Final Check Out Flashcards
Order of Exam
Hand Hygiene
Introduce Yourself
Chest (Posterior and Anterior)
Peripheral Vascular
Inspect and Palpate Face and Head (Scalp and Hair) - for any scaliness, inhabitants, and texture - Appears normal
Palpate Temporal Arteries
Palpate TMJ
Motor function CNV trigeminal (clench teeth)
Sensory function CNV (light touch w eyes closed)
Motor function CN VII facial (smile, frown, puff cheeks, raise eyebrows)
Inspect eyes (conjuctiva and sclera)
Visual Field through confrontation
Test 6 cardinal fields of gaze (EOM) -> Accommodation -> Convergence Test for strabismus using corneal light reflex (checking for any asymmetry in your eyes)
Direct and Consensual pupillary light reflex
State EOM and PERRLA
Gross Hearing (finger rubbing)
Inspect Outer ear P
alpate mastoid process and tragus for tenderness/swelling
Look inside ears - inspect canal and TM (cone of light right 5, left 7)
Inspect nose symmetry Patency
Palpate frontal and maxillary sinuses
“Look inside at the middle and inferior turbinates”
Inspect symmetry
Inspect thyroid as pt swallows
Palpate trachea
Palpate carotids 1 at a time, equal BL 2+, auscultate with bell for bruits
Palpate LN
Test CN XI (accessory) head against resistance, shrug shoulders
Palpate thyroid from posterior position
Posterior Thorax
Inspect rate and rhythm of respirations, deviations of spine
Palpate spine for tenderness and deviation
Palpate respiratory expansion
Palpate for tactile fremitius (99 - vibration of sound through lung tissue)
Auscultate w diaphragm
Percuss for costovertebral angle tenderness (one hand flat on skin, bang with fist)
Anterior Thorax (including Breast and Axilla)
Note AP diameter
Inspect rate and rhythm
Palpate for respiratory expansion
Palpate for tactile fremitus (c shapes again, say 99)
Auscultate w diaphragm for lung sounds - don’t forget RML*
Palpate axillary and epitrochlear LN
Inspect Precordium
State jugular venous pressure technique (We’re going to skip this step but usually i would take a ruler to measure the vertical peak of the vein’s pulsation)
Palpate for thrills using palmar surface
Auscultate w diaphragm (state S1 is loudest at apex, S2 at the base) then Auscultate w Bell for murmurs
Palpate apical pulse (PMI) in left decubitus position then auscultate PMI with bell for murmurs
Bend Knees
Inspect abdomen for bulges, pulsations, scars
Auscultate w diaphragm for bowel sounds (RLQ, RUQ, LUQ, LLQ)
Auscultate w bell for bruits at aortic, renal, iliac, femoral (checks for turbulent blood flow)
Percuss for tympany and scattered dullness
Percuss liver span (midclavicular percuss from under umbilicus up, then down from nipple line/ from typany to dullness)
Percuss for splenic enlargement (from border of heart down left axillary line -> towards costal margin- ask pt to take deep breath and tap a few more times)
Light palpation to note guarding or tenderness -> Deep palpation noting organ structures or masses
Palpate liver (should be smooth left hand under right back, deep breath and feel for liver) then spleen (should be nonpalpable-left hand under posterior rib cage, palpate for spleen as pt takes deep breaths)
Peripheral Vascular
Palpate aortic wdith (should be less than 3)
Peripheral pulses 2+ equal BL - brachial, radial, ulnar, popliteal, post tibial, dorsalis pedis
Inspect leg hair distribution, color, lesions
Palpate legs for temp changes, edema
Cap refill 2-3 sec
Assess ROM Lower limbs (note poppig and crepitus) Hip ab/add, knee flexion, hip int and ext rot, ankle
Muscle strength in multiple positions
Reflexes brachioradialis, bicep, tricep, patellar, achilles
Pain sensation, Light touch, Graphesthesia
Vibratory sense (tuning fork on pointer then arm)
Proprioception with big toe (up, left, down etc)
Rapid alternating movements (flap hands, fingers to thumb)
Finger to nose (use your finger and move positions), heel to shin (assesses cerebellar function) eyes open then close
ROM of neck and spine (chin to chest, tilt back, look left right, ears to shoulders), bend over, stretch flex, lateral movement, rotation
Romberg test (feet together eyes open then closed)
Pronator drift (arms parallel, palms up, eyes closed, then tap both arms)
Gait (normal, heel to toe, on toes then heels)