School Age Children Flashcards
Erkickson’s Developmental Theory
______ vs. _______
- B_____, cr____, acc_____
- Skills of life
- Re____ to peers, self-d_____
- ___work, ___ sports
- Mastering re____ and arith____
Industry vs. Inferiority
- Building, creating, accomplishing
- Skills
- Relating, discipline
- teamwork, team sports
- reading, arithmetic
Piaget Stage
_____ Operational Stage
- L_____ thinking
- Coherently organized _____
- Seq____ arrangement
- Conservation
- M___ and V____ - understanding numbers remain the same despite changes in form
M____ and R_____ are major tasks that need to be master
Concrete Operational Stage
- Logical
- thoughts
- Sequential
- Conservation
- Mass and Volume
Math and Reading
Social-Emotional Development
- The school-age years bring new and exciting ch____ and re____ for children
- Research conducted on school-aged children show that peer ____ have a profound impact on children’s overall development
- Children who have good relationships with classmates are often less l____, de____, ____ fewer days of school, and en___ school.
- challenges, rewards
- peer relationships
- less lonely, depressed, miss fewer days of school, enjoy school
Reasons for Concern
- Children who have problematic ____ relationships and difficulties with ____ skills
- Children who struggle with peer acc_____ and repirocal f____ building are at greater risk for increased problems in elementary school
- These children are at risk for b_____, social _____, s__ness, and school related difficulties
- As a HCP if you identify signs of difficulty, it is important to consult with cou____ or ps____
- peer relationships, social skills
- peer acceptance, reciprocal friendship
- bullying, isolation, sadness
- counselor, psychologist
6-7y Social, Cognitive, Emotional, Physical Milestones
- May lose first baby ____
- Likes to stay b____
- ____ skills in order to become better
- They should be able to ____ age-appropriate books
- Speaks in _____ sentences, understands concept of n_____, differentiates ___ and ___, tells t____
- During this time they are able to coo____ and sh___, p____ with friends of same gender
- They like to ____ adults, j_____ of others and siblings
- tooth
- busy
- Practice
- read
- complete sentences, numbers, right and left, time
- cooperate, share, play
- copy, jealous
10-12y Milestones of Age
- Remainder of adult ___ will develop
- More in_____, f____ are very important and influential
- D______ the ability to stick to the r_____
- Increased interest in _____ of interest
- adult teeth
- independent, friend important
- Developing, rules
- gender
7-12y Social, Cognitive, Emotional Development
- This is an age where the child spends a great part of the day in s____ and with f____
- They pick up quite a few new skills and at the same are likelty to have ______ outbursts on a regular basis
- Milestones are: D_____ ability to stick to the r_____
- The beginning of the “_____“
- school, friends
- emotional outburts
Developing, rules
- “LOOK”
Middle and Late Childhood (6-12 y) Physical Development
Growth and Body Changes
- Children grow more _____
- Weight __-__ lb/yr
- Height ___ inch/yr
- _____ growth patterns (boys vs. girls)
- Body proportion (th____ and sl____)
- _____ become bigger and stronger
- ____ capacity gives greater endurance and speed
- slowly
- 5-6lb
- 2 inch
- Similar
- thinner, slimmer)
- Muscles
- Lung
School Age Children Growth and Development
- Body systems mature
- ____ portion grows faster than _____ portion
- Bones _____, muscles are more fl_____ - increased strength and heart and lung capacity give the child the ____ to perform increased skills
- Movements are more coo_____
- More aware of ____ and development of secondary ____ characteristics
- Prepubescence begins __ yrs before onsent of puberty
- Puberty Average Age
- Girls ___ y
- Boys ___ y
- Have an expanded ______ span
- Body systems
- lower
- lengthen, flexible, endurance
- coordinated
- body, sex characteristics
- 2y
- Puberty
- 12
- 14
- attention span
Physical Development
Participation in Activities (4)
- Gross Motor Skills
- _____ muscles of the body: W____, R_____, Cl_____
- Fine Motor Skills
- Gross: Th_____, C_____
- Fine: P____, Dr____, Using a kn___ and f___, Wr____, T____ shoes
Baseball, Football, Swimming, Running
- Gross Motor
- Large muscles: Walking, Running, Climbing
- FIne Motor
- Throwing, Catching
- Painting, Drawing, knife/fork, Writing, Tying
Influences on Physical Growth and Health
- Hereditary and Hormones
- (2) hormones
- N______
- Infectious disease
- ___nutrition
- imm______
- Childhood in_____
- Hereditary and Hormones
- Growth hormone
- Thyroid stimulating hormone
- Nutrition
- ID
- Malnutrition
- Immunization
- injuries
History-What to Ask?
