School exclusion Flashcards
School exclusion
No exclusion
Fifth disease (slapped cheek)
Infectious mononucleosis
Head lice
Hand, foot and mouth
24 hours after commencing antibiotics Scarlet fever
2 days after commencing antibiotics (or 21 days from onset of symptoms if no antibiotics ) Whooping cough
4 days from onset of rash Measles
5 days from onset of swollen glands Mumps
5 days from onset of rash Rubella
All lesions crusted over Chickenpox*
Until symptoms have settled for 48 hours Diarrhoea & vomiting
Until lesions are crusted and healed, or 48 hours
after commencing antibiotic treatment Impetigo
Until treated Scabies
Until recovered Influenza
*the official advice regarding school exclusion for chickenpox has gone back and forth over recent years.
In September 2017 Public Health England advocated the following:
Cases of chickenpox are generally infectious from 2 days before the rash appears to 5 days after the onset of rash.
Although the usual exclusion period is 5 days, all lesions should be crusted over before children return to nursery or school.
However, Clinical Knowledge Summaries are a bit vaguer:
Advise that the most infectious period is 1-2 days before the rash appears, but infectivity continues until all the lesions are dry and have crusted over (usually about 5 days after the onset of the rash).