Scardella Flashcards
What are the accessory muscles and what do they do?
SCM - discplace the sternum cranially and epand the upper ribcage in the anteroposterior direction
Scalenes - expand upper ribcage during inspiration.
Which abdominal muscles are involved in breathing and what do they do?
Rectus abdominus, external oblique, transversus abdominus
- contraction of these muscles causes an increase in intra-abdominal pressure and thus forces the diaphragm to move cranially and get air out of the lungs.
Is there more force generated when velocity is sow or fast?
Slow. If you have a higher drive though then you might recruit more muscle fibers.
Respiratory muscles are mostly type I or type II
Mostly Type I, which are slow-twitch, high oxidative (fatigue resistant), activated during quiet breathing
- if necessary, like during strenuous exercise, type II fibers will be recruited and it won’t be until type II fibers are exhausted that you have full diaphragmatic fatigue.
WHat is the transdiaphragmatic pressure formula?
Pdi = Pga - Pes
Pga = abdominal pressure
Pes = intrapleural pressure
- reductions in transdiaphragmatic fatigue are indicative of type II muscle fatigue and their inability to generate contractile force.
What do external Intercostals do?
They serve an inspiratory function. If the diaphragm is paralyzed, the EIM takes over.
Is diaphragmatic weakness a restrictive or obstructive disease?
What would the pulmonary function test look like?
It is a restrictive test, so pretty much everything. Will be decreased in a pulmonary function test.