SAT 20 Flashcards
Deft; adj.
—quick and neat; skillful / clumsy; awkward; inept
The deft waiter uncorked the champagne without spilling a drop.
Confer; verb
- to give, grant, or bestow; award / retrieve; recover
The city council conferred the contract to the lowest bidder.
Effeminate; adj.
—having female qualities / masculine; manly
A male that has effeminate qualities displays femininity and unmanliness, which contradicts traditional masculine, male gender roles.
Epigram; noun
—witty thought or saying, usually short
Poor Richard’s epigrams made Benjamin Franklin famous.
Extemporize; verb
—ad lib; improvise; impromptu
John wasn’t prepared for his oral presentation, so he had to extemporize and made it up as he went along.
Feign; verb
—to fake or to pretend
He feigned an interest in the conversation, but his mind wandered elsewhere.
Fractious; adj.
—unruly; disobedient; irritable / even-tempered
Bucking and kicking, the fractious horse unseated its rider.
Imperceptible; adj.
—unnoticeable; undetectable / obvious; clear
Fortunately, the stain on the blouse was imperceptible after the blouse had gone through the wash.
Incredulous; adj.
—withholding belief; skeptical
When Jack claimed he hadn’t eaten the jelly doughnut, Jill took an incredulous look at his smeared face and laughed.
Infinitesimal; adj.
—minute; minuscule; tiny; extremely small / immeasurable; vast
The error in the thirty-page report was so infinitesimal, it was imperceptible—even by the editor.
Languid; adj.
—weary; sluggish; listless / vigorous
Her siege of illness left her languid and pallid.
Leverage; noun
—influence; power; force; control
The foreman has leverage over his workers because he decides the work assignments.
Levity; noun
—lack of seriousness; lightness / serious; sober
Stop giggling and wriggling around in the pew: such levity is improper in church.
Parcel; verb
—distribute; divide; allocate; apportion
The landowner parceled out his property to three sharecroppers.
Paternal; adj.
Paternal instincts take over when a man becomes a father.
Peremptory; adj.
—demanding and leaving no choice; putting an end to
The defense used a peremptory challenge, thanked the juror, and the judge told her she could leave.
Plagiarism; noun
—theft of another’s ideas or writings passed off as original
The editor recognized the plagiarism and rebuked the culprit who had presented the manuscript as original.
Privy; adj.
—private or secret
I could not tell you about the job lay offs; it was privy information known only to the supervisors.
Prominent; adj.
—conspicuous; noticeable; sticking out / unknown
Have you ever noticed that Prince Charles’s prominent ears make him look like the big-eared character in Mad comics?
Proximity; noun
—nearness; closeness / distant; far away
Blind people sometimes develop a compensatory ability to sense the proximity of objects around them.