SAT 14 Flashcards
Abridge; verb
To shorten; to condense; to diminish;
For people who don’t want to read an entire newspaper, there are clipping services that abridge new stories to specification.
Ant. to curtail/expand; extend; increase
Articulate; adj.
– effective; distinct
The student’s articulate presentation impressed the teacher.
Articulate -Verb
- to speak or pronounce clearly and distinctly; to express effectively
When children first learn to talk, they do not articulate well. Surveys show that women are more apt at articulating their feelings than are men.
Belie; verb
– to contradict; give a false impression
His coarse, hard-bitten exterior belied his inner sensitivity.
Conciliatory; adj.
– making peace; placate
The conciliatory handshake between Kobe Bryant and Shaquille O’Neal was a symbol that the opponents would try to get along.
Ant. provoke
Despondent; adj.
– despairing; depressed
Holden Caulfield was so despondent, he contemplated suicide.
Ephemeral; adj.
- short-lived; fleeting
Many celebrity relationships are ephemeral; they are short-lived.
Ant. lasting; permanent
Exuberance; noun
– overflowing abundance; joyful enthusiasm
I was bowled over by the exuberance of your welcome.
Adj. – Pittsburgh Steelers fans were exuberant when their team won the Super Bowl.
Ant. apathy; despondent
Glutton; noun
- someone who eats too much; a person having the capacity to withstand
Hypothetical; adj.
– based on assumptions or hypotheses; unproven
The teacher gave us a hypothetical situation and told us to role play.
Ant. real; actual
Insipid; adj.
– dull; bland/ exciting
Our math teacher tells the most insipid jokes, but we laugh because he is such a nice guy.
Jocular; - adj.
– inclined to joke; jovial; merry; amusing or intended to cause amusement
Every time I went to math class, our jocular teacher told a new joke.
Ant. serious
Lament; verb
– to grieve; express sorrow
The 49ers’ fans lamented the loss of their team in the Super Bowl.
Miserly; adj.
- stingy; mean
On Christmas Eve, old Scrooge ceased being miserly and became a generous, kind man.
Ant. generous
Oblivion; noun
- obscurity; forgetfulness
We have seen many pop groups and singers come up, and have witnessed quite a few fade into oblivion.
Placate; verb
– to win over, conciliate, mollify, appease, soothe
The manager authorized a refund to placate the angry customer.
Ant. enrage
Quagmire; noun
– soft, wet, boggy land; a complex or dangerous situation from which it is difficult to free oneself
The US quagmire in Afghanistan is raising big questions among many occupying US troops.
Satirical; adj.
– mocking
Some contemporary cartoonists have created satirical cartoons mocking the world’s great religions.
Ant. respectful
Tranquility; noun
– calmness; peace
It is up to our generation to restore tranquility for a peaceful world.
Ant. disturbance
Usurp; verb
– to seize by force without legal rights
The army revolted and usurped control from the rightful government.
Whimsical; adj.
– capricious; fanciful
A Midsummer Night’s Dream, by William Shakespeare, is a whimsical fantasy that explores love’s mysterious powers.