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AED 201 Week 9 Final Project Professional Development Plan
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Resources: Introduction to Teaching, Appendix A, and INTASC principles at
Review the guidelines in Appendix A.
Use Appendix A to help you create a Professional Development Plan a component that may be added to your professional portfolio.
Write a 2,100 to 2,500 word paper composed in Microsoft© Word, include answers to the following questions:
What are your goals in the next 5 years? In the next 10 or more years?
What steps are necessary to get you to your goals? What obstacles might you foresee and how will you overcome them?
What is one principle from the INTASC Principles Web site ( ) that you feel you must improve the most to be effective in the education profession? What existing professional development programs might you pursue to address the need to improve in this area?
What professional development programs might you enroll in to help you prepare to meet the diverse needs of today’s learners?
How will you evaluate your progress? What will help keep you motivated toward achieving those goals?
What professional organizations will you join? Explain why. What do you expect to gain from membership in these organizations?
What techniques will you use to help you develop leadership skills?
Format your paper according to APA standards.
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AED 201 Week 9 Capstone DQ
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How has this course impacted your impressions of what to expect personally and professionally as you enter a career in education?
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AED 201 Week 8 Individual Assignment Mentoring vs Induction Programs
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Resources: Web search or University Library, and Ch. 13 in Introduction to Teaching
Examine programs that encourage individuals to stay in the profession of teaching and lower the attrition rate.
Write a 1,000- to 1,200-word paper addressing the following:
How does a mentoring program differ from an induction program?
Are mentoring and induction programs equally effective?
What kind of support is available for new teachers that participate in these types of programs?
As a paraprofessional, what will your role be in a mentoring or an induction program?
Based on your research, what do these programs lack and what kinds of additional features would improve these programs?
Format your paper according to APA standards
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AED 201 Week 8 Exercise Characteristics of Effective Classrooms
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Exercise: Characteristics of Effective Classrooms
Resource: Introduction to Teaching companion Web site at
Read the case study on p. 421 of the text.
Complete question 11 on the text companion Web site.
Navigate to
From the Select a Chapter drop-down menu, choose Chapter 11.
From the menu on the left, select Increasing Understanding.
Answer question 11 by typing your answer in the box provided.
When you are finished, click the Submit Answers for Grading button at the bottom.
Scroll down to question 11 and read the feedback
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AED 201 Week 7 DQ 2
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According to Ch. 12 of the text, there are barriers that prevent the implementation of technology in classrooms. Based on your experiences or observations, what barriers exist that are not mentioned in Ch. 12? Discuss possible solutions to these barriers. You may want to use the Internet to research this topic.
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AED 201 Week 7 DQ 1
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Are there certain curricular areas in which technology is more useful than in others? Explain your answer
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AED 201 Week 7 CheckPoint Technology Use Timeline
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CheckPoint: Technology Use Timeline
Resource: Appendix D
Research the use of technology in schools from 1980 until present day.
Use Appendix D to fill in a timeline with events to depict the changes in school technology since 1980. You must discuss a minimum of two events per decade, for a total of at least six events.
Format your paper according to APA standards.
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AED 201 Week 6 Individual Assignment Rights and Responsibilities of Educators and Students
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Resources: Appendix C, the University Library, and Ch. 9 of Introduction to Teaching
Complete Appendix C by filling in the following:
Perform a search of the University Library databases and locate four school-related court cases (with outcomes decided), two of which involve educators as defendants and two of which involve students as defendants.
Provide an overview of each court case, outcome, and opinion regarding whether the outcome fits the allegation.
State and discuss whether you agree or disagree with each outcome. Base your opinion on legal and ethical standards as discussed in Ch. 9 of the text.
Explain what would have been just based on the rights and responsibilities of those involved (if you do not agree with the outcome).
Format your paper according to APA standards.
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AED 201 Week 6 Exercise Teacher Liability
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Exercise: Teacher Liability
Resource: Introduction to Teaching companion Web site at
Answer three questions on the text companion web site.
Navigate to
From the Select a Chapter drop-down menu, choose Chapter 9.
From the menu on the left, select Reflect on This.
Click on Classroom Management.
