Scalp, Brain and Cranial Nerves Flashcards
what are the 5 layers of the scalp
S = skin
C = dense connective tissue
A = epicranial aponeurosis
L = loose connective tissue
P = pericranium
epicranial aponeurosis
tendon and muscle of occipitofrontalis
prevents wounds from gaping open, when compromised sutures will be needed to close
loose connective tissue
loose tissue that allows free movement of outer layers over underlying calvaria
has spaces susceptible to distension with fluid or infection spread [eyelids/root of nose]
blood supply to the face
majority from ECA, some ICA
facial, buccal, mental, infraorbital, transverse facial
ICA - zygomaticofacial, zygomaticotemporal
venous drainage of the face
facial vein drains most to IJV
transverse facial vein drains some upper face
danger triangle of the face
no valves in external facial veins, blood flows in both directions, veins deep to this triangle drain into the cavernous sinus
skin infections in this area may spread as intracranial infections
lymphatic drainage of the face
pre-auricular + parotid = near ear, from eyelids, lateral cheek and nose
submandibular = follows facial artery, from medial ordbit, npse, cheek, lip, lateral lower lip
submental = inferior chin, medial lower lip and chin
nerve supply of face
V1 - upper, supraorbital and supratrochlear
V2 - zygomaticotemporal
V3 - auriculotemporal
cervical 2/3
greater occipital and lesser occipital
third occipital
great auricular
lobes of the brain
circle of Willis
circle anastomotic loop
allows for equalisaiton of blood flow between 2 hemispheres of the brain
essential in case artery becomes compromised as blood supply is maintained via collateral circulation
name the 12 cranial nerves
12 cranial nerves function
olfactory - sense of smell
optic - vision
oculomotor - motor eye movements
trochlear - eye movements
trigeminal - sensation to head, motor to muscle of mastication
abducens - eye movements
facial - motor to muscles of facial expression
vestibulocochlear - hearing and balance
glossopharyngeal - sensation to posterior 1/3 tongue and oropharynx
vagus - general sensation to pharynx, larynx
spinal accessory - SCM and trapexius motor
hypoglossal - motor to tongue muscles
where do the 12 cranial nerves exit the skull
1 - cribriform plate forimina
2 - optic canal
3 - superior orbital fissure
4 - superior orbital fissure
5 - superior orbital fissure, foramen rotundum, foramen ovale
6 - superior orbital fissure
7 - internal acoustic meatus
8 - internal acoustic meatus
9 - jugular foramen
10 - jugular foramen
11 - jugular foramen
12 - hypoglossal canal
facial nerve supplies
general - parasympathetic to lacrimal gland, nasal, oral, submandibular and sublingual
special sensory - taste for anterior 2/3 tongue
motor - MoM, stylohyoid, posterior belly of digastric