- Review previous n_____
- Importance of a complete history
- Pre____
- Bi____
- Fa____
- Ill____ (review what common medical/surgical for age group)
- Ho_____/ _ _ visits
- Imm_____
- Nut_____
- School P_____
- Developmental _____
- M____ history - LMP
- Do you have a ______ card?
- notes
- complete history
- Prenatal
- Birth
- Family
- Illness
- Hospitalizations/ER
- Immunizations
- Nutrition
- Performance
- Milestones
- Menstrual - Last Menstrual Period
- Vaccine Card
History-What to Ask?
- Also include
- Exer_____
- Ac____
- Saf____
- After school _____
- S____ use?
- Substance ex____?
- S_____ experimentation
- D_____ scale (patient and parent)
- Exercise
- Activity
- Safety
- activities
- Substance
- exposure
- Sexual
- Depression
School Age - Physical Exam
- ____ signs, especially __ ___*
- H_/W_/B _ _
- All components of a normal ___ in a younger child
- T____ staging
- NY state ____ forms
- VS, Blood pressure*
- PE
- Tanner
- school
Anticipatory Guidance
- ______: growth spurt, prepare pt and parent for puberty - “the look”
- E_____
- In_____: lo____ and lang____, concrete to ____ reasoning
- S____ Development: community and sexual identity
- S____ Readiness: School performance
- H____ Patterns: Nutrition, Sleep, Exercise
S____: accident prevention- leading cause of death; teach prevention planning, confirm emergency plan
- Safety, violence exposure, cohesion and sexual act
- Physical
- Emotional
- Intellectual: logic and language, concrete to abstract reasoning
- Social
- School
- Health
- Safety
Anticipatory Guidance
- Health Maintenance
- Imm_____ remember/___ Shot - MEMORIZE
- _ _ _ screening - school entrance
- PPD can be applied ____ or ____ that MMR vaccine is given. However if MMR vaccine given on the previous day or earlier, the PPD should be _____ for at least?
- Live _____ vaccine given prior to the application of PPD can ____ the reactivity of the skin test bc of mild ____ of the immune system
- Health Maintenance
- Immunizations/FLU
- before or same day, but MMR before = PPD delayed one month
- Measles, reduce reactivity of PPD bc of mild suppression of immune system
Cholesterol Screening
- NHLBI/AAP guidelines strongly recommend universal cholesterol screening between ages of? (2)
- This screening should occur in the context of ___ child and health ____ visits
- Lipid screening can be performed with a ___ fasting lipid profile or __-fasting lipid levels
D______ in children: Definition, screening, and diagnosis
- 9-11 and again between 17-21
- well child, health maintenance
- full fasting or no-fasting
Cholesterol Intervention
For pediatric patients who are _____ or obese have high _____ concentration or low ____ concentration, (1) is the primary treatment, which includes improvement of ____ with nutrition _____ and increased (1) to produce improved energy balance.
overweight, high triglyceride, low HDL, weight management, diet, nutrition counseling, physical activity
Lead Poisoning is Preventable
___ exposure
- Report _____ or damanged paint to building owner. Building owners are ____ to safely fix peeling paint. If they do not fix peeling paint, or if work is being done in unsafe manner (ie dust), you should ____ them online or by calling ___. or NYCHA residents concerned about their home or their children can call 718-707-7771
- Keep children away from (2) - Wash f____ and w______ often. Wash childrens h___ and t___ too. Remove ____ before entering your home.. Wash work clothes separate from family laundery if someone is in _____. Learn more about avoiding products that may contain lead, such as imported ____, f___ and cos____, and traditional m_____.
- Peeling, required, report, 311
- peeling paint and home renovations, floors and windowsills, hands and toys, shoes, construction, pottery, food, cosmetics, medicines
Lead Testing
- In New York State, children must be tested for lead poisoning at ages ___ and ___, and screened for risk up to age ___.
- Ask your pcp about testing _____ children if you think they’ve been exposed to lead.
