Infant 2-10 Months Flashcards
Erickson’s Psychosocial Development
Trust vs. Mistrust
- fullfillment of basic needs such as nourishment, warmth, and physical contact
Piaget’s Theory of Cognitive Development
Argues that we have to conquer 4 stages of cognitive development
______ Operational
______ Operational
______ Operational
Argues that we have to conquer 4 stages of cognitive development
Growth and Development
- Physical Characteristics
- W____
- H_____
- Head ______
- G____ chart plots WHO/CDC
- Use the ____ growth charts to monitor growth for infants and children ages 0-2 y of age in the US
- Use the ____ growth charts to monitor growth for children age 2 and older
- Weight
- Height
- Circumference
- Growth
- WHO 0-2y
- CDC >2y
Newborn to 2 months
Gross Motor Skills
- Head =
- When does the head lag disappear?
- Neck =
- Hands =
- Can lift and turn head when lying on back
- Complete head lag when newborn, slight at 12 wks, should disappear at 20wks
- Unable to support head when sitting
- Fisted, arms flexed
3-4 months
- Eyes =
- Hands and feet =
- When lying face down =
- Neck =
- Primitive reflexes =
- Rolling =
- Track objects (better muscle control), increased vision to tell objects apart from backgrounds
- Begin to control but not fine tuned, no grasp just swiping at objets
- Cobra (raises up upper torso, shoulders, head)
- can Sit with support, keep head up
- Dissappeared
- Stomach to back at 4 months
5-6 months
- Sitting =
- Hands =
- Rolling =
- When lying on tummy =
- Sit alone WITHOUT support (only moments at first then up to 30sec)
- Grasps blocks or cubes with ulnar palmar grasp (doesn’t use thumb)
- Back to Stomach
- Push up with arms to raise shoulderes and head to look around and reach objects
6-9 Months
- What gross motor activity begins?
- Sitting =
- Standing =
- Crawling
- Sit without support for long periods of time
- Pulls into standing position while holding furniture, can sit down from standing
9-12 Months
- Standing =
- Walking =
- Begins to balance while standing alone
- Takes steps holding hand, may take few steps alone
Fine Motor
- 2-4m
- 4-6m
- 6-8m
- 8-10m
- hands open, plays with hands and feet
- palmar grasp, manipulates small objects
- holds bottle, bangs objects
- pincer grasp
Positioning 1-12 months
Sensory Development
- 2-4m =
- 4-6m =
- 6-8m =
- 8-10 =
- follows objects, turns head to side when sound is made
- begins eye hand coordination, smiles at mirror
- recognized parents, focuses on small objects
- localizes sound by turning head in appropriate direction
Sensory Development
- Hearing begins when? Prefers the ____ voice
- Touch, taste, and smell mature at _____, what taste is preferred?
- Vision of newborn infant can see within a range of?
- When do they get color vision? By 2 months can track objects up to ____ degrees, and prefers looking at?
- Inner ear (v_____) senses, the infant responds to (2)
- before birth, mature at birth, human
- birth, sweet
- 8-12 inches
- 4-6m, 180 degrees, faces
- vestibular, rocking and changes in position
- 2-4m =
- 4-6m =
- 6-8m =
- 8-10m =
- coos, babbles, starts to laugh
- laughs aloud, babbles one syllable sounds
- imitates sounds, plays peek a boo, two syllable words
- says “dada” and “mamma” ,comprehends “no”
Sleep Pattern
- 2-4m =
- 3-4m =
- 4-10m =
- 15 hrs/day nocturnal
- Circadian rhythm normalization
- varies by infant
- What is best? What is used alternatively?
- 2-4m = how much per feeding? how many feedings per day?
- 6-8m =
- When to introduce SOLID food? - recommended by AAP
- Developmental readiness includes
- Ability to ___ with or no support
- Has good ____ control
- Able to open ____ and ____ forward when food is offered
- Breastfeeding, Formula
- 4oz, 6/day
- Chews and bites
- 6 months
- Readiness
- sit
- head
- mouth, lean forward
Solid Foods
- Progression of solid food =
- Add one new food every?
- Portion sizes
- Cereal =
- Vegetables/Fruits =
- 8-10m = picks up small morsels and feeds self, able to use _____ with much spilling, r____ motion
- Introduce _____ around ___ months
- Iron fortified cereal -> pureed fruits and veggies -> meats
- 3-4 days
- Portions
- 2-4 tbs bidaily
- 2 tbs bidaily
- spoon, raking
- proteins at 8m
History Overview for Every Visit
- S______
- E______
- A______
- D______ M______
- Last visit…..I______
- _ _ visits
- Sleeping
- Eating
- Activity
- Developmental Milestones
- Immunization
- ER
Anticipatory Guidance
- Nutrition and F______
- Fever > ______ degrees F __-__ months of age
- AAP recommends only using _____ thermometers in children
- Where to take most accurate temp?
