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MKT 230 Week 9 Final Project Marketing Plan Outline
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Select a product or service you wouldliketo introduce to the marketplace. It may be from an existing company or a newconcept.
Prepare a 1,750- to 2,100-word marketing plan for your selected product or service. Include the following elements:
A brief description of the product or service being offered
An analysis of the market in which the product or service will be offered Size and demographics of the markets Potential competitors, if any
An analysis of the marketing strategies that will be used for the introduction of the product or service:
Format your paper according to APAstandards.
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MKT 230 Week 9 Capstone DQ
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How has learning about marketing concepts given you a better understanding of the market place and how businesses and consumers make decisions? Has what you have learned about marketing increased your interest in a future career in marketing? What do you value most from taking this course?
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MKT 230 Week 8 Individual Assignment Sales Promotion Techniques
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Write a 700- to1,050-word paper summarizing the key sales promotion techniques that marketing firms direct toward trade and consumers.
Include real-world examples to describe the following classifications of sales promotion techniques:
Discounts and deals
Increasing industry visibility
Price-based consumer sales promotions
Attention-getting consumer sales promotions
Format your paper according to APA standards.
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MKT 230 Week 8 CheckPoint 2 Marketing Concepts Activity
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Write a 200- to 300-word response to the Marketing Concepts
Discussing Choices and Ethical Issues question 6 found onp. 532 of Marketing
Real People, Real Choices. Your response should be posted as an attachment in the Assignments link of the ecampus
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MKT 230 Week 8 CheckPoint 1 Developing An Advertising Campaign
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MKT 230 Week 8 CheckPoint 1 Developing An Advertising Campaign
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MKT 230 Week 7 DQ 2
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MKT 230 Week 7 DQ 2
Search your local newspaper for advertisements and examples of pricing strategies. If you do not have access to a local newspaper, search for a newspaper online. What are two pricing strategies you found in the advertisements? Describe the function the price serves for each product or service. When responding to your classmates, describe the steps the company likely followed when planning the price strategy described in the response.
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MKT 230 Week 7 DQ 1
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MKT 230 Week 7 DQ 1
Imagine that you are a mentor to a new employee at a marketing firm. The new employee is having trouble understanding what the term market communication really means. Using what you have learned, explain to the new employee how marketing communication can influence a buyer.
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MKT 230 Week 7 CheckPoint Integrated Marketing Communication
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Write a 200 to 300 word responseanswering the following questions:
Howdoes an organization establish an IMC plan?
Whatare some of the different stages a company goes through when developing itsIMCstrategy?
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MKT 230 Week 6 Individual Assignment Life Cycle Management Analysis
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Resource: Ch 9 of Marketing:Real People, Real Choices
Read thefollowing: In recent times, a popular consumer electronics company, Apple®has released a high-demand product to the marketplace. The iPod®portable MP3 player and iTunes®interface allow the user to quickly and easily purchase, download, and listento music. As with any new product in the marketplace, Apple®hastaken steps to manage this product throughout its marketing life cycle.
Write a 700- to 1,050- word paperanalyzing how the company has managed each stage of the product life cycleofits popular MP3 player. Determine which stage of the life cycle the productisin currently. Defend why you feel the product is in the stage you identified.Your paper should include the following elements:
A brief description of the product’s objectives and marketing strategies
An analysis of the introduction phase of the product
An overview of how the company has managed or should manage the product through the growth stage
A review of how the maturity stage has affected or will affect the product’s sales, profits, pricing, and marketing communication
A prediction of the product’s decline in the marketplace
Summarize your paper by answering thefollowing questions: Do you agree or disagree with how each stage has >enmanaged? What alternative approaches to life cycle management would yousuggest?
Include a recommendation for managementofthe next applicable stage of the product life cycle.
Format your paper according to APAstandards.
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MKT 230 Week 6 CheckPoint Branding Strategiesq
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CheckPoint: Branding Strategies
Select a large company that has created a strongproduct identity in the market. What branding strategies has the company usedto create its product identity? Provide examples and explain your reasoning in a 200 to 300 words.
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MKT 230 Week 5 DQ 2
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MKT 230 Week 5 DQ 2
Consider the products you described and classified in the previous discussion question. Using figure 8.3 on p. 257 of the textbook as a guide, in what stage of product adoption do you think each of the products fall under? Do you use similar products as your classmates? Describe whether you agree or disagree with their assessment.
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MKT 230 Week 5 DQ 1
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MKT 230 Week 5 DQ 1
Look around your home or office and select three products you currently use. Briefly describe each product. How would you classify each one?
- Refrigerator
- My purse
3. Television
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MKT 230 Week 5 CheckPoint New Product Development
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Write a 200 to 300 word to the following scenario
You are working in the product development department of a company that creates household products. Your team has come up with an idea for a revolutionary new cleaning product. Using the seven phases of new product development as a guide, describe how your company will develop the new product.
