Gallbladder Flashcards
Gallbladder Channel
Foot shaoyang GB channel
Originates outer canthus of eye
5 Shu Points
GB 44 jing well
GB 43 yin spring
GB 41 Shu stream
GB 38 Jing river
GB 34 He sea
Front Mu
GB 24
Back shu
UB 19
Named points
GB 12 Wan Gu (whole bone)
GB 14 Yang Bai (yang white)
GB 20 Feng Chi (wind pond)
GB 31 Feng Shi (wind market)
GB 34 yang ling Quan (yang hill spring)
Guan Ming (light brightness)
GB 39 Xuan Zhong (hanging bell)
GB 41 Zhi Lin Qi (foot falling tears)
crossing Pt w/ GB/yang Wei
GB 13-21
Front Mu of KI
GB 25
Crossing Pt of Yang Qiao
GB 29
Ma Dan-yang heavenly star pts
GB 30
(also crossing pt of GB/UB)
GB 34 (also influential pt of tendons/sinews)
Xi -cleft pt of yang -wei channel
GB 35
(also crossing pt of 3 yang channels of leg)
Xi cleft Pt
GB 36
Luo connecting Pt
GB 37
Excess: heat sensation of lower leg, knee pain, numbness of the body, propensity to grind the teeth, fainting
Deficiency: atrophy disorder of the legs, w/ difficulty standing after sitting
Influential Pt of marrow
GB 39
Source PT
GB 40
Confluent PT w/ Dai Channel
GB 41
GB 1 location
.5 cun outer canthus
.5 cun lateral to outer canthus
transverse posteriorly .2-.3 cun
meeting pt SI/GB/SJ
1. brightens eyes: all eye problems. esp LV channel w-h,
inflammations, vision issues, optic nerve
- eliminates wind: migraines, deviation of mouth/eye, throat, supraorbital ridge pain
GB 2
anterior to intertragic notch
posterior process if mandible- mouth open
sl. posterior .5-1.0 cun w/ mouth wide open
- removes obstructions from the channel: problems w/ jaw bone, teeth, chewing etc.
- benefits ears, expels exterior wind, clears heat: ear problems (SJ 3), d/t LV yang rising, LV fire, wind-ht, tinnitus, itching, disorientation
GB 3 location
front of ear/upper border zygomatic arch above ST 7
.3-.5 perp. no deep needling
crossing Pt GB/SJ/ST
1. eliminates wind and benefits ears: deafness, tinnitus. d/c, dim vision, face pain, tooth ache
- activate channel and alleviates pain: headaches, deviation, hemiplagia, lock jaw, tetany, clonic spasm
GB 4 location
w/in hairline of temporal region
junction of upper 1/4 betw ST8 and GB 7
transverse .5- 1.5
- eliminate wind and clear heat
- activate channel and alleviate pain: head, neck, wrist pain, inability to flex wrist, joint wind/swelling
GB 5 location
w/in hairline of temporal region midway of border connecting ST 8/GB 7
transverse .5-1.5
crossing PT of GB/ST/SJ/LI
- expels wind and clears heat
- activates channel and alleviates pain: Face, Skin of face, nosebleed, turbid nasal d/c, rhinitis, ferile disease w/ agitation
GB 6 location
W/in hairline junction lower 1/4
between ST8 and GB 7
transverse .5-1.5 cun
Meeting pt GB/SJ/ST/LI
1. removes obstruction from channel
benefits the ear
expels wind and clears heat: local for temporal headache
swelling/redness facial skin
- Benefits ear: pain along GB channel from ear
- Expels wind and clears heat:
febrile disease w/o sweat, agitation of HT w/ no desire to eat
heat in mdle jiao
GB 7 location
directly above posterior border of preauricular hairline
1 finger breadth anterior to SJ 20
transverse .5-1.5 cun
crossing PT GB/UB
- eliminates wind and benefits mouth and jaw: headache, swelling of cheek, trismus, pain in temporal region, infantile convulsion, lock jaw, vomiting, aphasia,
GB 8 location
Superior to the apex of auricle
1.5 cun hairline
transverse .5-1.5
GB 9 location
Fold ear
directly above auricle
2 cun w/in hairline
.5 cun posterior to GB 8
transverse .5-1.5
- removes obstruction from channel: tooth ache, swelling of pain and gums
- Subdues rising qi: migraines d/t LV yang rising/ LV fire/ LV wind
- eliminates interior wind: a)Calms spasms, convulsions, epilepsy, contraction of muscles
b) calms mind mvnt and speech issues d/t CNS problem
GB 10 location
Posterior/superior to mastoid process; midway of curve betw GB9- GB 11
transverse .5-1.5
crossing PT GB/UB
- Clears head and benefits neck region
- activates channel and alleviates pain
a) head
b) neck
c) chest
d) extremities
GB Divergent channel
3rd confluence
Originates on thigh
