Schatcher and Singer Flashcards
- to test the Two-factor theory of emotion
- wanted to research if, given an adequate explanation, cognitive factors can lead the individual to describe their feelings with any of a number of emotional labels
Two-factor theory of emotion
emotional experience comes from a combination of a physical state of arousal and a cognition that makes best sense of the situation the person is in
- 2 IVs
- the knowledge about the injections: informed, misinformed or ignorant
- the emotional situation the participant was placed into: euphoria or anger
- 2 DVs
- observational data recorded by two observers through a one way mirror (agreed 88% of the time)
- the self report
- !85 male college students
- taking psychology introductory classes
- Uni of Minnesota
- course credit
- uni health records were checked prior to the experiment
- analyzed data of 169 participants only
Hypotheses 1
If a person experiences a state of arousal for which they have no immediate explanation, they will label this state and describe their feelings in terms of the cognitions available to them at the time
Hypotheses 2
If a person experiences a state of arousal for which they have an appropriate explanation then they will label their feelings in terms of the alternative cognitions available.
Hypotheses 3
If a person is put in a situation, which in the past could have made them feel an emotion, they will react emotionally or experience emotions only if they are in a state of physiological arousal.
Misinformed Group
- only the euphoria condition
- because it was a control condition and inclusion in just one of the categories was adequate to evaluate the possible impacts of receiving info about side effects after the injection
- participants in the adrenaline conditions were physiologically aroused during the experiment.
- misinformed were the happiest, ignorant, informed.
- ignorant group felt the angriest, placebo
- least angry: informed
-useful in treating people who suffer with anxiety and panic attacks as it will allow them to identify environmental triggers that may cause them to become physiologically aroused and fearful