SAT-Vocab-6 Flashcards
intention (n.)
That upon which the mind is set.
interact (v.)
To act reciprocally.
intercede (v.)
To mediate between persons.
intercept (v.)
To interrupt the course of.
intercession (n.)
Entreaty in behalf of others.
intercessor (n.)
A mediator.
interdict (n.)
Authoritative act of prohibition.
interim (n.)
Time between acts or periods.
interlocutor (n.)
One who takes part in a conversation or oral discussion.
interlude (n.)
An action or event considered as coming between others of greater length.
intermediate (adj.)
Being in a middle place or degree or between extremes.
interminable (adj.)
Having no limit or end.
intermission (n.)
A recess.
intermit (v.)
To cause to cease temporarily.
intermittent (adj.)
A temporary discontinuance.
interpolation (n.)
Verbal interference.
interpose (v.)
To come between other things or persons.
interposition (n.)
A coming between.
interpreter (n.)
A person who makes intelligible the speech of a foreigner by oral translation.
interrogate (v.)
To examine formally by questioning.
interrogative (adj.)
Having the nature or form of a question.
interrogatory (n.)
A question or inquiry.
interrupt (v.)
To stop while in progress.
intersect (v.)
To cut through or into so as to divide.
intervale (n.)
A low tract of land between hills, especially along a river.
intervene (v.)
To interfere for some end.
intestacy (n.)
The condition resulting from one’s dying not having made a valid will.
intestate (adj.)
Not having made a valid will.
intestine (n.)
That part of the digestive tube below or behind the stomach, extending to the anus.
intimacy (n.)
Close or confidential friendship.
intimidate (v.)
To cause to become frightened.
intolerable (adj.)
intolerance (n.)
Inability or unwillingness to bear or endure.
intolerant (adj.)
intoxicant (n.)
Anything that unduly exhilarates or excites.
intoxicate (v.)
To make drunk.
intracellular (adj.)
Occurring or situated within a cell.
intramural (adj.)
Situated within the walls of a city.
intrepid (adj.)
Fearless and bold.
intricacy (n.)
intricate (adj.)
Difficult to follow or understand.
intrigue (n.)
A plot or scheme, usually complicated and intended to accomplish something by secret ways.
intrinsic (adj.)
introductory (adj.)
introgression (n.)
intromit (v.)
To insert.
introspect (v.)
To look into.
introspection (n.)
The act of observing and analyzing one’s own thoughts and feelings.
introversion (n.)
The act of turning or directing inward, physically or mentally.
introvert (v.)
To turn within.
intrude (v.)
To come in without leave or license.
intrusion (n.)
The act of entering without warrant or invitation; encroachment.
intuition (n.)
Instinctive knowledge or feeling.
inundate (v.)
To fill with an overflowing abundance.
inundation (n.)
inure (v.)
To harden or toughen by use, exercise, or exposure.
invalid (adj.)
Having no force, weight, or cogency.
invalid (n.)
One who is disabled by illness or injury.
invalidate (v.)
To render of no force or effect.
invaluable (adj.)
Exceedingly precious.
invariable (adj.)
invasion (n.)
Encroachment, as by an act of intrusion or trespass.
invective (n.)
An utterance intended to cast censure, or reproach.
inveigh (v.)
To utter vehement censure or invective.
inventive (adj.)
Quick at contrivance.
inverse (adj.)
Contrary in tendency or direction.
inversion (n.)
Change of order so that the first shall become last and the last first.
invert (v.)
To turn inside out, upside down, or in opposite direction.
investigator (n.)
One who investigates.
investor (n.)
One who invests money.
inveterate (adj.)
invidious (adj.)
Showing or feeling envy.
invigorate (v.)
To animate.
invincible (adj.)
Not to be conquered, subdued, or overcome.
inviolable (adj.)
Incapable of being injured or disturbed.
invoke (v.)
To call on for assistance or protection.
involuntary (adj.)
involution (n.)
involve (v.)
To draw into entanglement, literally or figuratively.
invulnerable (adj.)
That can not be wounded or hurt.
inwardly (adv.)
With no outward manifestation.
iota (n.)
A small or insignificant mark or part.
irascible (adj.)
Prone to anger.
irate (adj.)
Moved to anger.
ire (n.)
iridescence (n.)
A many-colored appearance.
iridescent (adj.)
Exhibiting changing rainbow-colors due to the interference of the light.
irk (v.)
To afflict with pain, vexation, or fatigue.
irksome (adj.)
irony (n.)
Censure or ridicule under cover of praise or compliment.
irradiance (n.)
irradiate (v.)
To render clear and intelligible.
irrational (adj.)
Not possessed of reasoning powers or understanding.
irreducible (adj.)
That can not be lessened.
irrefragable (adj.)
That can not be refuted or disproved.
irrefrangible (adj.)
That can not be broken or violated.
irrelevant (adj.)
irreligious (adj.)
Indifferent or opposed to religion.
irreparable (adj.)
That can not be rectified or made amends for.
irrepressible (adj.)
That can not be restrained or kept down.
irresistible (adj.)
That can not be successfully withstood or opposed.
irresponsible (adj.)
Careless of or unable to meet responsibilities.
irreverence (n.)