ascends to eye (makes a loop with primary channel)
crosses HT and esophagus
converges with LV divergent channel at pubic area
GB Luo Connecting Channel
Excess: heat sensation of lower leg, knee pain, numbness of body, propensity to grind teeth, fainting
Deficiency: week/flaccid foot muscle, making it difficult to stand
begins at GB 37, joins LV channel, down and over dorsum of foot
GB Muscle channel
ascends from 4th toe
bridge of nose
outer canthus
Crossing point of GB/Yang Wei
GB 13- 21
Crossing Pint of GB/DAI
GB 26-28
UB crossing point w/ GB
UB 31-34
GB Channel Fxs
- Disorders of eyes (esp d/t w-h or LV/GB heat)
- disorder of the ears (esp d/t w-h or LV/GB heat)
- headaches (esp one-side temporal headache)
- Disorders of LV: LV Qi stag; LV fire; LV yang rising, LV wind affecting GB channel
- Phlegm disorders: scrofula, nodules
- Clears damp-heat from GB organ
- clearing patho factors from shaoyang level
- Disorders of the spirit and ethereal soul (hun): GB/LV fire
GB Qi Def
animal: mouse
GB 1 indications
- Local Pt for eyes- all kind of eye problems
- eliminates the wind
migraine on temple
deviation mouth and eye
painful throat
pain suborbital ridge
GB 2 indications
Ear problems
- obstructions from channel/pain
deviation mouth/eyes: bells palsy
Pain in mandibular: TMJ
toothache - Benefits ears, expels wind, clears heat
NOT for ear d/c- will add more heat
GB 3 indications
upper gate (ST 7 is lower gate) crossing PT GB/SJ/ST
between eye and ear- so both problems
- eliminates wind and benefits ear
deafness, tinnitus, toothache, aversion to wind and cold - activates channel and alleviates pain
GB 4 indications
Good for pple w/ trouble flexing neck (4-7)
- Eliminates wind/clears heat.
4-7 line up on temple: all local PTs for migraine or neck pain
- activates channel/alleviates pain
wrist pain (wrist is neck of hand; ankle wrist of foot)
GB 5-7 indications
same as GB 4 w/:
GB 5: febrile disease
GB 6: heat in mdle jiao
GB7: vomiting, aphasia, inability to turn head
GB 8 indications
famous for headache and vomit:
- LV yang rising, LV fire, LV wind
- harmonizing diaphragm and alleviating vomiting
- alcohol intox/vomiting
GB 9 indications
- Channel problem that extends to mouth:
toothache, swelling/pain and gums
- interior wind:
contraction of muscles
GB 10 indications
Treats many different things: neck, ears, connection to LU
- head: headache, tinnitus, deafness, chills/fever
- neck: stiffness, pain, poiter, throat pain, swelling
- chest: fullness w/ dyspnea, chest pain, cough w/ phlegm
- extremities: pain of shoulder and arm, inability to raise arm, flaccidity of legs and inability to walk
GB 11 indications
Helps sensory orifices: eyes, ears, nose, mouth
- clears head and benefits senses
- activates channel and alleviates pain: cold Sxs
- clears heat and eliminates wind
GB 12 indications
Wan Gu (whole bone)
Most important of pts 1-12 (1-11 mostly local pts)
- eliminates wind from head and calms spasms: hemiplegia, clenched jaw, contration of muscles around mouth, atrophy of limbs, epilepsy, malaria, shaking of head
- Subdues rising qi and benefits the head: migraines d/t LV yang rising, LV wind
- (famous) Calms the mind: insomnia, mania, agitation of HT, dark urine
GB 13 indications
mental/emotional problems; emotionally stuck people:
- calms mind: schizophrenia, split personality, persistent jealousy and suspicion, anxiety, constant worry, fixed thoughts
Acupuncturists like this pt for calming the mind
(frontal lobe pts: Du24, UB3, UB4, GB 13, GB 15)
- Eliminate internal wind, resolve phlegm, epilepsy
- brings up KI essence to nourish and clear brain : poor memory, headache
GB 14 indications
Yang Bai (yang white)
Middle eye brow=
local PT for frontal headaches, facial tics, palsy, improves vision
- eliminates wind, benefits head, alleviates pain
- Subdues rising Qi: facial paralysis, twitching eyelids, pain of forehead, facial pain, dizziness, night blindness, short sightedness
GB 15 indications
“tears,” mood swings, epilepsy: same as GB 13
Good for eye, nose Fxs (like DU 23, 24)
- eliminates wind, benefits the head and alleviates pain
