Scheduled Health Appointments Flashcards
What assessments should a child have <72 hours?
- Full physical exam - NIPE
- Heart
- Hips
- Eyes
- Testes
What assessments should a child have at 7 days?
Guthrie heel prick test
What assessments should a child have at 2 weeks?
- New baby review – information on
- Safe sleeping
- Vaccinations
- Feeding
- Caring
- Development
What assessments should a child have at 4 weeks?
Hearing review - Automated Otoacoustic Emission (AOAE)
What assessments should a child have at 6 weeks?
- Full physical exam (NIPE - GP)
- Testicles
- Heart
- Weight
- Length
- Vaccination discussion
What assessments should a child have at 8 weeks?
- 1st immunisations
- ‘6-in-1’
- MenB
- Rotavirus
What assessments should a child have at 12 weeks?
- 2nd immunisations
- ‘6-in-1’
- Pneumococcal
- Rotavirus
What assessments should a child have at 16 weeks?
- 3rd immunisations
- ‘6-in-1’
- MenB
What assessments should a child have at 1 year?
- Health review
- Development
- Gross motor - must be stand independently and ideally walking unsteadily
- Fine motor - pincer girp
- Hearing, Speech and Laungaue - 2-3 words other than mama/dad
- Behaviour - drinking from cup with 2 hands, positive fear of strangers
- Healthy eating
- Development
- 4th immunisations
- 1st MMR
- Hib and MenC
- Boosters
- Pneumococcal
- MenB
What assessments should a child have at 2 years?
Health review - development, behaviour, healthy eating
What assessments should a child have at 3 years and 4 months?
- 5th immunisations
- Polio
- 2nd MMR
What assessments should a child have at 4 years?
Vision check
What assessments should a child have at school entry?
- Height
- Weight
- Hearing check
What assessments should a child have at 10 years?
- Height
- Weight
What assessments should a child have at 12-14 years?
- 6th immunisations
- 2x HPV (6, 11, 16, 18) → spaced 6-24m apart
What assessments should a child have at 14 years?
- 7th immunisations
What are the side effects of the MMR vaccine?
- Malaise
- Fever
- Rash 5-10 days after 1st dose → goes after 2-3 days
What are the contraindications for the MMR vaccine?
- Immunosuppression
- Neomycin allergy
- Other live vaccine <4w prior
- IVIG <3months prior
- Avoid pregnancy 1 month following vaccination
Which children are given the BCG vaccine?
- Born in high risk area - i.e. London
- 1 grandchild born in a apart of the world with endemic TB
Which children are given the HBV vaccine?
- If mother is infected with HBV at birth
What diseases are prevented by the ‘6-in-1’ vaccine
- Polio Parents
- Whooping cough (Pertussis) Will
- Influenzae (HiB) Immunise
- Tetanus Toddlers
- B - Hepatitis Because
- Diphtheria Death
What diseases are prevented by the ‘6-in-1’ vaccine
- Polio - Parents
- Whooping cough (Pertussis) - Will
- Influenzae (HIB) - Immunise
- Tetanus - Toddlers
- B Hepatitis - Because
- Diphtheria - Death