Newborn resuscitation Flashcards
Newborn resuscitation.
Neonatal resuscitation guidelines
Birth: Dry the baby, remove any wet towels and cover and start the clock or note the time.
Within 30 seconds: Assess tone, breathing and heart rate.
Within 60 seconds: If gasping or not breathing - open the airway and give 5 inflation breaths
Re-assess: If no increase in heart rate look for chest movement
If chest not moving: Recheck head position, consider 2-person airway control and other airway manoeuvres, repeat inflation breaths and look for a response.
If no increase in heart rate look for chest movement
When the chest is moving: If heart rate is not detectable or slow (< 60 min-1) - start chest compressions with 3 compressions to each breath.
Reassess heart rate every 30 seconds. If heart rate is not detectable or slow (<60 beats per minute) consider venous access and drugs