Pesach Flashcards
Pesa h stands for
When does it take place
What does this holiday recall
The time Jews were saved by Moses from Egypt
What kind of festival is it
Festival of freedom
What does flat bread symbolise this festival (pesach)
The slaves who left Egypt were in such a rush they didn’t have time for their bread to rise
What does Seder mean
What do bitter herbs represent on the Seder plate
The bitterness of slavery
What is salt water used to remember
The tears
What is charoset
A mix of apple cinnamon nuts and wine
What is charoset used to symbolise on a Seder plate
The cement used in the building by slaves
What is wine a symbol of
What is an activity the youngest does during Passover
Asks four questions about the origin of the ritual, hides a piece of matzah 🫓 bread and first child that finds it wins a prize
What does god command Jews to do in the Torah
To celebrate pesach
Quote from exodus (lambs)
Go and select lambs for yourselves and kill the Passover lamb
Why do Jews retell this story
To ensure that Jewish faith and religion is passed on
What does it remind Jews today to think about (Passover)
People today who are suffering from slavery and oppression
What does having a Seder plate symbolise
Jews can feel empathy with their ancestors who were kept as slaves in Egypt
How do Jews practice Passover
Prayers for those who aren’t free
Exodus(I have heard)
I have heard the misery of my people
What did god say when he sent the 10 plagues
I Will stretch my hand