SC C. Weather Information Flashcards
What are some acceptable sources of weather information for flight planning?
Weather briefer,, foreflight,
What is 91.103?
A. PIC shall, prior to flight, become familiar with all available information concerning that flight
While enroute, how can a pilot obtain updated weather information?
- HIWAS (Hazardous inflight weather advisory service)
- ADSB/Foreflight
What is a METAR?
Hourly surface observation at an airport
What are the types of METARS?
Routine & SPECI (rapidly changing WX information)
What’s the difference between AO1 and AO2?
AO1 = no precipitation discriminator
AO2 = precipitation discriminator (Can tell rain vs snow)
What does $ mean?
Maintenance needed on system
What is a PIREP, and where can you locate them?
- Pilot report
- Types: UA-routine; UUA-Urgent
What is a TAF?
- Terminal Aerodrome Forecast, expected WX conditions for specified time period
- Covers area of 5 SM from center or airports runway complex
How often are TAFs issued, and how long are they valid?
- Issued 4x a day (every 6 hours)
- Valid for either 24 or 30 hours
What does TEMPO mean?
Used for any conditions expected to last less than an hour, and occur during less than half the time period
What does BECMG mean?
Used when a gradual change in conditions is expected over a longer time period (usually 2 hours)
What does FM (from) mean?
Used when a rapid change, usually occurring in less than an hour is expected
What is an AIRMET?
A notice of potentially hazardous WX conditions along a planned route of flight. Potentially dangerous to GA. More informational for airliners.
What are the types of AIRMETs?
Sierra - IFR conditions & Mountain obstructions
Tango - Moderate turbulence, sustained surface winds of 30 kts or greater, low level wind shear
Zulu - Moderate icing and freezing level heights
What is a SIGMET?
- Advises of WX that is potentially dangerous to ALL aircraft
- Unscheduled, valid for 4 hours (tropical cyclones, hurricanes, volcanic ash, 6 hours)
What are SIGMETs issued for?
- Severe icing
- Severe or extreme turbulence
- Widespread dust storms/sand storms with visibility less than 3 miles
- Volcanic ash
What is a Convective SIGMET?
Dangerous WX associated with a thunderstorm or convective activity