Sanctity Of Life Flashcards
What does this belief (sanctity of life)influence Christian views on ethical issues
Like abortion , euthanasia, and genetic engineering
What is abortion
The removal of the foetus from the womb before it can survive
When was abortion legalised in Britain
How long can you wait up to to get an abortion?
24 weeks
What is the specific criteria that must be approved by 2 doctors on abortion (4 points)
- the mothers life is at risk
- the mothers physical or mental health is a risk
- the baby is likely to be born severely handicapped (mentally or physically)
- the birth would have a seriously bad effect on other children in the family
Pro life(3 points) ?
- abortion is always wrong
- life begins when sperm meets the egg. (Conception)
- every human has a right to live
Pro choice (3 points)
- abortion can be allowed
- the women should be able to choose what happens to their body
- this would include the right to an abortion
Catholic Church and abortion (4 points)
- against abortion in all circumstances- pro life
- all life is sacred
- life begins at conception
- god gives life, only he can take it away
Genesis quote (image of god… male and female)
“In the image of god he created them, male and female”
Exodus (commandement contradicting abortion)
“Thou shall not kill”
What are do pipe Francis and St John Paul ll believe about abortion
Abortion is wrong and murder
COE and abortion (4 points)
- pro life but only aloud in some occasions
- if pregnancy is a result of rape abortion is ok
- if the woman’s mental health is at risk
- if a child would be born severely disabled
What does COE say about abortion (lesser…)
“Lesser of two evils”
What does the sanctity of life mean
The belief that all human life is holy and god given and should be protected
What are some beliefs of Christian’s linking to sanctity of life (4 points)
- Imago dei
- god is the creator
-sacredness of life - Jesus’ teaching
What do christians that uphold the sanctity of life think of abortion
Often oppose it arguing that life begins at conception and every baby deserves to be born
What do Roman Catholics think about abortion
Morally wrong in all cases
What do Protestants think about abortion
Allow abortion in some cases like rape or danger to mothers life emphasising compassion
What do many Christian’s think about euthanasia
They oppose it and believes it’s violates the sanctity of life
Life is something only… (take)
God can take away
What are alternatives to euthanasia
Palliative care
What do some Christian’s think about capital punishment (agains)
Some oppose the death penalty because it contradicts the sanctity of life and Jesus’ teaching on forgiveness
Why do some people agree with capital punishment
Believe it can be justified as a form of justice
What is genetic engineering seen as by Christian’s (against)
Creating or manipulating life raises concerns about ‘playing god’
Why do some christians accept genetic engineering and cloning
May support treatments that alleviate suffering
What are secular perspectives that challenge the sanctity of life
- A non religious person might focus on the quality of life rather than the sanctity
What scientific advances challenge the sanctity of life
Modern technology challenges traditional views on the sanctity of life like ivf GE and cloning
What moral dilemmas challenge the sanctity of life
Cases like abortion when the mothers life’s at risk or euthanasia for those suffering unbearable pain raise question about prioritising the sanctity
Jerimiah 1:5
“Before I formed you in the womb I knew you”
Psalm 139: 13-14
“You knit me together in my mothers womb”
What did Peter singer say about abortion of an embryo quote
“It’s morally acceptable to abort as an embryo won’t suffer”
What do humanist think about the idea of life beginning at conception
It does begin at conception but it’s biological life not human life and life happens when birthed (human life begins at a later stage of life)
What did pope Francis say on abortion (yes t)
“Yes to life and no to death”
What did pope say about life (life…sacred)
“Life is sacred and belongs to god”
Why does Peter singer say abortion is ok if it…
Leads to greater happiness
What is a human (ok for abortion foetus)
A human is someone who can think feel and make moral choices.a foetus can’t