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CJA 324 Week 3 Learning Team Assignment Ethics Issue Presentation Law Enforcement Ethics
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Create a 5- to 10-slide Microsoft® PowerPoint® presentation with speaker notes. Present your Ethics Issue Presentation on one of the following four topics assigned as follows by your instructor:
Team A – Law enforcement ethics: The Rampart Scandal stemmed from the unethical actions of a rogue group of officers, but had far reaching implications ultimately resulting in the oversight of the Los Angeles Police Department (LAPD) by the Federal Government for a 5-year period by court order. Honest and ethical officers at the LAPD must still labor under the aspersions cast by this scandal.
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CJA 324 Week 5 Learning Team Assignment Ethical Scrapbook Part II
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Use the Ethical Scrapbook: Part I, due in Week Four, for this assignment.
Review all 12 examples in your team’s Ethical Scrapbook: Part I, and individually answer the following questions for each example:
Do you think the individual made the best decision possible given the circumstances?
Could you see yourself acting similarly in similar circumstances?
Compare your individual responses to the previous questions as a team:
Which examples generated agreement between all team members?
Which examples generated disagreement?
Discuss what the disagreement reflects in terms of personal value systems.
Refer to your team’s values as you discuss and answer the following questions as team:
Should all jurisdictions have a Good Samaritan law requiring an individual to help another individual if they are able? Explain why.
Should vigilantism be permitted when the criminal justice system fails? Explain why or why not. Under what circumstances might you violate the law to enforce the law?
Historically, in your opinion, has civil disobedience been effective in changing the law? Explain why or why not. What laws do you disagree with or would you consider violating to change? Explain.
Consider the many professions that exist, including the business and corporate sectors, medical professions, religious authorities, retail establishments, construction industry, insurance industry, banking, education, professional sports, research, pharmaceutical companies, and politics. What conditions exist in a profession, excluding criminal justice professions, that contribute to unethical behavior? Provide two examples.
Do you believe that American society as a whole is predisposed to ethical or unethical behavior? Explain your response.
Identify ethical considerations for the future of criminal justice. What may be done to reduce ethical violations in the criminal justice profession?
Write a 1,500- to 2000-word paper that summarizes your individual and team responses to the previously listed questions.
Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines.
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CJA 324 Week 5 Individual Assignment Victims’ Rights and Vengeance
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Read the following two articles “Crime Victims’ Rights: From Illusion to Reality” and “Vengeance Time”
Write a 350- to 700-word personal reflection that addresses the following:
What is your personal stance on the current state of victims’ rights in America?
Do you believe that the 2004 Crime Victims’ Rights Act (CRVA) has been successful? Explain.
Is there ever a circumstance in which you feel vengeance is appropriate, even when it means breaking a law? Explain your response.
Do you agree with the actions of Survivors Network of those Abused by Priests (SNAP)? Why or why not?
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CJA 324 Week 4 Learning Team Assignment Ethical Scrapbook Part I
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Locate three contemporary examples in each of the four following categories, for a total of 12 examples:
Good Samaritan conduct or random acts of kindness
Acts of vigilantism—violating the law to enforce the law
Acts of civil disobedience—violating the law to change the law
Criminal acts committed by professionals in the course of their employment, other than criminal justice professionals, in which the defendant was believed to have violated the ethical standards of his or her profession
Assemble the 12 examples according to the category and in a visually appealing manner.
For each example, include the following:
A summary of the event
A graphic illustration, photo, or other visual item related to the event
One properly APA-formatted reference
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CJA 324 Week 4 Individual Assignment Ethical Dilemma Worksheet Corrections
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Complete Ethical Dilemma Worksheet Corrections
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CJA 324 Week 4 DQ 3
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What are the ethical arguments for or against private corrections? Explain your answer
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CJA 324 Week 4 DQ 2
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What ethical issues does correctional management face? Provide examples.
