San Jiao Channel Flashcards
San Jiao Channel is known as
Hand Shaoyang SJ Channel
23 points
starts at tip of ring finger
“ear channel”
named points
SJ2 Ye Men (gate of fluids)
SJ4 Yang Chi (Yang pond)
SJ5 Wai Guan (outer gate)
SJ8 San Yang Luo (connecting 3 yang)
SJ 17 Yi Feng (wind screen)
SJ21 Er Men (ear doors)
5 shu points
SJ1 Jing well Pt (metal)
SJ2 ying-spring (water)
SJ3 shu stream (wood)
SJ6 jing river (fire)
SJ 10 He-sea (earth)
most frequently used Pts
SJ 5, 6
Front Mu
Ren 5
Back shu pt
lower He-sea pt
Source pt
SJ 4
Luo connecting pt
confluent pt of yang wei
Xi cleft pt
SJ 7
window of sky point
SJ 16
Crossing of yang wei
SJ 13
crossing point of Yang wei/GB
SJ 15
crossing pt of GB
SJ 17
SJ 20
crossing pt of GB/SI (deadman)
crossing point of GB/LI (shang hai)
crossing pt of GB/SI
SJ 22
Divergent channel
Starts at head
6th confluence
SJ luo connecting channel
begins SJ5
up posterior of arm and over the shoulder
disperses in chest
to converge w/ PC primary ch
excess: spasm of elbow
Deficiency: flaccid muscle in the arm and elbow
SJ Muscle channel
Mostly same as primary
but passes in front of ear
knots at dorsum of wrist
branch connects with root of tongue
connects at corner of forehead
Fxs of San Jiao organ
a) functional system- allows all organs to function properly
b) moves 3 qi (zong, ying, wei)-distributes to 5 zang, 6 fu organs.
c) pipeline to carry fuels (“passage of water and food”)
d) pathway for food/water/fuel to the yang
e) metabolism
Fxs San Jiao channel
clear heat
neck, throat, tongue
eyes- w-h and LV/GB heat
sooths heart, calms spirit
benefits ears esp excess patterns (LV yang rising)
treats headache (temporal= SJ head ache)
animal is boar
Shoulder pain pts
SJ 1
LI 1
SI 1
FX: SJ 1
Expel wind:
external-above neck: ears, throat, tongue
internal-unconsciousness in acute wond stroke
Benefit ear/tongue: deafness, tinnitus, deafness, cracked, stif, curled tongue
Invigorate blood: distal pt for shoulder pain, elbow pain, inability to look backward
Yen Men (gate of fluids)
ying spring
water Pt
Clear heat (all below elbow do): internal/external
calm spirit
resolve obstruction in ch: trigger finger (Bae Shao pt)
Fx SJ 3
Shu stream- wood
tonification Pt
famous for ear
- clears heat (same as SJ1, SJ 2)
clears head and eyes- tinnitus, dizziness, earache, red eyes, throat, itchy face
- removes obstruction from chnl: elbow/shoulder pain, pain of spine at level of heart
- regulates qi and lifts mind LV qi stag, hypo pain, depression d/t LV
Yang Qi (yang pond)
source pt
clears heat
benefits original qi (more famous than SJ3)
SJ4 + ST36 = post natal and prenatal qi at same time
SJ4 + ST42 (source pt too)= strengthens body/fatigue
regulates ST
Fluid transformation:
SJ4+ UB64 (source pt also)= edema/urinary issues
Tonifies Chong and Ren channels- menstrual probs (SJ 6 better-deadman)
relaxes sinews- removes obstruct.=any wrist problems
Wai Guan (outer gate)
connecting pt, confluent pt w/ yang wei channel
used thru n thru w/ PC 6
Releases exterior, expels wind heat (more than wind cold)- shaoyang &taiyang stages. chills and fever w/ sweating.
LI 4= chills and fever w/o sweating (wind cold)
Clears Heat from upper jiao/LV yang rising
mdlle jiao constipation
SJ 5/6 hypo pain
Removes obstruction: numbness and pain of elbow/arm
jing river pt- fire pt
Most important for clearing heat and moving qi
constipation, amenorrhea, dismenorrhea
qi stag in chest: SJ6 + GB 34 flank pain
clears heat in 3 jiaos : febrile disease, constipation, skin rashes
benefits the voice
obstruction: arm, elbow, wrist pain SJ6+ GB 39 (bones)
Xi -cleft pt (acute, severe problems)
great distal pt to treat acute pain from ear infection
musculoskeletal issues
San Yang Luo (connecting 3 yang)
meeting pt of 3 yang channels SI, LI, SJ
clear heat
good for pain spreading over body in yang channels
clears heat
benefits throat and ears, eyes, head ache
Fx SJ 10
He sea pt-earth
sedation pt
Phlegm: visible and invisible (PC 5 & 13 too)
Dispels stagnation (like LI4, SJ3, LV 3)
- LV qi
- rebellious qi
invigorates qi and relieves pain: elbow, arm, lower back/knees too
adjusts sweating (LI 4, KD 7, HT 6, SJ 10)
FX SJ 11
Difficulty w/ raising shoulder
yellow eyes
Fx SJ 12
midway betw 11 & 13= musculoskeletal probs
Fx SJ 13
crossing pt SJ/Yang wei ch
Phlegm- like SJ11
(LU3, LI 13, LI 14, LI15, SJ 10, SJ 13= all treat phlegm)
eye problems (w/ LI 14)
activate channel relieve pain in upper arm
Fx SJ 14
Dispels wind damp
alleviates pain and benefits shoulder joint
(neck pain w/ shoulder pain)
Fx SJ 15
Neck/shoulder pain
chest and regulate qi
Fx SJ 16
Window of Sky pt
sudden deafness
dimness of vision
rebellious qi
local point neck/head ache
Fx SJ 17
Yi Feng (wind screen)
crossing pt of SJ/GB (shaoyang)
facial paralysis: expels interior and exterior wind from face
clears heat and benefits ears (both SJ/GB enter ears)
Fx SJ 18/19
Benefit ears
calm fright/ pacify wind
clear heat
essential for tetany (contraction of muscles)
FX SJ 20
crossing pt of SJ/GB/LI (SI-deadman)
mostly ears and eyes
teeth, gums, lips
stiffness of neck-cant turn head
Fx SJ 21
Er Men (ear door)
TMJ, toothache, lip pain
patients who cant rotate head
Fx SJ 22
migraine headache, ear, TMJ, mouth/nose
expels wind/alleviates pain
Fx SJ 23
expels wind and stops pain
face: paralysis, headache
Whole body: aversion to w-c, mania, umbilical wind,
convulsions, lock jaw
brightens eyes (off side of eyebrow)
Clearing Heat
SJ 5: Releases exterior, expels wind-heat, clears heat from upper jiao- LV yang rising, midle jiao-constipation, abd pain
SJ6: Most important for moving qi/clearing heat in all 3 Jiaos