Preschool Flashcards
3-5 yo
Erikson’s Developmental Theories
What stage?
- _____ activity (physical and intellectual)
- They like to _____ actions that result in a purposeful activity
- They like activities that are motivated by re____ from st_____
- They are sensitive to cr_____, may develop feelings of g___ and in_____
Initiative vs. Guilt
- Initiate
- Imitate
- response from stimuli
- criticism, guilt, inadequacy
3 years: Social, Cognitive, Emotional Milestones
- ______ (me, me, me)
- Tolerates periods of _____ from parents
- Have night____, fe___
- Im_____ adults and playmates
- Inq___ and ____ative
- Follows dir_____ commands
- Engage in both _____ and _____ play
- Play make-_____
- Sorts objects by sh____ and c_____ and perceived fun_____ (mommy, daddy, etc)
- Temper tantrums are?
- separation
- nightmares, fears
- Imitates
- Inquisitive, talkative
- directional
- parallel and associative play
- make believe
- shape, color, function
- not uncommon
3 Years: Milestones Language
- Vocabulary about ____ words
- Speaks in __-__ word sentences
- Speech mostly in____
- Can say a__, n___, s___
- _____ words
____ songs with special words
- 1900 children missing 2020
- 900
- 4-5
- intelligible
- age, name, sex
- Special
- Love
3y Milestones: Motor Development
- C____, W____, _____ feet in stair climbing
- Opens ____, turns ____
- Builds tower of __ blocks
- Holds p____, draws what shape?
- Feeds ____
- Can put some ____ and shoes
- Peddles ____ (safety issue helmets important)
- Climbs, Walks, Alternates
- doors, knobs
- 9 blocks
- pencil, circle
- self
- clothing
- tricycle
4y Milestones: Social, Cognitive, Emotional
- ____ egocentric
- ______ play
- Better understanding of ____
- Follows ___-part commands
- Correctly names c_____
- Understands concept of ____ing
- Less
- Associative (social play)
- time
- 3 part commands
- colors
- counting
Cognitive/social deficits/developmental delays should have been recognized by now
4y Milestones: Language
- Vocabulary about _____ words
- Speaks in __-__ word sentences
- Tells st_____
- Follows basic ______ rules
- 1500
- 5-6
- stories
- grammatical
4y Milestones: Motor Development
- Sk_____, ____ on one foot
- ____ ball
- Uses sc____, can cut and paste
- Walks on ___toes
- D____ and __dresses with supervision (__ laces, zippers, buttons)
- Copies what shape?
- Copies what type of letters?
- ____ own teeth, ___ own hands
- Skipping, hop on one foot
- Catches
- Scissors
- tiptoes
- Dresses, undresses (no laces, zip, buttons)
- Square
- Uppercase
- brushes teeth, washes hands
5y Milestones: Social Cognitive, Emotional
- Can count ___ or more objects
- ____ play - eager to _____
- Has fewer f_____
- 10
- Associative, eager to please also easy to lure..stranger danger!
- fewer fears
5y Milestones: Language
- Vocabulary up to ___ words
- Speaks ___ word sentences
- Can d____ some words
- Knows ___ of weeks, months
- Prints some ____ of alphabet
- Uses ____ tense
- Knows their own add____
- 2100
- 6+
- define
- days of week, months
- letters
- future
- address
5y Milestones: Motor Development
- Stands on ___ foot for __ seconds
- H___ and somer____
- Can print own ____
- Copies what shape?
- Jumps ____
- Dresses and undresses ______
- Uses eating ____
- ____ shoe laces
- one foot 10 seconds
- Hops, somersaults
- name
- Triangle
- rope
- independently
- utensils
- Ties shoe laces
Growth and Development Chart
- B____ History
- W___ Child Visits
- Imm_________
- Illness history including
- _ _ visits, hospital - especially looking for in____
- S____ Hx
- ____ - types of foods offered and frequency
- D_______ Milestones
- School Hx- vs ___care, be specific: type, number of _____, pr_____ etc. - teachers at age __
- Birth
- Well
- Immunizations
- ER, injuries
- Surgical
- Eating
- Developmental
- daycare, children:providers, 3
- Gains approximately __ kg (__ lb) of body weight per year (Wt. __x birth weight)
- Gains __ cm ( __ inches) of height each year
- Head circumference reaches __% of adult size (gains < __ cm during entire age period)
- ____ growth charts to monitor growth for children age > ___ in the US
- 2kg, 4lb (4x birth weight)
- 7cm (2inches)
- 80%, <2cm
- CDC growth charts > 2 yo
A Complete Physical Examination
Comprehesive medical exam must include:
- All required ______
Lead screening* 1-6yo, Lead LEVELS 1-2 yo
- It is important to be aware of the following
- primary ____
- should be present, they erupt by?
- tonsils and adenoids _____ in size to age __ then begin to ____ abck
- lung capacity ____, RR ____
- CV system ____ in proportion ot general body growth
- primary ____
- teeth
- later toddler, early preschool (3 yo)
- increase till 4, then retract back
- lung increases, RR decreases
- CV enlarges
- Kidneys?
