Schaffer- stages of A Flashcards
What was the procedure of Schaffer and Emerson’s “Glasgow babies”?
- looked at the development of attachments in 60 infants
- mainly working class homes in Glasgow
- infants observed once every 4 weeks over a one year period
- each visit, mother asked to describe the intensity of any protest on a 4-point scale + to whom the protest was directed.
What were the findings of Schaffer and Emerson’s “Glasgow babies” study?
- after the formation of one specific A at ~ age 7 months, others were formed as the infants began to show separation anxiety from people other than the primary caregiver
- Within one month of forming the first attachment, 29% of infants had formed multiple A, rising to 78% within 6 months.
- Despite forming multiple A, for 65% of the children their first specific A mother.
- Fathers rarely the first sole object of A, but 27% joint first object.
What are the 4 stages of attachment validated by the “Glasgow babies” study?
- Indiscriminate A
- Beginning of A
- Discriminate A
- Multiple A
What does asking the mothers to report on their infants subject the study to? (Weakness)
- data collected may be unreliable
- subjects the data to systematic bias as some mothers, less sensitive to their infant’s protests + therefore less likely to report them.
- challenges the validity of the data + their stage theory of A as they based it on this research
How is the sample Schaffer and Emerson used in the “Glasgow babies” study lead to sample bias in a number of ways?
- 1stly from a working-class population,findings may apply to that social group only
- 2ndly sample from 1960s so possibly outdated as parental care of children changed considerably
- Men are more likely to be main carer with more women going to work
- Research by Cohn et al shown number of stay at home dads quadrupled over the past 25 years.
- if similar study conducted, likely findings be different.
What are the two different types of cultures that makes this study ethnocentric? (weakness)
- individualistic and collectivist cultures.
- C cultures, expect multiple attachment more common contrast to single primary attachment figure suggested
- suggests their model may not be appropriate for all cultures
- Research supports notion of single primary as norm wrong, without taking into account of other cultures.
- *EG Sagi et al**
- Suggests stage model applies specifically to I cultures.
At around what age did infants begin to form other attachment after one specific attachment was formed?
Age of 7 months as seen by the separation anxiety that was displayed from other people other than the primary care-giver
Within 1 month of forming the first A, what percentage of infants had formed multiple A and what did this rise to within 6 months?
29%, 78%
Describe stage 1 of attachment according to Schaffer and Emerson
From birth till 2 months, infants produce similar responses to all objects. Near the end of this period, begin to shown greater preference for social stimuli, more content with people.
During which period of attachment does reciprocity and interactional synchrony play a role in establishing the infant’s relationship with others?
Stage 1 : Indiscriminate attachments
Describe stage 2 of attachment according to Schaffer and Emerson
around 4 months infants more sociable and prefer human company to inanimate objects. Can distinguish between familiar/unfamiliar people but still relatively comforted by anyone: no stranger anxiety yet
What is the most distinctive feature of stage 2 of attachment?
Stage 2: The beginning of attachment
the infant’s enjoyment of being with people
Describe stage 3 of attachment according to Schaffer and Emerson
By 7 months show separation anxiety, distinctively different protest when one particular person puts them down and joy at reunion and are most comforted by this person = specific primary attachment figure
At what stage is a primary attachment figure formed and how can you tell?
Stage 3, discriminate attachment, roughly 7 months and stranger anxiety begins to display
Describe stage 4 of attachment according to Schaffer and Emerson
V soon after primary attachment figure formed, (multiple) secondary attachment formed, depending on consistency, displays separation anxiety too