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CJA 324 Week 4 DQ 1
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Would you rather spend 1 year in prison or receive 5 years of probation with very severe restrictions? Could you envision a probationary sentence that was more severe than a custodial sentence? Explain your answer
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CJA 324 Week 3 Learning Team Assignment Ethics Issue Presentation Law Enforcement Ethics
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Create a 5- to 10-slide Microsoft® PowerPoint® presentation with speaker notes. Present your Ethics Issue Presentation on one of the following four topics assigned as follows by your instructor:
Team A – Law enforcement ethics: The Rampart Scandal stemmed from the unethical actions of a rogue group of officers, but had far reaching implications ultimately resulting in the oversight of the Los Angeles Police Department (LAPD) by the Federal Government for a 5-year period by court order. Honest and ethical officers at the LAPD must still labor under the aspersions cast by this scandal.
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CJA 324 Week 3 Individual Assignment Ethical Dilemma Worksheet Prosecutors
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Complete Ethical Dilemma Worksheet Prosecutors
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CJA 324 Week 3 DQ 3
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Should courts be permitted to provide defendants the option of undergoing sterilization to avoid jail or prison time in select cases, such as failing to pay child support, using drugs, and so on? Explain your answer.
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CJA 324 Week 3 DQ 2
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What are the advantages and disadvantages of plea bargaining?
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CJA 324 Week 3 DQ 1
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What is the difference between the role of a lawyer as a legal agent and as a moral agent? Provide examples of both. Which role would you prefer if you were a client? Which role would you prefer if you were a victim? Are the two mutually exclusive? Explain.
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CJA 324 Week 2 Individual Assignment Ethical Dilemma Worksheet Law Enforcement
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Complete Ethical Dilemma Worksheet Law Enforcement
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CJA 324 Week 2 DQ 3
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What is discretion? Provide at least two examples of discretion. What are unethical and ethical criteria for using discretion?
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CJA 324 Week 2 DQ 2
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What are the reasons for protecting fellow officers by not telling the truth or by coming forward and exposing their wrongdoing? What are arguments against such acts?
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CJA 324 Week 2 DQ 1
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Should a police officer be sanctioned for drinking to excess in public and making a spectacle of himself or herself in a bar? Why or why not? Should a police officer be sanctioned for posing naked in a magazine, but identified as a police officer using pictures of the uniform as props? Why or why not? What private behavior of police, if any, should
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CJA 324 Week 1 Individual Assignment Personal Dilemma Paper
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Write a 700- to 1,050-word paper in which you discuss an ethical dilemma from a current story in the news. Address the following in your paper:
The nature of the dilemma
The ethical decision made
Alternative courses of action and why
The outcome of the situation
Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines.
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CJA 324 Week 1 DQ 3
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Do you believe in moral relativism—that there are no moral truths and that morality is simply an individual’s definition of right and wrong? Explain why or why not.
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CJA 324 Week 1 DQ 2
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If you had to choose one ethical system, deontological or utilitarianism, which one most closely conforms to your own beliefs? Explain your answer.
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CJA 324 Week 1 DQ 1
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If an individual followed all laws, would that make him or her a moral person? Explain your answer.
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CJA 324 Complete Course
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CJA 324 Week 1 DQ 1
CJA 324 Week 1 DQ 2
CJA 324 Week 1 DQ 3
CJA 324 Week 1 Individual Personal Dilemma Paper
CJA 324 Week 2 DQ 1
CJA 324 Week 2 DQ 2
CJA 324 Week 2 DQ 3
CJA 324 Week 2 Individual Ethical Dilemma Worksheet Law Enforcement
CJA 324 Week 3 DQ 1
CJA 324 Week 3 DQ 2
CJA 324 Week 3 DQ 3
CJA 324 Week 3 Individual Ethical Dilemma Worksheet Prosecutors
CJA 324 Week 3 Learning Team Ethics Issue Presentation Correction Ethics
CJA 324 Week 3 Learning Team Ethics Issue Presentation Law Enforcement Ethics
CJA 324 Week 4 DQ 1
CJA 324 Week 4 DQ 2
CJA 324 Week 4 DQ 3
CJA 324 Week 4 Individual Ethical Dilemma Worksheet Corrections
CJA 324 Week 4 Learning Team Ethical Scrapbook Part I
CJA 324 Week 5 Individual Victims’ Rights and Vengeance
CJA 324 Week 5 Learning Team Ethical Scrapbook Part II
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