- control of elimination? BEGINS AFTER ___ months for most children
- Protuberant abdomen ____, pelvis ____, abdominal muscles ____
- ____ grow faster than other body parts
- IMPORTANT: always examine ____ with every annual visit, and if there is a complaint that includes genitalia or elimination
- Refer for hydro___, _____ testes, _ _ _
- Full maturity
- yes, 18 months
- dissapears, straightens, develop
- legs
- genitalia
- hydrocephale, undescended testes, UTI
Bottom check every visit, boys: undescended testes, girls labial fusion?
Preschool Annual HCM
- How often for a physical?
- H_, W_
- Do not need head _____ after age __, unless problem
- _ _ starting at age 3
- Vision screening when?
- H____ screening
- D_____ screening - refer
- Review the number of (2) infections since birth -Refer to ___ for OM
- Every year
- Ht, Wt
- Head circumference, x after 3
- BP
- prior to 3, use developmental tasks as assessment
- Hearing
- Dental
- OM/OE, ENT for OM
Preschool HCM cont.
What annual lab tests? (4)
Immunizations? (3)
- Urinalysis
- Hgb/Hct (some clinics may do CBC/SMAC)
- Lead
- Cholesterol Screening if high risk (FmHx)
- Immunizations.. know NYC DOH (0-6)
- Contraindications
- Parental refusal
Vision Charts
Not all created _____
- Some are c____ or b__/w__
- A____ in different ____
- B____
- __ chart
- Alph_____
- Use a chart the child can?
- colored, black/white
- Animals, positions
- Boats
- E
- Alphabet
- identify with
TB Testing
- PPD screening…routine vs. high risk
- As of June 2012 is PPD required?
- Remember look at the ___ BOOK or call Immunization ____ 347-396-2400
- Children and adolescents should be screened for ___ factors
- Administrative or mandated tests for TB infection for entry to?
- PPD routine screening
- Not required unless high risk
- RED BOOK, Hotline
- Risk factors
- day care, school ,summer camp, college are discouraged in absence of risk factors
Anticipatory Guidance
- In____ Prevention
- V____ Prevention
- Nut_____ Counseling
- Imm_____
- L____ Screening
- Injury
- Violence
- Nutrition
- Immunization
- Lead
Safety Topics
- Poisoning: l____, cl____ supplies, imported ___, pl___, vit____, al____, med____
- S____ awareness
- Ch____ hazards, foods and objects
- Traffic and street-______
- G__ and firearms
- Second hand ____
- Safety he_____
- lead, cleaning, toys, plants, vitamins, alcohol, medications
- Stranger
- Choking
- crossing
- Guns
- smoke
- helmets
Education Concerns For Parents
- Not meeting d_____ m_____
- Dramatic loss of previously acquired ____
- No ____ in interactive ____ or other ch_____
- Unable to _____ from parents w/e major protest
- Reacts without self-_____ when angry or upset
- Inadequate _____ - underweight/overweight
- Encourage to offer healthy foods, and snacks, limit simple sugars and snacks
- developmental milestones
- skills
- interest, games, children
- separate
- no self-control
- intake
Developmental Awareness
- ___ appropriate behaviors - m____ awareness
- When in doubt?
- Age, mother’s
- Get a second opinion (another provider, specialist)
Recommended Immunizations for Children from Birth through 6 yo
- Hep B (3)
- RV (rotavirus) (3)
- DTaP (diptheria,tetanus, percussis) (4)
- Hib (flu B) (4)
- PCV13 (Pna) (4)
- IPV (polio) (4)
- Influenza
- MMR (2)
- Varicella (2)
- Hep A(1)
- Birth, 1-2m, 6-18m
- 2m, 4m, 6m
- 2m, 4m, 6m, 15-18m, 4-6y
- 2m, 4m, 6m, 12-15m
- 2m, 4m, 6m 12-15m
- 2m, 4m, 6-18m, 4-6y
- 6m-6y annually
- 12-15m, 4-6y
- 12-15m, 4-6y
- 12-23m
Find Free Vaccines
- The ___ ___ ___ (VFC) program provides eligible children vaccines at no cost. Important for you to check out the program’s _____ - not everyone is a VFC provider. To become a VFC provider call your state or local _____ department or check the VFC website
- Collaboration between (2)
- Parent and patient handouts from? addresses key info for health supervision care from infancy through adolescence. Is a national health care promotion and disease prevention initiative that uses a developmentally based approach to address children’s health care needs in the context of family and community
- Vaccines for Children, requirements, health department
- AAFP and American Academy of Pediatrics
- Bright Futrures Tool and Resource Kit
- Info changes frequently
- Children can present in all the usual ways but are also presenting with _____ complaints
- All children can potentially be taught to?
- Get ______
- Difference - ordinary flu severe symptoms tend to present rapidly, SAR-COV 19 symptoms ____ as ___ go by
- abdominal
- wash hands, wear masks, social distance (they mimic adults so encourage adults)
- vaccinated
- Sx worsens as days go by