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SCI 162 Week 9 Individual Assignment Chronic Disease Presentation
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SCI 162 Week 9 Individual Assignment Chronic Disease Presentation
Prepare an 8- to 10-slide Microsoft PowerPoint presentation, with detailed speaker notes, that includes the following: An introduction slide, An explanation of the disease (Causes and risk factors, Diagnosis information, Treatment options, and Prevention options), Controllable and uncontrollable risk factors for the disease, The role the immune system plays in prevention or recovery from this disease, Reliable community and web resources for individuals with the disease, Guidelines for making wise health care decisions about treatment and prevention of this disease, Information on complimentary and alternative health care options for individuals with this chronic disease, and A reference slide with a minimum of three references. Submit the presentation to your instructor.
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SCI 162 Week 9 DQ 5
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SCI 162 Week 9 DQ 5
How are complimentary or alternative health care options different that traditional health care? Are there any similarities? What are the risks of alternative and traditional health care?
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SCI 162 Week 9 DQ 4
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SCI 162 Week 9 DQ 4
What do you think it means to take responsibility for your health care? Provide examples.
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SCI 162 Week 9 DQ 3
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SCI 162 Week 9 DQ 3
What is your opinion of health care delivery in the United States? Is it adequate? How can health care delivery be improved in the United States? Consider private and public health delivery options.
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SCI 162 Week 9 DQ 1
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SCI 162 Week 9 DQ 1
Have you ever tried any type of alternative or complimentary medicine? If so, please share your experience. If not, would you consider doing so in the future? Explain why or why not.
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SCI 162 Week 9 DQ 2
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SCI 162 Week 9 DQ 2
What are some of the criteria you use to assess health professionals? Do you think your criteria are effective?
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SCI 162 Week 8 The Environment And Health Short Answer Question
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Write a 100- to 200-word response to the following question: What are some ways that the environment affects human health? Submit the completed assignment to your instructor. Submit your Certificate of Originality with the assignment as a separate document.
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SCI 162 Week 8 DQ 5
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SCI 162 Week 8 DQ 5
How do you balance living a healthy and sustainable lifestyle with economic realities?
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SCI 162 Week 8 DQ 3
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SCI 162 Week 8 DQ 3
What steps do you take to help protect yourself from environmental health risk factors?
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SCI 162 Week 8 DQ 4
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SCI 162 Week 8 DQ 4
What are some changes you can make in an effort to live a greener, more sustainable, life style?
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SCI 162 Week 8 DQ 1
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SCI 162 Week 8 DQ 1
What role does the environment play in preventing major chronic illness such as respiratory diseases and cancers?
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SCI 162 Week 8 DQ 2
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SCI 162 Week 8 DQ 2
What types of environmental factors that affect health are present where you live? How do you deal with these potentially harmful environmental factors?
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SCI 162 Week 7 Individual Assignment Foodborne Illness Short Answer Questions
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Choose one of the following foodborne illnesses to complete this assignment: Salmonella, Staphylococcus, Clostridium perfringens, Norovirus (formerly Norwalk virus), Hepatitis A, or Giardia or amoeba parasites.
Write a 125- to 150-word response to each of the following questions: What is the infectious agent (pathogen) that causes this infectious disease? For example, the name of the bacteria, virus, or parasite. How is this infectious agent transmitted through food or water? What is an example of a real life outbreak of this foodborne illness in the United States? What are the clinical symptoms, duration of the disease, and treatment if any? What steps can be taken to prevent further outbreaks? Include individual as well as environmental precautions and methods. Submit the answers to your instructor.
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SCI 162 Week 7 DQ 5
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SCI 162 Week 7 DQ 5
What role do socioeconomic conditions play in the increased risks for infectious diseases such as tuberculosis, influenza, and hepatitis?
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SCI 162 Week 7 DQ 4
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SCI 162 Week 7 DQ 4
Do you believe that overuse of antibiotics has contributed to superbugs and antibiotic resistance? What are some things that can be done to prevent this from becoming a greater problem?
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SCI 162 Week 7 DQ 3
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SCI 162 Week 7 DQ 3
How can you educate others effectively about the routes of transmission for major types of pathogens?
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SCI 162 Week 7 DQ 1
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SCI 162 Week 7 DQ 1
What do you do to try to maintain a healthy immune system? Why is it important to have a healthy immune system?
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SCI 162 Week 7 DQ 2
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SCI 162 Week 7 DQ 2
How do you feel about vaccines? Do you think the benefits outweigh the risks? Would you recommend that parents follow vaccine recommendations for their children?
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SCI 162 Week 6 Individual Assignment Chronic Disease Outline
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Resource: Sample outline document from CWE. Create an outline of information that you will include in the Week Nine Microsoft PowerPoint presentation. The outline should be consistent with APA guidelines for a formal outline. Refer to the sample outline document under the Week Six materials for help with formatting your outline. Submit the outline to your instructor.
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SCI 162 Week 6 DQ 4
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SCI 162 Week 6 DQ 4
Conduct an internet search and find a minimum of two reliable resources for individuals suffering from cancer. Based on your research, how can you be more helpful to friends or family who may be battling cancer?
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SCI 162 Week 6 DQ 2
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SCI 162 Week 6 DQ 2
What is the difference between a problem drinker and an alcoholic? What factors can cause someone to become an alcoholic?
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SCI 162 Week 6 DQ 3
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SCI 162 Week 6 DQ 3
What effect does alcoholism have on an alcoholic’s family? What are some resources for families dealing with alcoholism?
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SCI 162 Week 6 DQ 1
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SCI 162 Week 6 DQ 1
With widely publicized information on the health and environmental consequences of smoking, why do you think people still choose to smoke?
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SCI 162 Week 5 Individual Assignment Chronic Diseases
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Resource: Axia College Material: Chronic Diseases. Review the following assignment options: Option 1: Chronic Disease Risk Assessment and Option 2: Chronic Disease Video Review and Summary. Follow the instructions in the Axia College Material: Chronic Diseases located on the student website to complete the assignment. Submit the completed assignment to your instructor. Submit your Certificate of Originality with the assignment as a separate document.
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