- benefits the nose and eyes
GB 16 indications
eye problems, headache w/ eye pain, all kind of eye problems, migraine w/ pain behind eye
- benefits the eyes
- eliminates wind and alleviates pain
GB 17 indications
benefits ST nausea (like GB 8). Does not have to be headache- just vomiting
- benefits head and alleviates pain
- Benefits the ST
GB 18 indications
important for mental life, obsessive thoughts (like GB 13), dementia, sorrow
- calms mind and clears brain
- benefits the head and alleviates pain
- benefits the nose and descends LU qi: nodes, she d/n think used for cough too much
GB 19 indications
related to vision/balance; reaches to eyes and nose forward
- headaches, migraine head aches, brain wind, stiffness of neck
- epilepsy, pain of the eyes, nasal pain, nosebleed
GB 20 indications
Feng Chi (wind pond)
One of most important points: frequently used to treat all diseases of head, brain, sensory organs
eliminates ext and int wind from headache, relax muscles, normalize blood flow to head/neck
- eliminates wind, subdues LV yang or LV fire
- clears head for deficiency of sea of marrow: benefits ears, promotes brain FX- to think better/more clearly bec of circulation
- close to mastoid (like GB 12) indicated for insomnia, neck/shoulder pain/stiffness
- activates channel and alleviates pain: indicated for lower back pain
GB 21 indications
Frequently used and dangerous
- relaxes sinews, alleviates pain: stiffness of neck, inability to raise arm, windstroke, wind taxation, steaming bone disorder
- transforms and lowers phlegm and dissipates nodules: cold, phlegm, phlegm nodules in throat
- promotes lactation
- promotes delivery (contra for pregnancy)
GB 22-23 indications
axillary line
chest pain/coughing
regulate qi in 3 jiaos
GB 24 indications
Front- Mu
treats GB + LV hypochondriac pain
- promotes function of GB/LV
- resolves damp- heat (+GB 34/LI 11 for hepatitis)
- lowers rebellious qi and harmonizes the middle jiao
- also use for LV/GB attacking ST
GB 25 indications
Front Mu of KI
helps KI/SP relationship, supports human life
- tonifies KI and regulates the water passage
- fortifies the SP and regulates the intestines: edema, H2O transportation
- strengthens lumbar region
GB 26 indications
beginning of Dai Channel
treats Dai, harmonizes LV/GB= treats lower jiao/repro/intestines/urinary/gyno problems
- regulates Dai: irregular periods, amenorrhea, etc. important gyno pt; drains damp and resolves damp-heat and stops leukorrhea. Most important for vag d/c
- alleviates pain radiating to back
GB 27-28 indications
similar to 26
gynecology, leukorrhea, local abd issues, hernia, back pain
good for knee pain, more severe- the better the response
GB 29 indications
Musculoskeletal issues
hip pain
lower back pain
- benefits hip joint
GB 30 indications
ma da-yang heavenly star point (frequently used)
sciatica, lower back pain, knee pain/Fx
itchy anus, itchy groin, urticaria, eczema
GB 31 indications
Feng shi (wind market)
“wind market”
frequently used/important point
- treats wind: wind-damp attacking legs; skin diseases (d/t w-h in blood), hemiplagia after wind-stroke
- expels wind and relieves itching of whole body: herpes (combine w/ ST 6)
- relaxes sinews and strengthens bones: pain along leg, atrophy, muscle weakness, knee or back pain,
GB 32 indications
much like 31 but 31 more important
GB33 indications
wind-cold invading knee (contraindicated for moxa)
local point for knee problems
GB 34 indications
Yang Ling Quan (yang hill spring)
One of most important points on body
He - se point, earth point, influential point of sinews and tendons
clears heat
- regulates and clears LV/GB: LV Qi stag, hypochondriac region, frequent sighing, mental /emotional LV sxs, fullness and pain of lateral costal region, fear of people as is about to be apprehended
- rebellious qi: nausea/vomiting
- harmonizes shao yang: alt heat and chills
- resolves damp heat- w/ GB 24
- relaxes sinews- any tendon/sinew problem
like GB 20 - use everyday in practice
GB 35 indications
Xi- Cleft of Yang Wei channel
