SAT 19 Flashcards
Adversary; noun
– opponent; challenger; rival; enemy; foe / supporter
The young wrestler struggled to defeat his adversary.
Accessible; adj.
– easy to get to; obtainable; nearby; available; reachable / inaccessible
We asked our guide whether the ruins were accessible on foot.
Censorious; adj.
– disapproving; critical; severe; stern; hypercritical; contemptuous / approving
Censorious people delight in casting blame.
Commemorate; verb
–to honor the memory of somebody or something; remember; memorialize; observe / ignore
The statue of the Minute Man commemorates the valiant soldiers who fought in the Revolutionary War.
Disdain; verb
– view with scorn; despise; contempt; derision; disparagement / respect
In the film Funny Face, the bookish heroine disdained fashion models for their lack of intellectual interests.
Doctrine; noun
– teachings, in general; policy; principle; set of guidelines; canon; dogma
He was so committed to the doctrines of his faith that he was unable to evaluate them impartially.
Eloquence; noun
– the ability to speak forcefully; expressiveness; articulacy; persuasiveness
The crowds were stirred by Martin Luther King’s eloquence.
Exploit; verb
– take advantage of; make use of; to use or develop something in order to gain a benefit
Cesar Chavez fought attempts to exploit migrant farmworkers in California.
Fallacious; adj.
– false; untrue; misleading; erroneous; deceptive
Paradoxically, fallacious reasoning does not always yield erroneous results: even though your logic may be faulty, the answer you get may nevertheless be correct.
Frivolous; adj.
– lacking in seriousness; playful; frolicsome; perky; lighthearted; flippant / serious
Though Nancy enjoyed Bill’s frivolous, lighthearted companionship, she sometimes wondered whether he could ever be serious.
Ingenious; adj.
– clever; resourceful; original; inventive; creative
Kim admired the ingenious way that her computer keyboard opened up to reveal the built-in CD-Rom.
Lavish; adj.
– generous; openhanded; extravagant; lush; abundant
Her wealthy suitors wooed her with lavish gifts.
Methodical; adj.
– systematic; logical; disciplined; precise; orderly / haphazard
An accountant must be methodical and maintain order among his financial records.
Ostentatious; adj.
– marked by a vulgar display of wealth; pretentious; flamboyant / modest
Donald Trump’s casino in Atlantic City is the most ostentatious gambling palace in the East: it easily out-glitters its competitors.
Phenomena; noun
– observable facts; subjects of scientific investigation; plural of phenomenon; marvel
We kept careful records of the phenomena we noted in the course of these experiments.
Precocious; adj.
– advanced in development, especially mentally; intelligent; gifted; talented / slow
Listening to the grown-up way the child discussed serious topics, we couldn’t help remarking how precocious she was.
Repudiate; verb
– disown; disavow; reject; disclaim; renounce; deny / acknowledge
On separating from Tony, Tina announced that she would repudiate all debts incurred by her husband.
Robust; adj.
– vigorous; strong, healthy, and hardy in constitution; hearty; full-bodied / weak
After pumping iron and taking karate for six months, the little old lady was so robust that she could break a plank with her fist.
Succinct; adj.
– brief; terse; concise; to the point; pithy
Don’t bore your audience with excess verbiage: be succinct.
Turmoil; noun
– great commotion and confusion; chaos; disorder; mayhem / order
Lydia running off with a soldier! Mother fainting at the news! The Bennet household was in turmoil.