Common Causes of Paediatric Illness Flashcards
What are the common causes of developmental delay?
- Neglect
- Cerebral palsy / HIE
- Iron deficiency
What are the common causes of learning difficulties?
- Hearing impairment
- Visual impairment
- Low IQ
What are the common causes of poor social skills / repetitive behaviour?
What are the common causes of feeding problems, sleep disorder, excessive crying, aggressive behaviour and hyperactivity?
- Eating disorders - anorexia, bulimia
- Anxiety
What are the common causes of chronic / unexplained symptoms?
- Somatisation
What are the common causes of dysmorphism?
- Down’s
- Turner’s
- Noonan’s
What are the common causes of neonatal collapse?
- Sepsis
- Congenital heart disease
What are the common causes of neonatal jaundice?
- Physiological - worried parents
- Breast milk jaundice
- Sepsis
- Feeding difficulties
What are the common causes of neonatal rashes?
- Nappy rash
- Milia - small, raised bump on the skin filled with keratin
- Erythema toxicum
- Mongolian blue spot - type of pigmented birthmark
What are the common causes of neonatal jittery baby?
- Hypoglycaemia
What are the common causes of neonatal seizures / abnormal neurology?
- Hypoglycaemia
What are the common causes of neonatal breathing difficulties?
- Transient tachypnoea of the newborn
- Sepsis
- Pneumonia
What are the common causes of neonatal blue baby?
- Cyanotic CHD
What are the common causes of neonatal feeding difficulties (>10% WL)?
- Inexperienced mother
What are the common causes of childhood fever?
- Viral chest infection
- Otitis media
- Pharyngitis
- Skin infection
- Gastroenteritis
What are the common causes of childhood breathing difficulties?
- Asthma / viral-induced wheeze
- Bronchiolitis / croup
- Pneumonia
What are the common causes of childhood persistent cough?
- Bronchiolitis
- Asthma
- Pneumonia
- Sinusitis
- Aspiration
- Post-nasal drip
What are the common causes of childhood diarrhoea and vomiting?
- Gastroenteritis - including rotavirus
- Constipation with overflow
- Toddler diarrhoea
- Food poisoning
What are the common causes of childhood abdominal pain?
- Mesenteric adenitis
- Chronic constipation
- Appendicitis
- UTI / pyelonephritis
- Somatisation
What are the common causes of childhood rectal/perianal bleeding?
- Fissure in ano
- Enteric infection (CHESS)
- Intussusception
What are the common causes of childhood rectal/perianal bleeding?
- Fissure in ano
- Enteric infection (CHESS)
- Intussusception
What are the common causes of childhood headache?
- Tension
- Migraine
- Myopia / hypermetropia
- Post-ictal
What are the common causes of childhood fits/faints?
- Febrile convulsion
- Vasovagal syncope
- Breath-holding attack
- Idiopathic epilepsy
What are the common causes of childhood limp/joint pain?
- Reactive arthritis
- Trauma
What are the common causes of childhood self-harm?
- Depression
- Psychosocial issues
- Eating disorders
What are the common causes of childhood non-blanching rash?
- Minor trauma
- Enterovirus
- Raised SVC pressure
- Purpura fulminans due to meningococcal meningitis
What are the common causes of childhood skin lesions?
- Viral exanthema - VSV
- Streptococcal or staphylococcal infection
- Eczema
- Acne
- Newborn rash
- Insect bites / scabies
- Molluscum
What are the common causes of childhood allergic reactions?
- Food allergy
- Eczema
- Allergic rhinitis
What are the common causes of childhood ENT problems?
- Otitis media/externa
- Conjunctivitis
- Pharyngitis
What are the common causes of childhood lumps?
- Lymphadenopathy
- Bruising
- Hernia
What are the common causes of childhood urinary issues?
- Enuresis
- DM
What are the common causes of childhood persistent jaundice?
- Haemolysis
- Gibert’s
What are the common causes of childhood pallor?
- Iron deficiency
- Beta thlassaemia
- Sickle cell disease
What are the common causes of childhood atypical or persistent infection?
- Normal immunity
- Immune deficiences
What are the common causes of childhood obesity?
- Simple calorie excess
- Simple exercise deficit
- Leptin deficiency
What are the common causes of childhood faltering growth?
- Calorie insufficiency
- Neglect / abuse
- Constitutional delay
- DM
What are the common causes of childhood abnormal puberty?
- Constitutional delay
- Premature thelarche/adrenarche/menarche
What are the common causes of childhood short stature?
- Familial
- Constitutional delay
- Chronic disease - IBD
- Hypothyroidism
- Down’s
- Malnutrition