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MKT 230 Week 4 Individual Assignment Target Market Strategy Presentation
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Resource: Ch. 7 in Marketing:Real People, Real Choices
Select a new product or service that you would like to introduce to the marketplace. You use this same product when completing your Final Project in Week Nine.
Create a 7- to 12-slide Microsoft® PowerPoint® presentation describing the market segmentation and a target market strategy for the product you selected. Include information on the following points:
Consumer demographics
Consumer psychographics
Consumer haviors
A segment profile
Include detailed speaker notes and an APA-formatted reference slide with your presentation.
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MKT 230 Week 4 Check Point Customer Relationship Management
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CheckPoint: Customer Relationship Management
Review the descriptions of customerrelationship management (CRM) characteristics found in Appendix D.
Complete Appendix D by identifying ,tivitiesthat can be classified by each characteristic of a CRM plan: share of customer,lifetime value of a customer, customer equity, or high-value customers.
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MKT 230 Week 3 DQ 2
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MKT 230 Week 3 DQ 2
Think of a product that you have seen advertised on television, a magazine, or on the radio. Describe the product and identify two external influences that might lead a person to purchase the product: culture, subculture, social class, or group membership.
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MKT 230 Week 3 DQ 1
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MKT 230 Week 3 DQ 1
Consider a recent purchase that you or a family member has made. Examples include a household product, DVD or CD, grocery item, or electronic device. Describe the item and list three reasons you purchased that product as opposed to another product. Then, identify the internal influences that describe each reason you made your purchase: perception, motivation, learning, attitudes, personality, age group, the family life cycle, or lifestyle.
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MKT 230 Week 3 CheckPoint Consumer Decision Making Process
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CheckPoint: Customer Relationship Management
Review the descriptions of customerrelationship management (CRM) characteristics found in Appendix D.
Complete Appendix D by identifying ,tivitiesthat can be classified by each characteristic of a CRM plan: share of customer,lifetime value of a customer, customer equity, or high-value customers.
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MKT 230 Week 2 Individual Assignment Marketing Plan Exercise
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Assignment: Marketing Plan Exercise
Review the Marketing Plan Exercise found on p. 136 of the textbook.
Answer questions 1–5 of the Marketing Plan Exercise.
Include two to three outside referencesto support your answers with research.
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MKT 230 Week 2 CheckPoint Decision Time At Qode
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Read the case scenario, Decision Time at Qode, on pp. 38–39 of the textbook.
Write a 200–300 word response describing how the three steps of business planning–strategic, functional, and operational–can be seen inthe marketing decisions being made by Qode. Include information on who the decision makers are at each level and what they doin the in planning process. Use figure 2.1 on pp. 41 of the textbook as a guide.
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MKT 230 Week 1 DQ 2
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MKT 230 Week 1 DQ 2
Pretend your instructor assigns to you one of the 4 P’s of the marketing mix to discuss. Describe the key points of goods or services as they apply to the piece of the marketing mix assigned to you: product, price, promotion, or place. How will your good or service be affected by the other three pieces of the marketing mix?
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MKT 230 Week 1 DQ 1
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MKT 230 Week 1 DQ 1
Many people regard marketing simply as advertising. Advertising is a part of marketing, but it is not the whole picture. What arguments can you make against the common assumption that marketers only worry about advertising? What are some of the roles that marketers play within an organization?
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MKT 230 Week 1 Check Point Marketing Concepts
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CheckPoint: Marketing Concepts
Using the information found in Ch. 1 of the textbook, complete the Marketing Concepts table found in Appendix B.
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MKT 230 Complete Course
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MKT 230 Complete Course
MKT 230 Week 1 DQ 1
MKT 230 Week 1 DQ 2
MKT 230 Week 1 Check Point Marketing Concepts
MKT 230 Week 2 CheckPoint Decision Time at Qode
MKT 230 Week 2 Individual Assignment Marketing Plan Exercise
MKT 230 Week 3 DQ 1
MKT 230 Week 3 DQ 2
MKT 230 Week 3 CheckPoint Consumer Decision Making Process
MKT 230 Week 4 Check Point Customer Relationship Management
MKT 230 Week 4 Individual Assignment Target Market Strategy Presentation
MKT 230 Week 5 DQ 1
MKT 230 Week 5 DQ 2
MKT 230 Week 5 CheckPoint New Product Development
MKT 230 Week 6 CheckPoint Branding Strategies
MKT 230 Week 6 Individual Assignment Life Cycle Management Analysis
MKT 230 Week 7 DQ 1
MKT 230 Week 7 DQ 2
MKT 230 Week 7 CheckPoint Integrated Marketing Communication
MKT 230 Week 8 CheckPoint 1 Developing an Advertising Campaign
MKT 230 Week 8 CheckPoint 2 Marketing Concepts Activity
MKT 230 Week 8 Individual Assignment Sales Promotion Techniques
MKT 230 Week 9 Capstone DQ
MKT 230 Week 9 Final Project Marketing Plan Outline
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