets certain molecules enter and exit. It can also control the amount of some substances that go into or out of the cell.
- cell membrane / plasma membrane
energy from the wind
- Wind
- Can be replaced by nature at a rate close to the rate at which they are used
Renewable resources
energy from the sun
- Convert energy from compounds
- Mitochondria
- Does not have structure surrounded by membranes
- Prokaryotic cells
- the formation of our solar system and other planetary systems
Nebular Hypothesis – Immanuel Kant
stock or supply of money, materials, staff and other assets that can be drawn on by a person or organization in order to function effectively
- Resource/source
- Has 3 components: membrane, cytoplasm and nucleus
- Eukaryotic cells
is not static but its surface (crust) is in a constant state of motion.
- Powerhouse of a cell
- Mitochondria
- The outermost layer of the atmosphere
e. Exosphere
boundary of each structure. Keep everything intact/organize
- Membrane
water trapped in the soil and groundwater; wells, aquifers
below water
ice caps and glaciers, icebergs
frozen water
- uses glucose and no oxygen is required
- produces ATP very quickly in minimal amount
- fermentation is one examples of anaerobic respiration (lactic and alcoholic)
- uses inorganic molecules such as sulfate and nitrate as final electron acceptor
Anaerobic respiration
photosynthetic enzymes RuBisCO fixes carbon dioxide into the sugars
- Regeneration
- 1220 km thick
- solid iron and nickel
- Inner core
pathway that converts sugar into energy or glucose into pyruvate generating ATP during the conversion enters the mitochondria then during this process as the glucose enters it goes to the process of glycolysis and from this glucose we come up with the TATP
- glycolysis
- Nuclear pores permit exchange between nucleoplasm & cytoplasm
- Contains chromatin
- Chromatin contains DNA of genes
- Condenses to form chromosomes
- Dark nucleolus composed of rRNA
- Produces subunits of ribosomes
- Nucleus
- Gaseous envelope that surrounds the earth and constitutes the transition between land mass and vacumm of space
- Reaches over 560 kilometers (348 miles) up from the surface of the earth
- Nitrogen (about 78%) and oxygen (about 21%); other components in small quantities
- Atmosphere
- Most clouds appear here, 99% of the water vapor in the atmosphere is found in the ____________
a. Troposphere
ATP and ADPH are utilized to convert the 3PG molecules into molecules of a 3carbon sugars. There is this conversion of ATP and ANDPH to molecules to reduce and convert it into molecules of 3carbon sugars
- Reduction phase
- package molecules
- Golgi bodies / complex/ apparatus
- 2260 km thick
- liquid iron and nickel
- generates Earth’s Magnetic field
- outer core
- Digest biomolecules and dead cell parts
- Lysosome
- Most important chemical reaction because the processing of food and oxygen is released during
- The gravity pulls the gas and dust particles into rocks
- Over million of years, gravity pulled the rocks together to form the earth
Nebular Hypothesis – Immanuel Kant
Where Aurora Northern Lights and Southern Lights occur
d. Thermosphere
- main function: breakdown of food; energy release
- transformation of chemical energy into food energy (breakdown of glucose)
- conversion of glucose into ATP (mitochondria)
Cellular respiration
- Energy capture
- thickest layer covering about 67%
- of Earth’s mass
- about 2,900 kilometers thick
- hot molten rocks called magma
- Mantle
- where the release of chemical energy happen
Cellular respiration
- Consists of 3-20 flattened, curved saccules
- Resembles stack of hollow pancakes
- Packages them in vesicles
- Receives vesicles from ER
- Prepares for “shipment” in vesicles
- Within cell
- Export from cell (secretion, exocytosis)
Golgi bodies / complex/ apparatus
- Is NOT an organelle
- Composed of rRNA
- Consists of a large subunit and a small subunit
- Subunits made in nucleolus
- Ribosome
- Store materials that occur in excess such as water, nutrients, pigments and waste products
- Vacuole
- Process of changing light energy to chemical energy
- Where ozone layer is found
b. Stratosphere
- Modify proteins
- Endoplasmic Reticulum (rough)
- being used normally in dairy products such as yogurt and cheese
- lactic acid fermentation
- Utilized by the body to harvest energy and sustain life processes
cell respiration
- includes all water on Earth (surface water and groundwater)
- liquid, vapor, or ice
- Hydrosphere
energy stored in pyruvate is transferred to Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide or NADH and FADH2 and another ATP is produced
- krebs cycle
- Few internal structure
Prokaryotic cells
- normally called as ethanol fermentation.
- alcoholic fermentation
utilizes the ATP and ADPH to assimilate carbon dioxide and form carbohydrates
- Carbon fixation
evolves the pumping of protons to speciel channel in the membrane of mitochondria from the inner to outer compartments.
- chemiosmosis
uses uranium to create energy
- Nuclear energy