School Sport & Organisations Flashcards
What are the four core themes of the healthy schools programme?
Healthy Eating/Physical ACTIVITY/Emotional Health & Wellbeing/PSHE
Name four organisations that are involved in the development of sport.
National Governing Bodies (NGBs)/Youth Sports Trust/Sport England/Dame Kelly Holmes Legacy Trust
What is the NGB for Gymnastics?
British Gymnastics
Who provides funding for Sport England?
The National Lottery
What type of performers or clubs do Sport England focus on?
‘Grass Roots’
What type of support do Sport England offer?
Financial support through GRANT application: This money can be used to purchase equipment, playing kit, build facilities, hire facilities or pay for competition fees.
What do Sport England protect as priority?
Playing fields: The quality of many playing fields deteriorates in the winter due to heavy rain and cold temperatures. This means many fixtures have to be called off as there is nowhere to play them. Sport England provides funding that helps improve drainage, or improve the existing playing surface.
Who is the target group for the Dame Kelly Holmes Legacy Trust?
Young people, 16-25 year olds, possibly from disadvantaged backgrounds.
Name two projects run by the Dame Kelly Holmes Legacy Trust?
Sporting Champions/Get on Track
What does the Sporting Champions project involve?
Using mentors/to inspire young athletes/to increase participation levels in sport. It could focus on target groups in a particular sport such as girls in rugby, or those who do not usually participate in sport. The projects may be in schools or in the local community.
What does the Get on Track project involved?
Using ex-professional sporting mentors to work with young/disadvantaged people to help them improve their lives/help improve their confidence, motivation, discipline or desire to participate in sport. Ultimately to make them more employable so they can achieve economic wellbeing. Projects may focus on young people with issues involving drugs, violence, gang crime or alcohol.
What are the responsibilities of an NGB such as British Gymnastics?
Organise competition or fixtures, to train coaches and officials, to allocate officials to competitions, to increase participation and performance levels in their sport.
Which organisation is responsible for developing volunteers in sport?
Youth Sports Trust
What are the responsibilities of the Youth Sports Trust?
Running the School Games (remember what Mr Crocker does) which means organising fixtures, competitions and festivals for local schools/Developing and recruiting volunteers/Training volunteers where they can develop skills such as organisation or communication/This can be done by recruiting and organising YOUNG AMBASSADORS or YOUNG LEADERS.
What happens in the healthy eating core theme?
Improving the quality of food available in schools/encouraging schools to improve the ingredients used in school food/encouraging schools to offer more healthy options such as less fatty foods/educating pupils so they can make healthy decisions and choose to eat healthy foods/ensuring there are adequate water supplies on school site so pupils are hydrated/ensuring schools have a Whole School Food Policy.
What happens in the Physical Activity core theme?
Schools should offer at least 2 hours of PE a week/Teachers should teaching interesting and engaging lessons to increase physical activity/Extra-curricular clubs so pupils can develop their skills and participate after school/Build school club links so pupils can receive expert coaching/Run intra-school competitions such as house matches/Run inter-school competitions between schools.
What happens in the PSHE core theme?
Pupils should be educate on issues such as drugs, alcohol and safe sex/so they can make the informed decisions when they find themselves in these situations/Educating pupils on financial issues such as savings, mortgages and jobs/so pupils can gain economic wellbeing.
What happens in the Emotional Health & Wellbeing core theme?
Ensuring pupils with issues such as low-confidence or bullying can deal with their problems/offering anti-bullying groups such as the ABC/offering student councilling/ensuring they have access to their Pastoral Leader who can help with any problems (Mr Ward)/Ensuring pupil premium pupils are given the best chance of succeeding.
What is a role model?
Someone you aspire to be like.
How might a teacher have a positive impact on participation or attitudes in PE?
Teach engaging lessons/Develop positive relationships with pupils/Provide encouragement on performance/Act as a role model through performance or conduct
How might a teacher have a negative impact on participation or attitudes in PE?
Teach boring lessons/Be rude to pupils/Bully individuals/Lack of encouragement and support.
How can a school show commitment to a ‘Physical Activity Policy’ and work to get pupils involved in sport?
Delivering 2 hours a week of high quality PE lessons/Offer a range of extra-curricular activities and advertise these around the school/Run competitive fixtures with other schools/Create club links in the local area so expert coaches can deliver sessions and help with skill development/Run trips to local facilities or professional fixtures in the local area/Run intra-school competition such as house matches.
How can studying another subject improve your performance and understanding of PE?
BIOLOGY - Understanding of the working muscles, bones, cardiovascular system.
MATHS - Understanding of numbers to help with timing, measuring in athletics.
- Understanding of tables, graphs & statistics to help with performance analysis.
GEOGRAPHY - Understanding of maps for Outdoor Adventure Activities.
ICT - Equipment can be used to film performance which can then be analysed to identify weaknesses.
*There are many others.
How could someone use a school’s facilities to improve their performance?
Use of facilities such as astroturf or sports hall to practise skills at training/Specialist facilities such as a school gym could help improve fitness or muscular strength/Specialist knowledge of teachers could be used if they provide feedback on performance/School’s technology such as cameras or IPADs could be used to film performance for analysis purposes.