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EDL 515 Week 6 Learning Team Assignment Pico School Plan For Change Presentation
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Resource: Review the case study on Pico School throughout the text Reframing the Path to School Leadership.
Select one of the four frames (political, human resource, structural and symbolic) and create a plan for change within the context of your selected frame for Pico School.
Address the future of Pico School and establish a pathway for a successful organizational culture. Include ways to connect Pico School and the community.
Select one of the following delivery mediums to present your plan:
· 10- to 15-slide Microsoft® PowerPoint® presentation
· 3- to 5-page brochure
· 1,050- to 1,400-word wiki
· Other types of presentations such as a Prezi® presentation
· A format of your choice approved by your facilitator.
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EDL 515 Week 6 Individual Assignment Symbolic Frame
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Complete each part of the Symbolic Frame assignment.
Part I: Symbolic Frame Wiki
For this assignment, the class creates a complete informative wiki on the topic of symbolic frames.
Post at least two entries in the Symbolic Frame Wiki. Refer to Ch. 9 & 10 in Reframing the Path to School Leadershipas needed.
Part II: Reflection
Use the wiki as a reference to write a 350- to 700-word reflection that addresses the following:
· What is your personal level of strength within the symbolic frame?
· What can you do to facilitate your own personal growth as a teacher leader within the symbolic frame?
· How will you work within the symbolic frame to be a prophet in your school setting?
· What are some of the benefits and challenges you have experienced in the symbolic frame?
· What were the most valuable elements you learned from the Symbolic Frame Wiki? How can you apply what you have learned?
Submit a copy of your wiki entries from Part I along with your Part II reflection to your instructor.
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EDL 515 Week 5 Learning Team Assignment Pico School Analysis
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Resource: Review the case study on Pico School throughout the text Reframing the Path to School Leadership.
Use the Pico School scenario referenced throughout the Reframing the Path to School Leadership to prepare a 700- 1,050-word organizational analysis of Pico School.
Include the following in your analysis:
· Norms
· Espoused values and underlying values
· Espoused beliefs and underlying beliefs
Format the paper consistent with APA guidelines.
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EDL 515 Week 5 Individual Assignment Structural Frame
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Complete each part of the Structural Frame assignment.
Part I: Structural Frame Wiki
For this assignment, the class creates a complete informative wiki on the topic of structural frames.
Post at least two entries in the Structural Frame Wiki. Refer to Ch. 7 & 8 in Reframing the Path to School Leadership as needed.
Part II: Reflection
Use the wiki as a reference to write a 350- to 700-word reflection that addresses the following:
· What is your personal level of strength within the structural frame?
· What can you do to facilitate your own personal growth as a teacher leader within the structural frame?
· How will you work within the structural frame to be a social architect in your school setting?
· What are some of the benefits and challenges you have experienced in the structural frame?
· What were the most valuable elements you learned from the Structural Frame Wiki? How can you apply what you have learned?
Submit a copy of your wiki entries from Part 1 and your Part 2 reflection to your instructor.
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EDL 515 Week 5 DQ 2
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Of the eight roles of symbolic leaders, which role do you regularly employ? Describe the circumstances and provide the rationale for a situation in which you shifted your primary symbolic leadership role?
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EDL 515 Week 5 DQ 1
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What challenges may an inauthentic symbolic leader encounter?
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EDL 515 Week 4 Individual Assignment Human Resources Frame Wiki Part II
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Complete each part of the Human Resource Frame assignment.
Part 1: Human Resource Wiki
For this assignment, the class creates a complete informative wiki on the human resource frame.
Post at least two entries in the Human Resource Frame Wiki. Refer to Ch. 6 of Reframing the Path to School Leadership as needed.
Part 2: Reflection
Use the wiki as a reference to write a 350- to 700-word reflection that addresses the following:
· What is your personal level of strength within the human resource frame?
· What can you do to facilitate your own personal growth as a teacher leader within the human resources frame?
· How will you work within the human resources frame to be a servant leader?
· What are some of the benefits and challenges you have experienced in the symbolic frame?
· What were the most valuable elements you learned from the Human Resources Frame Wiki? How can you apply what you have learned?
Submit a copy of your wiki entries from Part 1 and your Part 2 reflection to your instructor.
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EDL 515 Week 4 DQ 2
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If a new principal were hired to take over your school, what structural frame challenges would the new leader have? How would you, as a teacher leader, explain those challenges? How could you help during the transition with the changes to the structural frame?
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EDL 515 Week 4 DQ 1
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What would be an example of a structural frame dilemma at your school site in which the solution to the problem was not appropriate? What frustrations were communicated by the stakeholders at your school?
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EDL 515 Week 3 Individual Assignment Political Frame Wiki
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EDL 515 Week 3 Individual Assignment Political Frame Wiki
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EDL 515 Week 3 Individual Assignment Political Frame Reflection
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Complete each part of the Political Frame assignment.
