SAQ 2022+ Flashcards
Question 1 Describe your preoperative assessment of a patient with oesophageal cancer scheduled for an oesophagectomy and justify your strategy to optimise them before surgery. Pass rate 64.1%
Question 2 Outline your management of a patient with chronic daily headache. Pass rate 79.0%
Question 3
The following are the arterial blood gas (ABG) results of a patient with chronic liver disease:
Reference ranges
pH 7.49 7.36 - 7.44
PaCO2 25 mmHg (3.3 kPa) 36 - 44 mmHg (4.8 - 5.9 kPa)
PaO2 55 mmHg (7.3 kPa) 85 - 100 mmHg (11.3 - 13.3 kPa)
HCO3 24.8 mmol/L 22 - 28 mmol/L
SpO2 88%
FiO2 0.21
Interpret this ABG.
List the causes of hypoxia in patients with chronic liver disease.
Describe how you would differentiate between the causes of hypoxia in patients with chronic liver disease.
Pass rate 31.3%
Question 4
Describe the factors that ensure the safety and quality of a ward-based postoperative epidural analgesia service.
Pass rate 45.6%
Question 5
Describe a technique for front of neck access to the airway in a ‘Can’t Intubate, Can’t Oxygenate’ situation. (50%)
Outline the potential complications and limitations of this technique. (50%)
Pass rate 86.7%
Question 6
A patient with primary pulmonary hypertension is scheduled for laparoscopic bowel resection.
Their current medication is bosentan PO 125mg bd.
Discuss how their condition influences your perioperative management.
Pass rate 54.9%
Question 7
An 80-year-old man is in the post anaesthesia care unit (PACU) following a transurethral resection of prostate under spinal anaesthesia.
He is restless, saturating poorly on air and refusing to keep an oxygen mask on.
List the likely differential diagnoses and describe your management.
Pass rate 37.9%
Question 8
Identify the points labelled A to F on this intra-aortic balloon pump (IABP) pressure-time trace at the commencement of 1:2 augmentation. (30%)
Outline the aims of IABP placement and discuss the underlying physiological principles. (70%)
Pass rate 49.7%
Question 9
Discuss how pregnancy influences your perioperative management of a patient at 25 weeks gestation scheduled for laparoscopic appendicectomy.
Pass rate 49.7%
Question 10
Describe your response to a formal complaint made by a patient about you to your head of department.
Pass rate 83.6%
Question 11
Discuss the perioperative management of a patient on haemodialysis who is to undergo a renal transplant.
Pass rate 39.0%
Question 12
A patient with Type 1 diabetes mellitus is scheduled for laparoscopic cholecystectomy.
Outline your perioperative management of their diabetes.
Pass rate 33.3%
Question 13
Describe the sensory and motor innervation of the airway relevant for topicalisation for an awake nasal fibreoptic intubation.
Pass rate 37.9%
Question 14
Discuss the safety precautions and equipment requirements for providing anaesthesia in the MRI suite.
Pass rate 41.0%
Question 15
Justify your perioperative management plan of a six-year-old child with a penetrating eye injury.
Pass rate 43.1%