The quality showing or expressing a deficiency of veneration, especially for sacred things.
irreverent (adj.)
Showing or expressing a deficiency of veneration, especially for sacred things.
irreverential (adj.)
Showing or expressing a deficiency of veneration, especially for sacred things.
irreversible (adj.)
irrigant (adj.)
Serving to water lands by artificial means.
irrigate (v.)
To water, as land, by ditches or other artificial means.
irritable (adj.)
Showing impatience or ill temper on little provocation.
irritancy (n.)
The quality of producing vexation.
irritant (n.)
A mechanical, chemical, or pathological agent of inflammation, pain, or tension.
irritate (v.)
To excite ill temper or impatience in.
irruption (n.)
Sudden invasion.
isle (n.)
An island.
islet (n.)
A little island.
isobar (n.)
A line joining points at which the barometric pressure is the same at a specified moment.
isochronous (adj.)
Relating to or denoting equal intervals of time.
isolate (v.)
To separate from others of its kind.
isothermal (adj.)
Having or marking equality of temperature.
itinerant (adj.)
itinerary (n.)
A detailed account or diary of a journey.
itinerate (v.)
To wander from place to place.
jargon (n.)
Confused, unintelligible speech or highly technical speech.
jaundice (n.)
A morbid condition, due to obstructed excretion of bile or characterized by yellowing of the skin.
jeopardize (v.)
To imperil.
Jingo (n.)
One of a party in Great Britain in favor of spirited and demonstrative foreign policy.
jocose (adj.)
Done or made in jest.
jocular (adj.)
Inclined to joke.
joggle (n.)
A sudden irregular shake or a push causing such a shake.
journalize (v.)
To keep a diary.
jovial (adj.)
jubilation (n.)
judgment (n.)
The faculty by the exercise of which a deliberate conclusion is reached.
judicature (n.)
Distribution and administration of justice by trial and judgment.
judicial (adj.)
Pertaining to the administration of justice.
judiciary (n.)
That department of government which administers the law relating to civil and criminal justice.
judicious (adj.)
juggle (v.)
To play tricks of sleight of hand.
jugglery (n.)
The art or practice of sleight of hand.
jugular (adj.)
Pertaining to the throat.
juicy (adj.)
junction (n.)
The condition of being joined.
juncture (n.)
An articulation, joint, or seam.
junta (n.)
A council or assembly that deliberates in secret upon the affairs of government.
juridical (adj.)
Assumed by law to exist.
jurisdiction (n.)
Lawful power or right to exercise official authority.
jurisprudence (n.)
The science of rights in accordance with positive law.
juror (n.)
One who serves on a jury or is sworn in for jury duty in a court of justice.
joust (v.)
To engage in a tilt with lances on horseback.
justification (n.)
juvenile (adj.)
Characteristic of youth.
juxtapose (v.)
To place close together.
keepsake (n.)
Anything kept or given to be kept for the sake of the giver.
kerchief (n.)
A square of linen, silk, or other material, used as a covering for the head or neck.
kernel (n.)
A grain or seed.
kiln (n.)
An oven or furnace for baking, burning, or drying industrial products.
kiloliter (n.)
One thousand liters.
kilometer (n.)
A length of 1,000 meters.
kilowatt (n.)
One thousand watts.
kimono (n.)
A loose robe, fastening with a sash, the principal outer garment in Japan.
kind-hearted (adj.)
Having a kind and sympathetic nature.
kingling (n.)
A petty king.
kingship (n.)
Royal state.
kinsfolk (n.)
pl. Relatives.
knavery (n.)
Deceitfulness in dealing.
knead (v.)
To mix and work into a homogeneous mass, especially with the hands.
knickknack (n.)
A small article, more for ornament that use.
knight errant (n.)
One of the wandering knights who in the middle ages went forth in search of adventure.
knighthood (n.)
laborious (adj.)
labyrinth (n.)
A maze.
lacerate (v.)
To tear rudely or raggedly.
lackadaisical (adj.)
lactation (n.)
The secretion of milk.
lacteal (adj.)
lactic (adj.)
Pertaining to milk.
laddie (n.)
A lad.
ladle (n.)
A cup-shaped vessel with a long handle, intended for dipping up and pouring liquids.
laggard (adj.)
Falling behind.
landholder (n.)
landlord (n.)
A man who owns and lets a tenement or tenements.
landmark (n.)
A familiar object in the landscape serving as a guide to an area otherwise easily lost track of.
landscape (n.)
A rural view, especially one of picturesque effect, as seen from a distance or an elevation.
languid (adj.)
languor (n.)
Lassitude of body or depression.
lapse (n.)
A slight deviation from what is right, proper, or just.
lascivious (adj.)
lassie (n.)
A little lass.
latent (adj.)
latency (n.)
The state of being dormant.
later (adv.)
At a subsequent time.
lateral (adj.)
Directed toward the side.
latish (adj.)
Rather late.
lattice (n.)
Openwork of metal or wood, formed by crossing or interlacing strips or bars.
laud (v.)
To praise in words or song.
laudable (adj.)
laudation (n.)
High praise.
laudatory (adj.)
Pertaining to, expressing, or containing praise.
laundress (n.)
laureate (adj.)
Crowned with laurel, as a mark of distinction.