Schizophrenia Flashcards
classification of mental diosrder
the process of organisisng symptopms into categories based on which symptoms frequenly clsuter together
What is schizophrenia
a severe mental disorder where contact wih reality and insight are impired an example of psychosis .
positive symptoms of schizophrenia
typical symptoms experienced in addition to normal experiences. They include hallucinations and delusions .
what are hallucinaitons
a positive symptom of shzophrenia . They are snesory eperiences that have either no basis inr ealit or are distored percpetions of things that are here .
what are delusions
a positive sympto of shciozphrenia . They involve beliefs tht have no basis of relity , for example a person beleives they are someone else or tht thye are a vicitm of conspiracy .
negative symptoms of schizophrenia
atypical experiences that represent he loss of a usual experience such as loss of cler thinking or loss of motoivation .
what is speech pvoerty
a egative symtpom of shxiophreni it invovled reduced frequenc and quality of speech
what is avoltion
a neagtive symtpom of shizophrenia it invovles loss of moviation to arry out taks and reuslts in lwoered activty lvels .
what is co morbidity
the occurence of two disorders or conditions otgether , for example a person ahs both chizophrenia and a personality disorder , when two condtioins are frequently diagnosed otgether it calls into questio the validy of classifying two disoerders separately .
what is symtpop overlap
occurs hwen two or ore conditons share ysmtpos . where conditons hsare manys mptoms this calls into quesition the validity of classifing the two disorders separetly .
first way to classify a disorder
world health organisation international classification of disease ICD-10 , version 11 has been published but wont be used for diagnosis until 2022 , nd the american psychiatric dms5
-differ slightly in their classificaiton of shciozopehrina .
DSM5 sid one of the positiv euspmpps must be present.
what is present dignosis
-resent diagsnosis wheres two or more negtive symptoms re sufficent under ICD .
-previous editions of ICD and DSM recognsided subtypes of shizophrenia paranoid sho invoeld mainly pwoerful hallucoantions and eluciosn
what do both DMS 5 nd ICD 10 have
they have driooed subtypes bevause the tended to be inconsistent , someone with a diagnsos of paranoid shxiophrenia , would not necessairly show the same symtpoms a few yers ler .
EVALUATION - issues in diagnosis and classifiction - GOOD RELIABILILTY
-One strength of the diagnosis of schizophrenia it is reliability . Reliability means constincey . A psychiatric diagnsois is said to be reliable when different diagnosisng clinicians , reach the same diagnosis , for the same individual (inter-ratre erlibaliti ) and when the same clincin reches the sam digsnosis for the sm eidnicudal on two occasions (test-retest reliabitlit ) .
EVALUATION - issues in diagnosis and classifiction - GOOD RELIABILILTY (2)
Prior to DSM-5 , reliability , for schizophrenia diagnosis was low but htis has now improved . Flabio , report excellent reliability for the diagnosis , of shizophrenia , in 180 indicusals using the DSM-5 , pairs of interviewrs achieved inter raer reliabilit +.97 . and test reetest relaibility of +92 .
THIS MEANS that we can be reasonablys ur the diagnsois of schizoprhenia is constanltya pplied .