Part 1: Political Frame Wiki
For this assignment, the class creates a complete informative wiki on the topic of political frames.
Post at least two entries in the Political Frame Wiki. Refer to Ch. 4 & 5 in Reframing the Path to School Leadership as needed.
Part 2: Reflection
Use the wiki as a reference to write a 350- to 700-word reflection that addresses the following:
· What is your personal level of strength within the political frame?
· What can you do to facilitate your own personal growth as a teacher leader within the political frame?
· How will you work within the political frame to be an advocate and negotiator?
· What are some of the benefits and challenges you have experienced in the symbolic frame?
· What were the most valuable elements you learned from the Political Frame Wiki? How can you apply what you have learned?
Submit a copy of your wiki entries from Part 1 and your Part 2 reflection to your instructor.
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EDL 515 Week 3 DQ 2
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Using an individual at your school who could be classified as a leader in the context of the human resources frame, what qualities does he or she posses that make him/her an asset to the school?
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EDL 515 Week 3 DQ 1
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If you were working from the perspective of the human resources frame, what jobs, roles, or functions would you consider to be the primary determining factor for increasing achievement at a school or within a school district? Explain your answer.
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EDL 515 Week 2 Learning Team Assignment Cultural Analysis Presentation
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Conduct a cultural analysis of a specific organization by using observable artifacts as indicators of underlying assumptions.
Discuss various categories of organizations (e.g., fast food restaurants, churches, public libraries, specialty retail stores, etc.).
Select one location within an organizational category (e.g., McDonald’s is a location within the fast food category) for purposes of conducting an organizational analysis.
Visit the selected location to gather data and artifacts (e.g., brochures, digital photographs, menus, etc.) to be used for an organizational analysis.
Cite your sources consistent with APA guidelines.
Gather data on the following:
Physical environment
Interpersonal relationships among employees
Interpersonal relationships between employees and customers
Rituals of the organization
Dress codes
Observable organizational values and/or beliefs
Conduct interviews with employees of the respective location. The purpose of the interview is to learn more about the organization’s culture.
Ask interview questions that address the items above (e.g., “How would you characterize the relationships among employees?” “How would you characterize the relationships between employees and customers?” “What are the rituals of your organization?”) in addition to other questions that serve to gather information about the organization’s culture.
Prepare a 10- to 15-minute multimedia presentation that synthesizes the commonalities of each team member’s findings.
Include an analysis of the underlying assumptions discovered.
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EDL 515 Week 2 Individual Assignment Personal Evidence Product
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Reflect upon your values, beliefs, and assumptions as a teacher leader.
Create a product (e.g., drawing, narrative, artifact, website) that provides evidence of your personal values, beliefs and assumptions within the context of teacher leadership.
Prepare to present and discuss your product with the class.
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EDL 515 Week 2 DQ 2
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What are three positive attributes of someone who works from within the political frame? How can these attributes contribute to change?
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EDL 515 Week 2 DQ 1
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If you were working from the perspective of the political frame, what jobs/roles/functions would you consider to be the primary determining factor for success? Explain your answer.
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EDL 515 Week 1 Individual Assignments Vision And Values Paper
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Write a 350- to 700-word paper in which you identify the vision and values of the educational organization where you currently work, or one you have worked in previously. Explain how your personal vision and values align with those of the organization.
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EDL 515 Week 1 DQ 2
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Do the mission and vision statements of your school accurately reflect the values of your organization as you see them?
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EDL 515 Week 1 DQ 1
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Would you describe your school as a learning organization? Why or why not?
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EDL 515 Complete Course
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EDL 515 Week 1 DQ 1
EDL 515 Week 1 DQ 2
EDL 515 Week 1 Individual Assignments Vision and Values Paper
EDL 515 Week 2 DQ 1
EDL 515 Week 2 DQ 2
EDL 515 Week 2 Individual Assignment Personal Evidence Product
EDL 515 Week 2 Learning Team Assignment Cultural Analysis Presentation
EDL 515 Week 3 DQ 1
EDL 515 Week 3 DQ 2
EDL 515 Week 3 Individual Assignment Political Frame Reflection
EDL 515 Week 3 Individual Assignment Political Frame Wiki
EDL 515 Week 4 DQ 1
EDL 515 Week 4 DQ 2
EDL 515 Week 4 Individual Assignment Human Resources Frame Wiki Part II
EDL 515 Week 5 DQ 1
EDL 515 Week 5 DQ 2
EDL 515 Week 5 Individual Assignment Structural Frame
EDL 515 Week 5 Learning Team Assignment Pico School Analysis
EDL 515 Week 6 Individual Assignment Symbolic Frame
EDL 515 Week 6 Learning Team Assignment Pico School Plan for Change Presentation
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