- _____ women should be assessed for lead exposure at first ____ visit
- Call ___ for help finding a clinic
- When to retest
- 5 - <15 =
- 25-45 =
- When to retest
- 1-2, screening up to age 6
- older
- Pregnant, first prenatal visit
- 311
- Q1-3 months till <5
- Q3 months till <15 then like above
Lead NYC >45
- Arrange hospitalization and ch_____ according to “Recommended Chelation Protocol for Children With BLLs > 45 ug/dL
- Perform complete _______ exam
- Confirm BLL with ______ specimen processes as an emergency test before providing chelation, unless symptoms of ______ are present
- Obtain ______ to look for paint chips/other solid lead ingestion; if radio-opaque particles are found or recent ingestion is witnessed, use a cathartic
- Monitor e______ protoporphyrin (EP) levels to assess timing of exposure
- Do not discharge the child until the NYC _____ ______ inspects the home
- Inform the NYC Healht department of hospital admission by calling 646-632-6002
- The NYC Health Department can provide: R_____ to providers with expertise in lead poisoning for consultation onevenings on evenings and weekends, call the Poison control center at 212-POISONS (764-7667)
- chelation
- neurologic
- venous, encephalopathy
- abdominal x-ray
- erythrocyte
- Health Department
- Referrals
Lead NYC 20 - <45
- All actions for BLL __ and __ AND
- Evaluate for ____-deficiency ______, often associated with lead poisoning
- Consider _____ if paint chips or other solid lead ingestion is suspected
- If radio-opaque partles are found or recent ingestion is witnessed, use a ______
- 5, 20
- iron deficiency anemia
- abdominal x-ray
- cathartic
Lead NYC 5 - <20
- Assess potential sources of exposure by asking the Recommended Lead Risk Assessment _______
- Provide Recommended ______ Message
- Evaluate for adequate intake of (2). Adequate stores may decrease GI ______ of lead
- If a fingerstick specimen, confirm with _____ specimen within time frame specified in recommended follow-up blood lead test schedule below. Venous specimens are ____ accurate than fingerstick specimens.
- Report BLL to NYC _____ ____ within __ hrs via Online registry
- In analyzing specimens in your office using a point of care device, remember to _____ BLLS
- Questions
- Educational
- Calcium, iron, absorption
- venous, more accurate
- Health Department within 24 hrs
Common Problems Otitis Externa
- Otitis externa =
- S/S = ____ in ear aggravated by ____ the auricle, ex_____ in ear canal
- Tx = P_____ - keep instruments ____
- Keep w____ out
- Medication: ____/____ drops
- Inflammation of external auditory canal
- pain, moving, exudate
- Prevention, out
- water
- antibiotic/steroid drops
An average of __/10 school age children has asthma
- Subjective: D___ H_____ cough, Dys_____, Wh______, T___ chest
- Exam: B/L inspiratory _______, tachy____, tachy_____, _____ muscle use. P____ flow meter
- Differential: Br_____, Foreign _____, Pn______
PLAN: D_____, Th______. Ed_______
- Asthma ed_____
- F___ shot
- Dry Hacking, Dyspnea, Wheezing, Tight
- wheezing, tachypnea, tachycardia, accessory muscle use, Peak flow
- Bronchities, body, pneumonia
- Diagnostic, Therapeutic, Education
- education
- Flu shot
Common Problem: Childhood Asthma
- S/S =
- Acute Attack =
- F____ and S_____ History
- Differential D_____
- (Note pattern, frequency, precipitating factors and duration)
- Coughing, SOB, wheezing on exhalation
- Chest congestions and tightness, sputum production
- Insomnia rt SOB, coughing, or wheezing at night
- Bouts of coughing/wheezing that increases with resp infection
- Delayed recovery after resp infection
- Fatigue and dyspnea upon exertion (exercise induced asthma)
- Tachycardia, Diaphoresis, Chest pain, use of accessory muscle while breathing, flaring of nares while breathing, use of abdominal muscles while breathing
- Family, Social
- Diagnosis
Common Problems: Childhood Asthma
- Diagnostic Tests (2)
- Medication (3)
Patient Education
- s___ e____ of medication
- Avoiding all_____
- Notifying child’s _____ personnel
- Give parent written ______
Follow up
- R____ to office if not well controlled
- Routine follow up every ___ months
- Spirometry, Exhaled Nitric Oxide Tests
- Long term control, Rescue meds (short acting), Allergy desens shots -immunotherapy
- Education
- SE
- allergens
- school
- instructions
- Follow up
- Return
- Q6 m
Tinea Corporis
- Superficial _____ infection involving what parts of the body (3)
- S/S =
- Topical meds =
- Oral meds keep in mind what t____?
