SAT 3 Flashcards
Abstract; adjective
-theoretical, not applied or practical~ not concrete~ hard to understand. Antonym – concrete, tangible To him, hunger was an abstract concept; he had never missed a meal.
Bizarre; adjective
-strikingly odd in appearance or style; grotesque. The plot of the novel was too bizarre to be believed.
Cajole; verb
-to persuade by pleasant words or false promises. Diane tried to cajole her father into letting her drive the family car.
Decadence; noun
-decay; decline. Many sermons tend to focus on the moral decadence in our time.
Efface; verb
-to wipe out; to erase. A devious attempt to efface the signature didn’t fool the bank teller.
Fastidious; adjective
-hard to please; dainty in taste Antonym – amiable Bobby was such a fastidious eater that he would eat a sandwich only if his mother first cut off every scrap of crust.
Garner; verb
-to gather and store away; to collect. Antonym – dispel, distribute By paying close attention, you must be able to garner some information, which will elucidate the situation.
Hedonist; noun
-one to lives solely for pleasure. Antonym – ascetic Abandoning her lifestyle as a hedonist, Maria entered the convent.
Imminent; adjective
-about to occur. The ominous clouds told us that a storm was imminent.
Laconic; adjective
-brief or terse in speech; using few words. Antonym – gregarious, verbose The tense situation called for a laconic reply, not a lengthy exposition
Meager; adjective
-thin; lean; of poor quality or small amount. The visiting team lampooned the meager dinner served by their hosts.
Obsolete; adjective
-out-of-date. Propeller planes have become obsolete.
Pariah; noun
-an outcast. If everyone ostracized singer Mariah Carey, would she then be Mariah the pariah?
Quandary; noun
-condition of being doubtful or confused. The benefits and dangers of a nuclear plant leave us in a quandary.
Raconteur; noun
-a person skilled at telling stories or anecdotes My father was a gifted raconteur with an unlimited supply of anecdotes.