Schema Theory Flashcards
Mental representations that are derived from prior experience and knowledge.
What are schemas used by the body for?
They are used to organize our knowledge, assist recall, guide our behavior, and help us to make sense of current experiences.
Patterns of behavior that are learned through our interaction with the environment.
Scripts are not ________ rather developed within a _______ ______
cultural context
Schema Theory
How humans process incoming information, relate it to existing knowledge, and use it.
Who was a pioneer in developing schema theory?
Frederic Bartlett.
This theory states that the process of storing memory is…
sort of subjective, that people remember in terms of what makes sense to them.
When we restructure or modify our existing schema so that new information can fit in better.
A strategy for understanding new experiences by utilizing pre-existing schemas.
When an experience or exposure to a stimulus puts a particular schema at the forefront of our mind, which then influences our behavior and cognition.
Schema Congruence (incongruence)
Information that is in line with our past experience and knowledge. Incongruence is when it is not in line.
Schema theory has been used to explain how memory work. Cognitive psychologists divide memory process into what three main stages?
Transferring sensory information into memory
Creating a biological trace of the encoded information in memory, which is either consolidated or lost.
Using the stored information in thinking, problem-solving, and decision making.