Orthodox Schools believed that Vedas were the supreme revealed scriptures that hold the secret of salvation. They did not question the authenticity of the Vedas. They had six sub schools that were called the __________.
Shada Darshana.
Samkhya school was founded by?
Kapil Muni.
Difference between Original Samkhya view and New Samkhya view?
- Time period:–
- O– dates around 1st century AD.
- N– 4th century AD. - Divine agency:–
- O– Presence of any divine agency was not necessary for the creation of the universe.
- N– Along with the element of nature, Purusha or spirit was necessary for the creation of the universe. - View:–
- O– Rational and scientific view of creation of the universe.
- N– Propounded a spiritual view of the creation of the universe. - World owns its existence to:–
- O– World owned its existence to nature or Prakriti.
‐ N– They argued that coming together of nature and spiritual elements created the world. - Type:–
- O– This view is considered to be a materialistic school of philosophy.
- N– More spiritual school of Philosophy.
Features of Samkhya school of Philosophy?
- Samkhya or Sankhya means count.
- Both original and new school argued that salvation could be attained through the acquisition of knowledge.
- Believed in dualism or dvaitavada, i.e. the soul and matter are the separate entities. This concept is the basis of all real knowledge.
- Knowledge can be acquired through three main concepts:–
- Pratyaksha: Perception
- Anumana: Inference
- Shabda: Hearing. - The final philosophy argued that Prakriti and Purusha are the basis of reality and they are absolute and independent.
- As Purusha is closer to the attributes of a male, it is associated with the consciousness and cannot be changed or altered.
- The Prakriti consists of three major attributes: thought, movement and transformation. These attributes make it closer to the physiognomy of a woman.
- Believed in theory of Rebirth and Transmigration of soul.
Yoga School was founded by?
Yogasutra of Patanjali.
Enumerate the Shada Darshana?
- Samkhya School
- Yoga School
- Nyaya School
- Vaisheshika School
- Mimamsa School
- Vedanta School
Features of Yoga School?
- Yoga means union of two major entities.
- Human being can achieve salvation by combining meditation and physical application of yogic techniques.
- Yoga techniques lead to the release of the Purusha from the Prakriti and leads to salvation.
- Physical aspect has exercises called asanas.
- Breathing exercises are called pranayams.
- All these techniques help humans to control their mind, body and sensory organs.
Means of achieving freedom— Meanings/Ways of achieving it. Yoga School?
- Yama– Practicing self control.
- Niyama– Observation of the rules governing one’s life.
- Pratyahara– Choosing an object.
- Dharna– Fixing the mind (over the chosen object).
- Dhyana– Concentrating on the above (above mentioned) chosen subject.
- Samadhi– It is the merging of the mind and the object that leads to final dissolution of the self.
Nyaya School was founded by?
Gautama who is identified as the author of the Nyaya Sutra.
Features of Nyaya School?
- Believe in technique of logical thinking to achieve salvation.
- They argue that acquiring real knowledge can only accrue salvation.
- By using logical tools like Inference, hearing and analogy; a human being could verify the truth of a proposition or statement. Example:‐
- There is fire in the jungle
- Because there is emission of smoke
- Everything that emits smoke has a component of fire in it. - They argued that the creation of the Universe was through God’s hands.
- God not only created the universe but also sustained and destroyed it.
- This philosophy constantly stressed on systematic thinking and reasoning.
Vaisheshika school was founded by?
Features of Vaisheshika school?
- Believes in the physicality of the Universe.
- Everything in the universe was created by the five main elements: fire, air, water, earth and ether (sky). These material elements are also called Dravya.
- They argue that reality has many categories, for example, action, attribute, genus, inheritance, substance and distant quality.
- They also developed the atomic theory, i.e. all material objects are made of atoms.
- This school was responsible for the beginning of physics in Indian subcontinent.
- Even though they argue for scientific thinking, they believe in god and conside him the guiding principal.
- They also believe that the laws of karma guide this universe.
- God decide the merits and demerits of our actions and man is sent to heaven or hell accordingly.
- They also believe in salvation, but it was parallel to the creation and destruction of the universe, which was a cyclic process and was decided by the wishes of the God.
Purva Mimamsa School was founded by?
Rishi Jaimini.
Features of Mimamsa School?
- ‘Mimamsa’ literally means the art of reasoning, interpretation and application.
- This school focuses on the analysis of the texts of Samhita and Brahmana.
- They argue that the Vedas contain the eternal truth and they are the repositories of all knowledge.
- If one has to attain religious merit, acquire heaven and salvation, they would have to fulfill all the duties which are prescribed by the Vedas.
- Emphasises on performing rituals to attain salvation.
- It is necessary to understand the justification and reasoning behind Vedic rituals.
- One’s actions were responsible for their merits and demerits and a person would enjoy the bliss of heaven as long as their meritorious acts lasted.
- But they would not be free of the cycle of life and death. Once they achieve salvation, they would be able to break free from this unending cycle.
- As most humans did not understand the rituals properly they would have to take assistance of the priests.
- Therefore, this philosophy inherently legitimized the social distance between the various classes. This was used as a device by the Brahmans to maintain their clout over people and they continued to dominate the social hierarchy.
Vedanta School (Uttar Mimamsa) was founded by?
Sabar Swami and Kumarila Bhatta are associated with which school of philosophy?
Purva Mimamsa.
The oldest text that formed the basis of Vedanta Philosophy was?
Brahmasutra of Badrayana.
Features of Vedanta School?
- Upholds the philosophies of life as elaborated in Upanishads.
- Brahma is the reality of life and everything else is unreal or Maya.
- Atma or the consciousness of self is similar to the brahma. This argument equalizes atma and brahma and if a person attains the knowledge of the self, he would automatically understand brahma and would achieve salvation.
- Brahma and atma are indestructible and eternal.
- Vedanta theory gave credence to the Theory of Karma.
- They believed in the theory of Punarjanama or rebirth. They also argued that a person would have to bear the brunt of their actions from the previous birth in the next one.
Difference between Shankaracharya and Ramanujan’s view on Vedanta School of Philosophy?
But the philosophy evolved in the 9th century AD through the philosophical intervention of Shankaracharya who wrote commentaries on the Upanishads and the Bhagavad Gita. His changes led to the development of Advaita Vedanta. Another major philosopher of this school was Ramanujan who wrote in the 12th century AD. His intervention led to some differences in Vedanta school:-
- Shankaracharya considers brahma to be without any attributes (Nirguna) whereas Ramanujan considers brahma to possess certain attributes (Saguna)
- Shankaracharya considers Knowledge or jnana/gyan to be the main means of attaining salvation whereas Ramanujan considers loving the faith and practicing devotion as the path to attain salvation.
Vinaya Pitaka was written by?
Disciple Upala.