Bipolar Flashcards
to study
Beck Depression Inventory
- diagnostic tool
- 21 item self-report measure
- each item consists of 4 statements
- 10:min, 30 or more: severe depression
Explanations of depression
- Biological: genetic and neurochemical (Oruc et al)
- cognitive (Beck)
- Learned helplessness and attribution style (Seligman et al)
Treatment and management of depression
- Biochemical (MAOIs and SSRIs)
- Electroconvulsive Therapy
- Cognitive Restructuring (Beck)
- Rational Emotive Behavioural Therapy (Ellis)
-first degree relatives: 50% DNA
-31 to 70 years with a diagnosis of bipolar disorder- 42 participants
-control group :40: no personal or family history
DNA testing; to test for polymorphisms in serotonin receptor and transporter.
- serotonin as a neurotransmitter is said to be sexually dimorphic
-polymorphisms in these genes could be responsible for an increased risk of developing bipolar disorder in females only.
- negative views form a reality.
- underlying process of incorrect info processing
- ‘cognitive distortion’: an automatic process which develops as a result of earlier life experiences, through developing schemas
- Beck’s cognitive triad of depression
Learned Helplessness and Attribution Theory (Seligman)
- individual learns that they are unable to control the situation and prevent suffering, so they eventually cease to resist it.
- depression a direct result of a real or perceived lack of control over the outcome of one’s situation.
- view things as global, internal and stable
Seligman’s research
- investigated how attributional style could predict depressive symptoms.
- 39 patients -unipolar and 12-bipolar
- mean age of 36
- compared with a control group: 10 non-clinical
- BDI, Attributional Style Questionnaire- 12 hypothetical bad and good events- rate each one on a seven-point scale for internality, stability and globality
- uni and bi pessimistic views
- Monoamine oxidase inhibitors
- inhibit the work of an enzyme known as monoamine oxidase
- prevents neurotransmitters such as serotonin and dopamine from breaking down.
- side effects: headaches, nausea, constipation, diarrhea
- high chances for withdrawal
- if other antidepressants do not work
- Prozac
- act on serotonin to stop it from being reabsorbed and broken down
- commonly used
- fewer side effects
- last resort
- 1000 patients, 50% recovery rate: Dierckx et al
Cognitive Restructuring
-aims to gain entry into the patients’ cognitive organization
-talking therapy
–questioning and identifying illogical thinking to determine and change
the patient’s way of thinking
-directed to catch automatic, dysfunctional thoughts and record them.
-Wiles at al:
-469 patients who failed to respond to antidepressants
-usual care or cbt
-cbt reduction in symptoms
Rational Emotive Behavioural Therapy (Ellis)
- psychological approach to treatment on the principles of stoicism
- Stocism:individual is not directly affected by outside things but rather by their perception of external things
- helps patients understnad the ABC model
- help individuals create and maintain constructive, ratioal patterns of thinking about their lives