- S____ pattern
- T____ eruption
- Imm______
- S____ tips
- Soc______
- When months are the follow up visits? (4)
- Common problems
- feeding
- 102.2, 3-36m
- digital
- rectal
- Sleep
- Teeth 5/6m to 1 yr, theres a range, we don’t rly worry about it
- Immunization
- Safety
- Socialization
- 2, 4, 6, 9
Acute =
Chronic =
Causes (2)
transient, self limited
> 2 weeks
Viral or bacterial
Diarrhea History
- L_____ of illness
- Stool fr_____, l___ness, presence of any?
- Oral _____.. assoc vomiting?
- A_____ symptoms..fever, rash
- U____ output
- Contacts with other _____ illness
- Length
- frequency, looseness, gross blood?
- intake
- associated
- urine
- infectious
Diarrhea PE: Hydration Status
What do you look at?
- Moist _____
- Presence of s____ and t___
- Skin ____
- W___
- # of _____
- A____ness
- T_____
- 2 body systems?
- mucosa
- saliva, tears
- turgor
- weight
- diapers
- alertness
- temp
Acute Diarrhea
- Viral enteritis (2)
- Enterotoxin (1)
- Prasitic (1)
- Extraintestinal infection (2)
- ____ induced? esp ampicillin
- Norwalk, Adenovirus
- E.coli
- Giardia
- Abx
Chronic Diarrhea
- _____ COMMON
- Chronic constipation…with _____ diarrhea
- Formula ______
- ______ with >2 wks
- overflow
- intolerance
- collaborate
Diarrhea Dehydration
- Mild, Moderate, Severe
- 6-9% ___ mouth, absence of ____
- >10% sunken (2), poor _____
- dry, no tears
- eyes, fontanels, poor turgur
Symptoms of Severe Dehydration
- Severe dehydration is a? How do children appear?
- ____ mucosal membranes/tongue
- ______ or no urine output
- _____ heart rate, ____ pulses, ____ breathing, and ___ extremities
- ____ capillary refill
- Deeply _____ eyes (and/or fontanel in a baby)
- medical emergency, lethargic maybe even unconscious
- dry
- minimal
- Increased, weak, deep, cold/mottled
- slow
- sunken
Treatment of Diarrhea
- ORS: __ ml/kg of body weight how often?
- Treat associated ______
- Continue what?
Hydration, Pedialyte, Ricealyte (ORS)
- 1 ml/kg every 5 min over 3-4 hrs
- infection
- breastfeeding or formula
Hospitalizable Diarrhea
- Unable to keep ____ in
- ____ diarrhea
- L_____
- Poor ____, few wet _____
- Concern about p______
- >10% _____, sunken ____, poor _____
- fluids
- Bloody
- Lethargic
- output, few diapers
- parenting
- dehydration, fontanels, turgor
Follow Up Diarrhea
- _____ in 12 and 24 hours
- I____
- # of _____
- F___
- Act____
- F/U in ____ at 24-48 hrs
- Phone
- Intake
- Diapers
- Fever
- Activity
- Office
Diaper Dermatitis
- Etiology: (1) is often the causitive agent
- Objective Data
- B____, r___, shiny, sharply demarcated borders, s____ lesions: er_____ papules or pustules
- _______ found in skin folds and _____ (thrush), inspect entire body
- Assessment
- Diagnosis through?
- Candida Albicans
- Objective Data
- Beefy, red, satellite, erythematous
- Candidiasis, mouth
- H and P
Diaper Dermatitis Education and Follow Up
- Education
- Check entire body for _____
- _____ diapers frequently and cleanse diaper area with ____ water at each diaper change, keep child ____ diapers as often as possible, do not use _____ pants
- Keep baby clean and d____, especially warm ____ areas
- Careful hand_____ technique
- Topical _____ may be indicated, what drug?
- Follow up
- Check _____ frequently, call immediately if you see?
- Call back in 3 day if?
- rash
- Change, tepid, without, plastic
- dry, esp warm moist areas
- handwashing
- antifungal - Nystatin
- mouth -> white spots
- no improvement
What is this a picture of?
Irritant Diaper Dermatitis
Oral Thrush (Candida)
Normal vs. Buccal Mucosa Involvement
SIDS/SUIDS Sudden Infant Death Syndrome
- sudden death of infant < 1 yr that remains unexplained after complete case investigation
- sudden unexpected infant deaths that occur suddenly and unexpectedly in previous healthy infants and have no obvious cause of death prior to investigation (unexplained).
