SAP TM Flashcards
SAP TM Integrated with: (9)
Event Management ERP SAP Environment, Health and Safety EWM CRM GTS External GIS BW BI
Location master data (2)
Location type
Transportation lane (12)
From- to Means of transpot ---Validity ---Distance ------Precision ---Duration ---Carrier selection relevance ---Carrier selection settings ---Carrier ------Priority ------Internal cost ------Tendering settings
Means of tansport (8)
Transportation mode Multi-resource Low/high/average speed Additional check-boxes ---GIS quality ---Passive ---Scheduled means of transport ---No direct load ---Own means of transport
Organisational structure
Corporate Company Code ---Sales Organization ------Sales Office ---------Sales Group
Purchasing Organzation
—Purchasing Group
Planning and Execution Organization
—Planning and Execution Group
Forwarding House
Standart processes in TM (9)
Managing Transportation Requirements Managing Forwarding Orders Managing Freight and Bookings Planning Freight and Selecting Carriers Tendering Freight Executing and Monitoring Freight Shipments Settling Freight Orders Settling Forwarding Orders Settling Internal Charges
Embedded TM (9)
Basic charge calculation and freight management Transportation execution w/o event management Inbound and outbound shipment management Manual carrier selection Main parts of transportation network Basic transportation planning Manual tendering Output management Analitycs in BW
Load planning is made from (4):
Transportation cockpit
Road freight order
Container Unit
Trailer Unit
Freight unit building rule determination
Condition/default in ---Forwarding order type ---OTR type ---DTR type Standart settings = planning profile
Driver properties (7)
Home location
Organizational Unit
Validity Period
Absences (e.g. sickness, vacation)
Non-working times (e.g. shift sequences from Monday to Friday)
Last planned location and availability time
Automatic driver assignment prerequisites:
Driver assignment is requested via the freight order type
Driver is assigned to the resource master data of the vehicle resource as default driver
Manual can be done in Transportation cockpit
Carrier Selection strategies:
Cost and Priority Business Share (Buckets of share + Penalties for excessed shares) Transportation Allocation (maximum/minimum capacity restrictions) Continuous Move (Simple, Round trip)
Carrier Selection Strategiy defined in:
Planning profile - Carrier selection settings
Transportation lane
Delivery proposal consolidation constrains (9):
Consolidation allowed for an order-based transportation requirement
SAP ERP system from which the order was received
Source location
Destination location
Shipping conditions
SAP ERP document type, such as purchase order or sales order
Start stop (if planning has already been done)
Destination stop (if planning has already been done)
TM-ERP-EWM integration points in New Outbound process
TM OTR - ERP Sales Order
TM Delivery proposal - ERP Delivery - Outbound delivery request
TM DTR - ERP Outbound delivery
TM Freight order - EWM Transportation Unit
TM-ERP-EWM integration points in New Inbound process
TM DTR - ERP Inbound delivery - EWM Inbound delivery notification
TM FO - EWM Transportation Unit
TM - EWM integration
TM FO - EWM Trasportation Unit
+ multiple notifications
Delivery profile settings (4)
Fix planned freight units, freight orders, or freight bookings
What to do if SAP ERP creates delivery first
Incompatibility settings
Whether freight units/orders/bookings that are blocked for planning or for execution should be included in delivery proposal creation
Shedule types (3)
Carrier schedule
Gateway schedules:
Stage categories (5) which of them are statistical
Customer self-delivery (statistical)
Customer pick-up (statistical)
Pre, main, on - carriage
Stage profile properties (4)
=defined set of stages assigned to FWO type/ If set, it’s no possible to change the sequence of stages:
Mandatory/optional stages
Statistical stages.
Planning relevance (overall or Sales org of FWO + planning and execution org of stage)
Relevance for internal settlement
Sources of Stage sequence in FWO
Stage profile
Movement type
FWO type settings (6)
Traffic direction
Movement type
Transportatin mode
Default UoM
Charge calculation enablement
Credit limit check Enabelment
TM business documents with execution tracking (4)
Freight Units
Freight Orders and Freight Bookings
Transportation Units
Load planning constrains (7)
Dimensions Weight Stackability Axle weight distribution Further rules, priority of rules Locations (LIFO) Which freight units belongs together
Vehicle resource properties (8)
Types: Passive or active. Public (subcontracted) or private Multidimensional: up to 8 dimensions. Limited availability via shift-sequences (for example weekends). Has master data: ---Resource name ---Calendar and time zone ---Capacity Assignment to one means of transport
Carrier properties (7)
Transportation lane Freight code set Product freight Transportation group Equipment group Fixed transportation costs Dimention costs
Delivery proposals careated from (6)
Batch job OTR worklist Freight unit worklist Freight order worklist Ocean/air freight worklist Transportation cockpit
Agreement item determination preconditions (4)
Trade lanes
Item precondition
Charge type in calculation sheet preconditions (4)
Trade lanes
Dispute options (4)
Change quantity of logistical data
Adapt existing charge items
Add new charge items
Upload a document
FSD created from (3)
FO POWL individual and collective
FB POWL individual and collective
Batch report
Calculation profile assigned to
Org unit
Calculation profile settings (7)
Calculation date type Agreement determination Calculation sheet determination Data source (route type) Through rate (on - with stages) Dimentional weight Exchange rate
Important FSD statuses (8)
New In process Ready for Accruals Transferred for Accruals Accruals Posted Invoice Verified in SAP ERP Cancellation Requested in SAP ERP Canceled
Incompatibility areas(4)
Vehicle scheduling and routing planning (VSR)
Freight unit building (FUB)
Carrier selection
Delivery proposals
Tendering profile properties (10-11)
Tendering variant - direct, peer-to-peer, broadcasting (best offer, first acceptable offer)
Response time
Price limits,
Automatic re-tendering
Tendering process and RFQ publishing
Set up web-based, e-mail, SMS, B2B tendering communication
Set up authorization basednd data visibility:
change the price and delivery dates
view tender price limit, stop date and rejection code reasons
support of free text and attachments
Currency settings
EM and exception based management
Org units of:
FWO - sales
FU - purchasing, execution
FO - purchasing, execution
TU - execution
Calendar resources can be assigned as (4):
Inbound operating hours
Outbound operating hours
Means-of transport specific inbound operation hours
Means-of transport specific outbound operation hours
SAP ERP control key assignment (5)
Sales organisation Distribution channel Division SO Type Shipping condition
SAP ERP control key controls (4)
SO to TM
PO to TM
Outb del to TM
Inb del to TM
Change controller documents (5)
Freight unit Transportation unit Freight order Freight booking Service order
Change Controller strategy properties (4)
Default for business document
Quantity tolerance
Date tolerance