Answer all three questions.
When you are finished, click the Submit Answers for Grading button at the bottom.
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AED 201 Week 5 DQ 2
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Many U.S. citizens believe that parents and students should have the right to school choice. Others, however, believe school choice will create greater stratification and segregation among public schools. (For example, strong schools will have better equipped students and weaker schools will have more challenging, less-prepared students).
Consult the roster posted in the below to determine the school choice viewpoint assigned to you. After reviewing Ch. 8 and Internet articles relating to school vouchers, post an informed statement from a parent’s point of view that is meant to persuade voters to support your position.
Respond respectfully to a classmate’s post as if you are a teacher with the opposite point of view. Explain why you are opposed to your classmate’s statement.
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AED 201 Week 5 DQ 1
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Determine which factors may explain that most of the higher per-pupil expenditures are found in the Northeastern and upper Midwest states and the lower per-pupil expenditures are found in the South and West. In your opinion, what needs to happen to create a balance in school funding across regions?
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AED 201 Week 5 CheckPoint Governance and Effecting Change in Schools
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CheckPoint: Governance and Effecting Change in Schools
Resource: p.275 of Introduction to Teaching
Write a 200- to 300-word response to the following:
Assume you are a teacher who would like to address a technology issue at your school. Many of the students’ textbooks provide Web links for engaging enrichment activities. Each classroom has five computers, but there is only one computer connected to the Internet per room and the computers are all at least five years old. Your peers, students, and their parents all support your desire to increase Internet access in the classroom for instructional purposes.
In your response, address the following:
What would you have to do to increase Internet access? List the steps you would have to take or who you would have to contact to have this change take place in the classrooms at your school.
Address each level (starting from your school site) that would need to be involved within the administrative structure pictured on p. 275 of the text.
Format your paper according to APA standards.
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AED 201 Week 4 Individual Assignment Characteristics of At Risk Students
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Write a 700- to 1,100-word paper that includes your description of the category of at-risk students you chose and the programs you found for the selected type of at-risk students.
Explain what components make the program(s) beneficial and ‘exemplary’.
Evaluate how well the programs ensure they reach all targeted students and how well students’ needs are met.
Format your paper according to APA standards.
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AED 201 Week 4 CheckPoint Socioeconomic Status and Student Achievement
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CheckPoint: Socioeconomic Status and Student Achievement
Resource: School Matters Web site at and p. 134 of Introduction to Teaching
Navigate to and locate the district you live in or want to work in. Browse either district or school-specific data regarding SES status, then complete the following:
Identify the name and location of the school or school district you’re investigating, include this information in your response.
Locate and record information that would indicate SES of the school or district (such as household income, students eligible for free/reduced lunch fee program, education level of parents, and so forth).
Locate and record information that would indicate student achievement (such as performance on standardized tests).
Compare and discuss actual student achievement scores with your expectations based on your observations of SES. Did your observations match your expectations? Explain why or why not.
Search the Web to see how your community might be involved at the school or district you’re investigating. School, district, city, chamber of commerce, county, or state Web sites may provide information. What programs, if any, exist for the school or district that address the needs of students having low SES? What types of programs should or could the school, district, or community provide? Discuss at least one program.
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AED 201 Week 4 CheckPoint History of American Education
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Checkpoint: History of American Education
Resource: Interactive Timeline and Ch. 5 of Introduction to Teaching
Identify the three major periods and the two major eras in the history of American education as discussed in Ch. 5 of Introduction to Teaching
Copy and paste the following Web site address for the history of American education timeline into your Web browser:,9143,1377249-,00.html
Select and list one event within each of the five historical periods or eras that stand out to you. List the events in chronological order, and identify the period or era for each event.
Discuss in 250 to 300-words, how one of the events has shaped today’s classroom and how that event is still reflected in today’s classroom.
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AED 201 Week 3 DQ 2
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What factors influence how educational experiences of boys differ from educational experiences of girls? Respond to a classmate’s post from the perspective of either a school-aged boy or girl; identify which perspective you represent, and explain why you agree or disagree with your classmate’s post.
