SAT 25 Flashcards
unpalatable -
distasteful; disagreeable
Veracity -
Unstinting -
giving generously; not holding back
Untenable -
indefensible; not able to be maintained
Vagabond -
wanderer; tramp
Unerringly -
infallibly; without fail
verisimilitude -
appearance of truth; likelihood
Unequivocal -
plain; obvious; unmistakable
Uncanny -
strange; mysterious
vernacular –
having to do with language
living language; natural style
verbiage -
pompous array of words
ungainly -
awkward; clumsy; unwieldy
- venal -
capable of being bribed
Ubiquitous -
being everywhere; omnipresent
Ulterior -
unstated; hidden; more remote
Turpitude –
depravity; to deprave
Turgid -
swollen; distended
Tumult -
commotion; riot; noise
Venerable -
deserving high respect
Variegated -