- Education - don’t share cl____, t_____
“Ringworm” of nonhairy skin
- fungal, face, trunk, limbs
- red, scaly, oval patch usually asx or mildly itchy
- Antifungal QD for two weeks
- teaching
- no sharing clothing, towels
Tinea Capitus
- _____ infection of the s____
- S/S = same as tinea corporis, may have + anterior/posterior cervical n____
- Tx = M_____, Sh_____, O___ meds (LFT’s)
- Education = _____ of hats, towels
“ringworm” of the head
- Fungal, scalp
- nodes
- medication, shampoo, oral meds (check LFTs)
- No sharing
Lice/Scabies: Pediculosis
- Pediculosis and Scabies are caused by _______. _____ is the most common presenting symptom
- Head and pubic lice infestations are diagnosed with ______ of live lice. ___ (lice eggs or egg casings) are ___ sufficient to diagnose a currest infestation
- First line pharmacologic tx for pedulosis is p______ 1% lotion or shampoo. Newer tx are available but costly, and resistance patterns are generally unknown.
- Body lice infestation should be suspected in pts with pruritis who live in _____ conditions or have poor h____
- Clothing and bedding should be _____ in ___ water and dried in ____ dryer
- Counseling regarding appropriate diagnosis and correct use of effective therapies is key to reducing the burden of lice
- ectoparasites. Pruritis
- visualization. Nits not sufficient to diagnose
- Permetherin
- crowded, hygiene
- washed, hot, hot
Sexual Abuse
What to do, when to refer?
- If you believe the child is in ______ danger of being harmed, call the police at 911 or your local police department
Child Abuse Hotline
- Reports of ________ child abuse or maltreatment should be made immediately to the NY Statewide Central Register of Child Abuse and Maltreatment, commonly known as the Child Abuse Hotline, at: 1800 342 3720
- This hotline operates ___ hrs/day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year
- Immediate danger
Child Abuse Hotline
- suspected
- open 24 hrs/everyday all year
Risk Factors/Watch For
- 6-9 yo: poor s_____ adjustment, using agg______ to gain attention, frequent i_____, t_/c____ overuse - development of self attitude: should have ______ role model: family, school, community taking responsibility for child’s development. If lacking, refer.
- 9-12 yo: ___happy, ____ school performance, ____ of adult role model and opportunity for responsibility; over d_____ on family; too much __/____ games; ____ behavior
- Always watch for child _____ abuse
- I______ - know the normal values and variations
- S______ information
- poor school, aggression, illness, tv/computer, positive
- unhappy, poor, lack, dependence, tv/video games, antisocial
- sexual
- immunizations
- school
School Problems
- H_____ of problem….Across settings?
- B____ History
- F____ History
- De______ History
- M_____ History
- Clinician must do complete __ including v____ and h_____
- Labs: ____ screening? _ _ _
- Other labs: Review Guidelines for age group
- History
- Birth
- Family
- Developmental
- Medical
- PE, vision, hearing
- Lead, CBC
2019 Recommended Immunizations for Children 7-18
- When to get the flu shot?
- When to get Tdap?
- When to get HPV?
- When to get Meningococcal A?
- When to get Meningococcal B?
- Everyone 6 months and older should get a flu vaccine every year.
- All 11-12 year olds should get one shot of Tdap
- All 11-12 year olds shoud get a 2 shot series of HPV. A 3 shot series needed for those with weakend immune system and thos who start the series at 15 y or older.
- All 11-12 yo should get one shot of Men ACWY. A booster shot is recommended at 16 yo
- Teens 16-18 may be vaccinated wtih MenB vaccine
Free Homeschool Curriculum and Educational Resources
- Find free homeschool curriculum and educational resources with our free and fully searchable database. Discover thorusands of resoursces from ___, the Library of ______, the US Dept of ______
- What grades?
- PBS, Congress, Dep of Education
- K-12