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AED 201 Week 3 DQ 1
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Is it best to adjust instruction to teach in accordance with individual learning styles, or should students experience and be encouraged to participate in activities that require learning styles other than those they naturally prefer? In other words, if a child’s preferred learning style is visual and field independent (prefers to work alone), should all instruction be based on visual, independent activities, or should the student also be accountable for participation in group activities that incorporate other modes of learning (for example, bodily/kinesthetic, auditory, and so forth)? Explain your answer then respectfully respond to a classmate’s post with an opposing viewpoint.
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AED 201 Week 3 CheckPoint Learning Needs of Diverse Students
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CheckPoint: Learning Needs of Diverse Students
Resource: Appendix B and Ch. 3 of Introduction to Teaching
Identify at least two types of diverse learners as discussed in Ch. 3 of the text
Search for effective teaching practices for the two types of learners on the Internet and in the text
List effective teaching practices for both types of learners
List the Web addresses for information retrieved from online sources
Select one instructional practice from your list. How might this practice be applied to both types of learners you identified? Can this single practice be effective for all learners? Explain why or why not. Conduct this discussion in the appropriate section within Appendix B.
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AED 201 Week 2 Individual Assignment Interview with Teaching Professional
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Schedule a brief 15-minute interview with a teacher or a teacher’s aide. The interview may be in person, by phone, via e-mail, or in an instant message chat.
Include the following questions in your interview:
What are some examples of typical, quick decisions teachers make on a daily basis?
What were the five most difficult school-related decisions you made this week? What made them difficult?
What was the affect of those decisions on the classroom environment? Were the decisions effective?
Develop two other pertinent questions related to the characteristics of classrooms as discussed in Ch. 2 of the text.
Write a 750- to 1,050-word reflection on the interview that addresses the following:
Sort each of the five most difficult decisions into the five characteristics of classrooms discussed in Ch. 2, beginning on p.54. Explain how each situation fits into each of the classroom characteristics.
Describe the complexities the teacher or aide faced when making their decisions.
Do you agree with the decisions he or she made based on the situations?
What would you have done if you were in his or her shoes? Depending on the situations, what resources would have helped to ease decision-making?
What rationale would you base your decisions on?
Include your reaction to the responses of the two additional questions you asked.
Format your paper according to APA standards.
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AED 201 Week 2 Exercise Case Study the Roles of a Teacher Part 1 and Part 2
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Resource: Case Study on p. 62 of Introduction to Teaching and the text companion Web site
Answer question #5 on the text companion Web site.
Navigate to
From the Select a Chapter drop-down menu, choose Chapter 2.
From the menu on the left, select Increasing Understanding.
Answer question 5 by typing your answer in the box provided.
When you are finished, click the Submit Answers for Grading button at the bottom.
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AED 201 Week 2 Checkpoint Managing a Daily Teaching Schedule
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CheckPoint: Managing a Daily Teaching Schedule
Resource: Ch. 2 of Introduction to Teaching
Use a Microsoft® Excel or Word table function to propose and create a schedule of school-related tasks for a typical teaching day from the time you arrive at school until the time you leave school at the end of the day. Remember to take into account the education level you expect to teach (elementary or secondary).
Search the Internet for three time management tips for teachers.
List the tips, in a separate document and answer this question: How do you think these tips will affect your daily schedule as an educator? Provide a comment on how each one serves to improve your success or reduce your daily stress.
Format your sources according to APA standards
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AED 201 Week 1 DQ 2
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In your opinion, will teacher reforms (such as comprehensive testing of teachers or requiring ongoing professional development) attract or intimidate individuals from joining the teaching profession? How do the reforms affect your own desire to enter the profession? Explain your answers.
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AED 201 Week 1 DQ 1
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Identify internal or external rewards that impact recruitment and retention of quality teachers. How do such rewards influence recruitment or retention? How might these rewards shift as new accountability-centered teacher reforms are proposed such as merit pay and competency testing?
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AED 201 Week 1 CheckPoint Teaching as a Professional Career
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Write a 200- to 300- word paper in which you list 3 to 5 factors that define teaching as a professional career. Elaborate on how these factors are employed by teachers on a daily basis.
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