crossing point of 3 yang channels of the legs
treats ST/GB/UB @ one point
- relaxes sinews and removes obstruction from channel and stops pain
- regulates GB qi and calms spirit
crossing of 3 yin ch of leg= SP6
crossing of 3 yang ch of arm=SJ8
Crossing Pt of 3 yin ch of arm=PC 5
GB 36 indications
Xi cleft pt for acute pain of GB cn
where qi and blood gather and plunge more deeply
Used for rabies (Sxs relief)
- atrophy, painful obstruction lower limb, pain of skin, cold-damp leg qi
- clears and detoxifies poison
GB 37 indications
Guang Ming (light brightness)
connecting pt with LV channel
- Brightens eyes: opens eyes: site/floaters, blindness/ itchiness
- dispels wind-damp, activates the channel and alleviates pain: one sided headache, grinding teeth=jaw pain, sweating, knee pain
GB 38 indications
jing river pt, fire pt, sedation pt
- clearing stagnation and heat from the entire course of GB channel
- clearing shaoyang heat
- benefiting the sinews and bones of whole body (similar to GB 34- sinews and bones of whole body)
- subdues LV yang, resolves damp- heat and harmonizes shao yang: Chronic migraine (famous pt)
- alleviates pain
GB 39 indications
Xuan Zhong (hanging bell)
influential pt of Marrow
- benefits essence, nourishes marrow and eliminates wind: any marrow related issue, nourish KI essence and marrow
- HTN/nose bleed/windstroke
- sinews/bones: sciatica
- famous for neck pain
- promotes LV and GB Qi and clears GB fire: specific LV invading LU, happening bec of LV qi stag and attacking SP/ST: UTI thru n thru SP 6/GB 39
GB 40 indications
source point
ankle sprain
neck pain: when treating ask PT to move neck to connect to Tx. (when treating LU7, SI3, GB 39)
improves PT’s mobility
GB 41 indications
Zhi Lin Qi (foot falling tears)
shu -stream point, wood point, confluent point of Dai channel; tears
- regulates Dai Channel and resolves Damp-heat: SJ5/GB 41 can treat all Dai Channel if Dai tight/blocked; good for Leukorrhea
- promote smooth flow of Qi
- clears head and benefits eyes: First choice for migraine (use SJ5, GB 41, LI4, GB 41 if eye pain too); GB 16 also good for eye pain. Also good for tearing.
- removes obstruction from channel: knee pain, hip pain, lower leg pain, foot pain
GB 42 indications
Not frequently used/lie GB 41
GB 43 indications
Yin Spring pt, water pt, tonification pt
Treats LV fire, LV yang rising
famous for tinnitus but not so much for deficiency
red eyes
eye pain
GB 44 indications
Jing- well pt, metal pt.
NOT indicated for unconsciousness
removes excess from head, another good one for migraine
can blood let (dont bleed much)
calms mind
Named points
GB 12 Wan Gu posterior/inferior mastoid process
GB 14 Yang Bai 1 cun directly above mid eyebrow
GB 20 Feng Chi depression at base of skull-level Du 16
GB 31 Feng Shi midline lateral thigh where mdle finger falls (7 cun above crease)
GB 34 Yang Ling Quan anterior and inferior to head of fibula
GB 37 Guang Ming 5 cun above tip of ext malleolus
GB 39 Xuan Zhong 3 cun above ext malleolus
GB 41 Zhi Lin Qi depression betw 4th/5th toe
Famous (important) points
GB 8 headaches and vomiting, alcohol intox
GB 12 insomnia
GB 13 mental/emotional problems
GB 15 tears: mood swings, epilepsy
GB 16 migraine/pain behind eye
GB 17 ST/vomiting
GB 18 mental life, obsessive thoughts
GB 20 frequ used/every day; diseases of head, brain, sensory orgs, headache, wind
GB 21 frequ used+ dangerous, lactation, delivery
GB24 front mu GB/LV hypochondriac pain, makes mind clear (hidden FX)
GB 26 gyno problems
GB 31 wind, skin diseases, itching, wind stroke
GB 34 sinews/tendons
GB 35 treats ST/GB/UB
GB 36 rabies, poison, Xi cleft
GB 37 eyes. luo connecting Pt
GB 38 chronic migraine
GB 39 Marrow/KI essence; lateral side of neck pain
GB 41 treats all Dai channel; leukorrhea (GB26); #1 for migraine (GB16) w/ eye pain
GB 43 LV Fire/LV yang rising-tinnitus
Water point/tonification point
GB 43
Influential Pt of Marrow
GB 39
opening Pt (confluential pt) of Dai Channel
GB 41
Influential Pt of tendons and sinews
Ma Dan-yang heavenly star Pt
GB 34
crossing Pt of GB/Dai
GB 26-28