SIDS/SUIDS Risk Factors
- Infants sleeping on their _____
- ____ infant sleep surfaces and _____ bedding, t___ or other objects in sleep environment
- Maternal ____ during pregnancy
- Over_____
- ___maturity or low birth ____
- ____ a bed with others
- Sleeping place other than ____ (adult bed, couch, chair)
- Faulty _____ of cribs or beds
- Ob___, fa____, or d___ or alc___ use by persons supervising or sleeping with child
- Quality of _____ at time of death
- Family’s a_____ to provide safe sleep or play environment for child
- stomach
- soft, loose, toys
- smoking
- heating
- premature, low birth weight
- Sharing
- crib
- design
- Obese, fatigue, drugs/alcohol
- supervision
- ability
Interventions for SIDS/SUIDS
- What position?
- Crib safety and bedding?
- Room temp?
- Avoid bed ____/ ___-sleeping
- Avoid ____/_____ use: esp cigarette smoking in hour or car and during breastfeeding
- “Back to sleep” (supine position)
- Slats 2 3/8 inces apart, firm mattress, no plastic, crib alternatives include flat/low/firm surface, drawer, moses basket
- Avoid overheating: room temp 68-72F
- sharing, cosleeping
- drug/alcohol
- Education in child____ classes and hospitals of expectant and new parents on safe infant sl____ environments
- In hospital assessments by nurses with parents to assess a baby’s sleep environment when it goes _____
- C___ distribution programs for families
- Parent education campaigns on ____-sharing NOT ___ sharing
- _____ cessation education and support for pregnant and parenting women and other caregivers
- Make sure that infant leaves hospital and has a ____ care provider established
- Encouraging _____feeding
- P_____ offered at each sleep
- Avoid products that claim to reduce the risk of ____
- Parents educated not to let baby get too ___
- The “____ to Sleep” campaign; baby sleeps on back everytime
- Specific messaged targeted to families and childcare providers who traditionally practice stomach sleep positions and/or bed sharing
- _____ requirements for _____ providers on safe sleep environments and infant sleep positions
- childbirth classes, sleep
- home
- Crib
- room sharing NOT bed sharing
- Smoking
- primary
- breast
- Pacifier
- hot
- Back to Sleep
- Licensing requirements for daycare
- Children < ____ months
- Peak in ____ and early ____ seasons
- _____ are the only source of infection
- Route of transmission?
- What virus can cause it?
- Also viruses such as A____, In____, Mycloplasma _____, Rh_____
Inflammation of the bronchioles…VIRAL
- <24
- Winter, Early Spring
- Humans
- Direct/Close Contact
- RSV (Respiratory Syncytial Virus)
- Adenovirus, Influenza, M. Pneumonia, Rhinovirus
Risk Factors for Bronchiolitis
Low Birth Weight
CHD (coronary heart disease), Respiratory diseases
Bronchiolitis Presentation
- Peaks at?
- Symptoms and duration?
- Fever?
- How does the child feel, present?
- 6 months
- 2-3 days rhinorrhea, cough
- Low grade temp
- usually active, playful
Hospitalizable Bronchiolitis
- At what age?
- RR of?
- Poor ____ or signs of ______
- L_____
- Diagnosises such as? (3)
- Care at home may not be _____
- Signs of Respiratory Distress (4)
- <6 months
- Tachypnea 30-60
- intake, dehydration
- Lethargy
- CHD, Respiratory, Neuromuscular dx, Prematurity
- adequate
- Distress -> RR>60, Nasal flaring, O2 <95%, Intercostal Retractions
Bronchiolitis Treatment
F/U when?
Do not typically use bronchodilators/nebulizers - not effective, may give one time trial if severe
24 hrs in office
- < __ yo with abdominal pain
- Recent ____ infection
- L_____ - does not play, pain resolves, plays again
- Positive stool tests for?
- Tx =
Invagination of one part of intestine into another-distal ileum into cecum
- <2 y w abdominal pain
- Viral
- Lethargy
- FOBT, Currant Jelly Stool w blood + mucous
- Surgery
Pyloric Stenosis
- May present from infants at what age range?
- Mostly in what gender?
- Classic Symptom =
- What will you feel?
- Treatment =
Hypertrophy of pyloric muscle-obstruction of gastric outflow
- >2 wks - 10wks
- Male
- Projectile non-bilious vomiting
- Firm mobile-OLIVE shaped mass in epigastrium
- Pyloromyotomy